
What Happened to Matthew After Jesus Died?

by Mia

The events following the crucifixion of Jesus Christ are among the most pivotal and transformative in Christian theology. As one of the twelve apostles, Matthew played a significant role in the ministry of Jesus, documenting his teachings and miracles in the Gospel that bears his name. However, Matthew’s journey did not end with the death of Jesus on the cross. Instead, it was marked by profound experiences of faith, doubt, and ultimately, a renewed commitment to spreading the message of the risen Christ.

Encountering the Risen Christ:

The resurrection of Jesus Christ stands as the cornerstone of Christian belief, and Matthew‘s encounter with the risen Christ was a defining moment in his life. According to biblical accounts, Jesus appeared to his disciples multiple times following his resurrection, reaffirming their faith and commissioning them to continue his work. Matthew was among those who witnessed these appearances, experiencing firsthand the reality of Jesus’ victory over death.


Matthew’s encounter with the risen Christ served to strengthen his faith and resolve. It validated everything he had witnessed and recorded during Jesus’ earthly ministry, confirming the truth of his teachings and the promise of eternal life. In the presence of the resurrected Jesus, Matthew found renewed purpose and direction for his life.


Navigating Doubt and Uncertainty:

Despite the certainty of Jesus’ resurrection, the period following his death was not without its challenges for Matthew and the other disciples. They faced doubts and uncertainties about the future, grappling with the reality of living in a world without their beloved teacher and friend. Matthew, like his fellow apostles, wrestled with questions of doubt and fear as he sought to make sense of the events that had transpired.


Matthew’s journey through doubt serves as a testament to the human experience of faith. In moments of uncertainty, he clung to the memories of Jesus’ words and the assurance of his presence. Through prayer and reflection, Matthew found the strength to confront his doubts and reaffirm his commitment to the message of the gospel.


Embracing the Great Commission:

Following Jesus’ ascension into heaven, Matthew and the other disciples received their commission to go and make disciples of all nations. This Great Commission marked the beginning of a new chapter in Matthew’s life, as he embarked on a mission to spread the good news of salvation to the ends of the earth.

Matthew’s role as an apostle and evangelist was central to the early spread of Christianity. He traveled far and wide, preaching the gospel and establishing communities of believers. Through his words and actions, Matthew bore witness to the transformative power of Christ’s resurrection, inviting others to experience the hope and redemption found in Jesus.

Facing Persecution and Opposition:

As Matthew carried out his mission to proclaim the gospel, he encountered opposition and persecution from those who rejected the message of Jesus Christ. Throughout the book of Acts and other early Christian writings, accounts of persecution against the followers of Jesus are documented, illustrating the challenges they faced in spreading the message of the gospel.

Matthew’s commitment to his faith was tested in the face of adversity. He endured persecution and hardship for the sake of the gospel, remaining steadfast in his convictions even in the midst of opposition. His example serves as an inspiration to believers throughout the ages, demonstrating the courage and resilience required to stand firm in the face of opposition.

Legacy of Faith:

The legacy of Matthew extends far beyond his role as the author of one of the four Gospels. His life and ministry serve as a testament to the transformative power of faith and the enduring impact of encountering the risen Christ. Through his writings and his witness, Matthew continues to inspire and challenge believers to live out their faith with courage and conviction.


In conclusion, the post-resurrection journey of Matthew is a compelling narrative of faith, doubt, and transformation. From his encounter with the risen Christ to his commitment to spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth, Matthew’s life exemplifies the profound impact of encountering the reality of Jesus’ resurrection. As we reflect on his journey, may we be inspired to follow in his footsteps, boldly proclaiming the good news of salvation to a world in need of hope and redemption.


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