
What Was Abraham Concerned About and Why in Genesis 24?

by Kevin

Genesis 24 tells the story of Abraham‘s concern for his son Isaac. It focuses on finding a wife for Isaac. This chapter highlights Abraham’s faith and his desire to follow God’s will. Let’s explore what Abraham was concerned about and why.

Abraham’s Faith in God

Abraham had strong faith in God. He believed in God’s promises. God promised Abraham many descendants. He promised that Abraham’s descendants would inherit the land of Canaan. Abraham trusted God to fulfill these promises. This faith guided his actions.


Concern for Isaac’s Future

Abraham was very old. He knew he would not live much longer. He was concerned about Isaac’s future. Isaac was the son of promise. Through Isaac, God’s promises would be fulfilled. Abraham wanted to ensure Isaac had a good wife. This was important for continuing God’s plan.


Finding the Right Wife

Abraham did not want Isaac to marry a Canaanite woman. The Canaanites did not worship God. Abraham wanted Isaac to marry a woman from his own people. He wanted a wife who would share their faith in God. This concern was about maintaining their covenant with God.


Sending His Servant

Abraham sent his trusted servant to find a wife for Isaac. He made the servant swear an oath. The servant had to go to Abraham’s homeland. He had to find a wife from Abraham’s relatives. This task was important. The servant was faithful and obedient.


The Oath

The servant placed his hand under Abraham’s thigh. This was a serious oath. It showed the importance of the mission. Abraham instructed the servant carefully. He said, “You shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell” (Genesis 24:3, ESV). Abraham’s concern was clear. He wanted a wife who would honor God.

Trusting in God’s Guidance

Abraham trusted God to guide the servant. He said, “The Lord, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and from the land of my kindred, and who spoke to me and swore to me, ‘To your offspring I will give this land,’ he will send his angel before you, and you shall take a wife for my son from there” (Genesis 24:7, ESV). Abraham believed God would provide the right wife for Isaac.

The Servant’s Journey

The servant traveled to Abraham’s homeland. He prayed for God’s guidance. He asked God to show him the right woman. He said, “Let the young woman to whom I shall say, ‘Please let down your jar that I may drink,’ and who shall say, ‘Drink, and I will water your camels’—let her be the one whom you have appointed for your servant Isaac” (Genesis 24:14, ESV). The servant’s prayer was specific. He sought a sign from God.

Rebekah’s Arrival

Rebekah arrived at the well. She fulfilled the servant’s prayer exactly. She offered water to the servant and his camels. The servant recognized this as a sign from God. He gave her gifts and asked about her family. Rebekah was from Abraham’s relatives. The servant praised God for His guidance.

See Also: Who Is the Mother of Isaac in the Bible?

Rebekah’s Family

The servant went to Rebekah’s family. He explained his mission. He told them about Abraham and Isaac. He shared how God had led him to Rebekah. Rebekah’s family agreed to the marriage. They saw God’s hand in the events. This confirmed the servant’s mission.

Rebekah’s Decision

Rebekah agreed to go with the servant. She showed faith and courage. She left her family to marry Isaac. This decision was significant. It aligned with God’s plan for Abraham’s descendants. Rebekah’s willingness to go was a blessing.

Isaac and Rebekah’s Marriage

The servant brought Rebekah back to Canaan. Isaac and Rebekah met and married. Their marriage was blessed by God. Isaac loved Rebekah. This union continued God’s promise to Abraham. It ensured the continuation of Abraham’s lineage.

Why Abraham Was Concerned

Abraham’s concerns were rooted in his faith. He wanted to honor God’s promises. He sought a wife for Isaac who would share their faith. He wanted to avoid the influence of the Canaanites. Abraham’s actions reflected his trust in God’s plan. He believed that God would provide and guide.

The Importance of Obedience

Abraham’s story teaches the importance of obedience to God. His servant was faithful and obedient. Rebekah was willing to follow God’s plan. Isaac trusted his father’s decision. This obedience brought blessings. It ensured the continuation of God’s covenant.


In Genesis 24, Abraham was concerned about finding the right wife for Isaac. His concerns were based on his faith in God. He wanted to honor God’s promises. He took careful steps to ensure that Isaac’s wife would share their faith. Abraham trusted God to guide the process. This story shows the importance of faith, obedience, and trusting in God’s plan. Through these actions, God’s promises to Abraham were fulfilled.


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