
What Religions Don’t Believe in Jesus?

by Mia

Religion has been a cornerstone of human culture for millennia, shaping societies, guiding moral frameworks, and offering answers to life’s existential questions. Among the myriad of beliefs and doctrines, one figure stands out prominently in many faiths: Jesus Christ. However, it’s essential to recognize that not all religions subscribe to the belief in Jesus as a divine figure or a savior. This article delves into the perspectives of various religions that diverge from the traditional Christian view of Jesus.


One of the most well-known religious traditions that does not accept Jesus as the Messiah is Judaism. Judaism predates Christianity and has its own rich history, scriptures, and beliefs. Central to Jewish faith is the belief in one God and adherence to the Torah, the Jewish holy book comprising the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible) and other writings.


From a Jewish perspective, Jesus does not fulfill the criteria outlined in their scriptures for the awaited Messiah. While Jesus is acknowledged as a historical figure by some Jewish scholars, he is not regarded as divine or as the promised Messiah. Instead, Jews anticipate the coming of a future messianic figure who will bring about the messianic age, characterized by universal peace and the recognition of God’s sovereignty.


Islamic Perspective:

Islam, another major monotheistic religion, also offers a unique perspective on Jesus. In Islam, Jesus, known as Isa in Arabic, is considered one of the great prophets, but not divine. The Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, mentions Jesus and his miraculous birth to the Virgin Mary, but it emphasizes his role as a prophet who preached monotheism and obedience to God.


Contrary to Christian belief, Islam rejects the notion of Jesus being the Son of God or part of a divine Trinity. Instead, Jesus is revered as a human messenger of Allah, similar to other prophets in Islam such as Muhammad, Moses, and Abraham. While there are theological differences between Christianity and Islam regarding Jesus’ nature and mission, both religions share common ground in their emphasis on ethical conduct, compassion, and devotion to God.



Hinduism, often characterized by its diversity and multitude of beliefs, does not have a unified stance on Jesus. Some Hindus may perceive Jesus as an enlightened spiritual teacher or an avatar (incarnation) of a divine being, while others may not recognize him within their religious framework at all.

Within Hinduism, the concept of avatars acknowledges the manifestation of divine beings on Earth for specific purposes. While figures such as Rama and Krishna are widely accepted as avatars of the god Vishnu, views on Jesus vary among Hindu sects and individuals. Some may view Jesus as an avatar, while others may see him as a historical figure with no direct relevance to Hindu theology.


Buddhism, a philosophy and spiritual tradition originating from the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha), does not incorporate Jesus into its core beliefs. Buddhism emphasizes the path to enlightenment through practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and ethical conduct.

From a Buddhist perspective, the concept of an omnipotent creator God, as depicted in many monotheistic religions, is not central. Therefore, figures like Jesus, who are associated with divine attributes and salvation through faith, do not have a prominent place within Buddhist teachings.

Instead, Buddhism focuses on the cessation of suffering and the attainment of nirvana, a state of liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. While Jesus may be respected as a moral teacher or a historical figure by some Buddhists, his significance does not align with the core teachings and goals of Buddhism.


Religious diversity enriches human civilization, offering a multitude of perspectives on spirituality, morality, and the nature of existence. While Jesus holds a central role in Christianity as the Son of God and the savior of humanity, it’s important to recognize that not all religious traditions share this belief.

Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, among other faiths, offer unique perspectives on Jesus, ranging from rejection to reinterpretation within their respective theological frameworks. Understanding and respecting these diverse viewpoints fosters interfaith dialogue, mutual understanding, and appreciation for the rich tapestry of human spirituality. In a world marked by religious pluralism, acknowledging and embracing these differences can promote harmony, tolerance, and peace among people of different faiths.


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