
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Translation Work Showcased in Ghana

by Mia

From April 11 to June 11, 2024, the Ghana National Museum in Accra hosted a special exhibit titled “Promoting Literacy and Bible Education in the Native Languages of Ghana.” The exhibit attracted over 1,300 visitors.

Jehovah’s Witnesses began translating Bible-based publications in 1937 in what was then the Gold Coast, now Ghana. Currently, the Ghana branch translates literature into 12 Ghanaian languages. The exhibit featured videos, publications, and artifacts illustrating this extensive history and highlighted how facilitates access to translated materials.


The exhibit was a collaborative effort between the Ghana National Museum and four professors from the University of Ghana, who worked with the Jehovah’s Witnesses branch. Seeking to enhance the Ghanaian government’s literacy and translation initiatives, the professors examined the translation techniques employed by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Dr. Araba Osei-Tutu, one of the professors, visited the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Warwick, New York, USA, as part of this study. The professors also toured the Ghana branch office.


During the exhibit’s opening, Dr. Osei-Tutu remarked, “Jehovah’s Witnesses play a key role in literacy development, particularly in our local languages. . . . We take this opportunity to . . . extend our appreciation to everyone who has been involved in this work.”


Professor Yaw Sekyi-Baidoo from the University of Education, Winneba, expressed his admiration after viewing the exhibit: “I have always seen Jehovah’s Witnesses as educators, but I am amazed to see the extent of their translation work.”


A spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ghana commented, “It’s encouraging to see Jehovah’s people receive public recognition for the positive impact that their education work has on their communities. It is clear that Jehovah is blessing our efforts to help people of all sorts come to know him.”—John 17:3.


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