How Long Does It Take to Read the Book of Numbers?

by Alice

The Book of Numbers is the fourth book in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is part of the Pentateuch, which includes the first five books of the Bible, traditionally attributed to Moses. Numbers is a rich and complex text, detailing the Israelites’ journey from Mount Sinai to the borders of the Promised Land. It contains laws, census data, and various narratives. Because of its length and content, many people wonder how long it might take to read this book.

Overview of the Book of Numbers

The Book of Numbers consists of 36 chapters and a total of 1,288 verses. It can be divided into three main sections:

1. Preparation for Departure from Sinai (Chapters 1-10): This section includes the census of the tribes, the arrangement of the camp, and various laws and regulations.

2. From Sinai to Moab (Chapters 11-25): This part covers the journey of the Israelites, including their complaints, rebellions, and the stories of Balaam and Balak.

3. Preparation to Enter the Promised Land (Chapters 26-36): The final section includes a second census, additional laws, and instructions for entering the land.

See Also: 10 Tips on Better Enjoy Reading the Bible.

Factors Influencing Reading Time

Several factors can affect how long it takes to read the Book of Numbers:

1. Reading Speed: The average adult reads at a speed of 200-300 words per minute (wpm). However, reading speed can vary greatly depending on familiarity with the text, level of concentration, and purpose for reading.

2. Purpose for Reading: Reading for comprehension or study often takes longer than reading for general understanding. If you are taking notes, reflecting on the text, or cross-referencing with other parts of the Bible, it will take more time.

3. Background Knowledge: Familiarity with the historical and cultural context of the text can impact reading speed. Understanding the significance of the events and laws described can make the reading experience smoother and faster.

4. Language: The translation or version of the Bible being read can also affect reading time. Some translations use more contemporary language, which might be easier to read quickly, while others use more archaic or formal language, which can slow down reading.

Estimating Reading Time

To estimate the time it takes to read the Book of Numbers, we can use the average reading speed and the word count of the book. The Book of Numbers has approximately 32,902 words. Based on average reading speeds, we can make the following estimates:

  • Slow Reader (150 wpm): A slow reader might take around 219 minutes, or about 3.6 hours.
  • Average Reader (200-250 wpm): An average reader might take between 132 to 165 minutes, or about 2.2 to 2.75 hours.
  • Fast Reader (300 wpm): A fast reader might take around 110 minutes, or about 1.8 hours.

These estimates are for continuous reading without breaks. Realistically, most people will take breaks and may not read the entire book in one sitting.

Reading the Book of Numbers for Study

If you are reading the Book of Numbers for study purposes, it will likely take longer. Here are some tips to make the process more manageable and enriching:

1. Divide the Text: Break the book into manageable sections. You can follow the natural divisions of the book (Chapters 1-10, 11-25, 26-36) or create your own divisions based on themes or events.

2. Use Study Aids: Utilize commentaries, study guides, and other resources to help you understand the context and significance of the text. This can enhance comprehension and retention.

3. Take Notes: Write down key points, questions, and reflections as you read. This can help you engage more deeply with the text and remember important details.

4. Discuss with Others: Joining a Bible study group or discussing the text with others can provide new insights and help you stay motivated.

Practical Reading Plan

If you are planning to read the Book of Numbers over a period of time, creating a reading plan can be helpful. Here is a sample plan to read the book over two weeks:

  • Day 1: Numbers 1-3
  • Day 2: Numbers 4-6
  • Day 3: Numbers 7-9
  • Day 4: Numbers 10-12
  • Day 5: Numbers 13-15
  • Day 6: Numbers 16-18
  • Day 7: Numbers 19-21
  • Day 8: Numbers 22-24
  • Day 9: Numbers 25-27
  • Day 10: Numbers 28-30
  • Day 11: Numbers 31-33
  • Day 12: Numbers 34-36

This plan breaks the book into roughly equal sections, making it more manageable to read and reflect on each day.

Reflecting on the Content

As you read the Book of Numbers, consider the following themes and questions:

1. God’s Faithfulness and Provision: How does God provide for and guide the Israelites throughout their journey? What does this reveal about His character?

2. Human Rebellion and Faithfulness: How do the Israelites respond to God’s commands and guidance? What are the consequences of their actions?

3. Leadership: What can we learn from the leadership of Moses, Aaron, and others in the book? How do they handle challenges and conflicts?

4. Laws and Regulations: What is the purpose of the various laws and regulations given in Numbers? How do they shape the identity and behavior of the Israelites?


Reading the Book of Numbers can be a rewarding and enlightening experience. Whether you are reading it for personal devotion, study, or academic purposes, understanding the time commitment and planning accordingly can help you make the most of your reading. By considering factors such as reading speed, purpose, and background knowledge, you can estimate how long it will take to read the book and create a plan that works for you. Reflecting on the themes and content of the book can deepen your understanding and appreciation of this important part of the Bible.

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