What Do the Jews Call the Book of Numbers?

by Alice

The Book of Numbers, the fourth book of the Bible, holds significant importance in both Jewish and Christian traditions. In the Jewish tradition, it is known by a different name: Sefer Bamidbar. This name reflects its content and context more accurately than the title “Numbers,” which emphasizes the censuses recorded within the text. In this article, we will explore the meaning, significance, and content of Sefer Bamidbar, offering a deep understanding of this crucial part of the Torah.

Understanding Sefer Bamidbar

Sefer Bamidbar translates to “In the Wilderness” in English. This name is derived from the opening verse of the book, which states, “The Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai” (Numbers 1:1). The title captures the essence of the book, focusing on the Israelites’ journey and experiences in the desert after their exodus from Egypt.

The book is called “Numbers” in English because of the censuses taken of the Israelite people, as described in its opening chapters. However, the Hebrew name emphasizes the setting and the experiences of the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness. This distinction highlights the Jewish perspective on the text, focusing on the journey and trials faced by the Israelites.

See Also: The Book That Follow Leviticus: The Book of Numbers.

The Structure of Sefer Bamidbar

Sefer Bamidbar is divided into several sections, each detailing different aspects of the Israelites’ journey and their relationship with God. These sections include:

The Census and Organization of the Tribes (Chapters 1-4)

Laws and Regulations (Chapters 5-10)

The Journey from Sinai to Moab (Chapters 11-21)

The Second Census and Preparation for Entering the Promised Land (Chapters 26-36)

Each of these sections provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by the Israelites and the lessons learned during their time in the wilderness.

The Census and Organization of the Tribes

The first part of Sefer Bamidbar deals with the census and organization of the Israelite tribes. God commands Moses to take a census of all the men of Israel who are able to go to war, organizing them by their tribes and families. This census is not only a practical measure but also a way to emphasize the importance of each individual within the community.

The detailed listing of tribes and their leaders underscores the structured and organized nature of the Israelite camp. The arrangement of the camp, with the Tabernacle at its center, symbolizes the centrality of God in the lives of the Israelites. This section also highlights the roles of the Levites, who are set apart for the service of the Tabernacle and are not included in the census of the other tribes.

Laws and Regulations

Following the census, Sefer Bamidbar outlines various laws and regulations that the Israelites must follow. These include instructions on maintaining purity within the camp, the Nazirite vow, and the offerings of the leaders at the dedication of the Tabernacle.

The laws serve to reinforce the covenant between God and the Israelites, reminding them of their unique status as God’s chosen people. These regulations also ensure that the community remains holy and that the presence of God can dwell among them.

The Journey from Sinai to Moab

The central portion of Sefer Bamidbar narrates the journey of the Israelites from Mount Sinai to the plains of Moab, near the Promised Land. This journey is marked by numerous challenges, including complaints from the people, rebellions, and battles with neighboring tribes.

One of the most significant events during this journey is the incident of the spies. Moses sends twelve spies to scout the land of Canaan, and upon their return, ten of the spies bring back a negative report, causing the people to lose faith and rebel against God. As a result, God decrees that the current generation will not enter the Promised Land, and the Israelites are condemned to wander in the wilderness for 40 years.

Despite these setbacks, the journey also includes moments of divine provision and guidance. God provides manna and quail to sustain the people and instructs Moses to strike a rock to bring forth water. These miracles reinforce God’s presence and care for the Israelites, even in the face of their disobedience.

The Second Census and Preparation for Entering the Promised Land

The final section of Sefer Bamidbar begins with a second census, taken 40 years after the first. This census marks the end of the older generation and the beginning of a new chapter for the Israelites. It is a preparation for their entry into the Promised Land.

This section also includes various instructions and laws that the Israelites must follow once they enter Canaan. These laws cover inheritance, offerings, and the division of the land among the tribes. The book concludes with the Israelites on the brink of entering the Promised Land, ready to fulfill the promise made to their ancestors.

Significance of Sefer Bamidbar in Jewish Tradition

Sefer Bamidbar holds significant spiritual and historical importance in Jewish tradition. It serves as a reminder of the challenges and trials faced by the Israelites during their journey in the wilderness. The book emphasizes themes of faith, obedience, and reliance on God, which are central to the Jewish faith.

The narrative of Sefer Bamidbar also highlights the importance of community and leadership. The detailed organization of the tribes and the roles of the leaders underscore the need for structure and order within the community. The various rebellions and challenges faced by Moses and Aaron illustrate the difficulties of leadership and the importance of faith and perseverance.

Lessons from Sefer Bamidbar

Sefer Bamidbar offers several timeless lessons that remain relevant for readers today. These include:

1. Faith and Trust in God: The Israelites’ journey in the wilderness serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and trust in God. Despite their frequent complaints and rebellions, God remains faithful and provides for their needs. This teaches us the value of trusting in God’s plan, even in difficult circumstances.

2. The Consequences of Disobedience: The various rebellions and acts of disobedience by the Israelites result in severe consequences, including the decree that the older generation will not enter the Promised Land. This emphasizes the importance of obedience to God’s commandments and the consequences of turning away from Him.

3. The Role of Leadership: The leadership of Moses and Aaron is a central theme in Sefer Bamidbar. Their challenges and successes offer valuable insights into the qualities of effective leadership, including humility, perseverance, and reliance on God.

4. Community and Unity: The organization of the Israelite camp and the emphasis on community highlight the importance of unity and cooperation. Each tribe and individual has a role to play in the larger community, reinforcing the value of working together towards a common goal.

5. Preparation for the Future: The second census and the instructions for entering the Promised Land demonstrate the importance of preparation and planning for the future. This teaches us the value of being ready for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.


Sefer Bamidbar, known as the Book of Numbers in the Christian tradition, is a rich and complex text that offers profound insights into the experiences and faith of the Israelites during their journey in the wilderness. Its emphasis on faith, obedience, leadership, and community provides valuable lessons that continue to resonate today. By understanding the significance and content of Sefer Bamidbar, we can gain a deeper appreciation for this pivotal part of the Torah and its enduring relevance in our lives.

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