Steven Malcolm Explores the Boundaries of Worship in Christian Hip-Hop

by Mia

In a recent interview with Worship Leader magazine, Christian hip-hop artist Steven Malcolm challenged conventional notions of worship, emphasizing the expansive role that the genre can play in spiritual expression.

Malcolm, known for his deeply personal lyrics rooted in faith, asserted, “Hip-hop absolutely can be considered worship. If not, then you’re putting God in a box.” He reflected on his own journey, stating, “I’ve seen it impact and change people’s lives, and it’s hip-hop. So yeah, it can be worship.”

When asked about maintaining the presence of his faith in his music, Malcolm highlighted the importance of living according to biblical principles. “Living a life according to the Scriptures and actually walking with Christ…just being about this life, really walking what you’re talking,” he explained.

The influence of scripture on Malcolm’s creative process was also a focal point of the interview. “It’s super vital,” he affirmed. “I’ve caught myself plenty of times reverting back to the text and just being able to interpret it in a creative way.”

Malcolm’s latest single, “Nothing Into Something,” off his album BOATS, encapsulates his message of transformation. Reflecting on its inspiration, he shared, “This record was inspired by my cousin Joshua’s journey to sobriety after battling alcohol addiction. It’s a positive message that the world needs right now.”

Discussing his album BOATS, Malcolm described it as a journey to “Away,” a metaphorical oasis of redemption. “Imagine a place where you become what it is you long to become,” he mused. “Welcome to Away.”

Through his music, Steven Malcolm continues to challenge perceptions and redefine the intersection of faith and hip-hop, emphasizing a message of hope and transformation for his audience.

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