
Who is Sanballat in the Bible?

by Ella

Sanballat is a notable figure in the Bible, specifically in the Old Testament, mentioned primarily in the book of Nehemiah. His role as an adversary to the Jews during the time of their return to Jerusalem provides insight into the challenges that the Israelites faced during the post-exilic period. This article explores the identity of Sanballat, his actions, motivations, and the historical and theological implications of his role.

The Context of Sanballat’s Story

Historical Background

To understand Sanballat’s role in the Bible, it is essential to consider the historical context. After the Babylonian exile, the Jewish people were allowed to return to their homeland by the Persian king Cyrus the Great in 538 BC. This was a significant moment in Jewish history, marking the end of their captivity and the beginning of the restoration of Jerusalem.


The return was not a simple process. The city of Jerusalem was in ruins, and the people faced numerous challenges, including rebuilding the city walls, reestablishing their religious practices, and rebuilding their sense of identity as a nation. It was during this time that Nehemiah, a Jewish official in the Persian court, was appointed to oversee the reconstruction of Jerusalem’s walls.


The Role of Sanballat

Sanballat appears in the biblical narrative as a key figure who opposed the rebuilding efforts of Nehemiah and the Jews. He was not a Hebrew but a member of a group known as the Samaritans. The Samaritans were descendants of Israelites who had intermarried with foreign peoples during the Assyrian conquest of Israel in the eighth century BC. This group had its own version of the faith, which conflicted with the religious practices of the Jews. The Samaritans had a deep-seated animosity toward the Jews, particularly those seeking to restore Jerusalem as the center of worship for the one true God.


Sanballat is identified as the governor of Samaria, a region to the north of Judea. His opposition to the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls is detailed in the book of Nehemiah, where he is depicted as a powerful and persistent antagonist. Understanding his motivations requires an exploration of the political and religious dynamics of the time.

Sanballat’s Opposition to Nehemiah

The Rebuilding of Jerusalem’s Walls

The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem was a critical project for Nehemiah and the Jewish people. The walls had been destroyed by the Babylonians, and without them, Jerusalem was vulnerable to attacks from neighboring nations. The reconstruction effort was not only a matter of physical defense but also a symbol of the restoration of the Jewish people’s identity and their covenant with God.

However, as the project began, Nehemiah and the Jews encountered significant opposition from their neighbors, particularly from Sanballat and his allies. The Bible recounts how Sanballat, along with his fellow conspirators—Tobiah the Ammonite and Geshem the Arab—actively sought to thwart the rebuilding efforts. They used a variety of tactics, ranging from mockery to threats of violence, in an attempt to discourage and intimidate Nehemiah and the workers.

Mockery and Derision

One of the first methods Sanballat used to oppose Nehemiah was mocking the rebuilding efforts. In Nehemiah 2:19, when Sanballat and his allies learned about Nehemiah’s intentions to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls, they mocked and ridiculed him. Sanballat specifically questioned the feasibility of the project, saying, “What is this thing that you are doing? Are you rebelling against the king?” This question sought to undermine Nehemiah’s authority and to create doubt about the legitimacy of his mission.

Sanballat’s use of mockery was not merely an attempt at verbal harassment; it was a deliberate strategy to discredit Nehemiah and to prevent the people from taking the rebuilding seriously. He was hoping that by mocking their efforts, the Jews would be discouraged and abandon the project.

Threats of Violence

When mockery failed to halt the work, Sanballat escalated his opposition. In Nehemiah 4:7-8, the Bible describes how Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem conspired to attack the Jews physically. They became angry when they saw the progress that was being made on the wall and planned to launch a military assault on Jerusalem to prevent the work from continuing. Sanballat and his allies sought to intimidate Nehemiah and the workers by spreading rumors of an impending attack.

Nehemiah responded to these threats by encouraging the people to remain faithful and continue the work, but also to be prepared for battle. He organized the workers into shifts, with some holding weapons while others worked. This action demonstrated Nehemiah’s leadership and his ability to remain calm under pressure, as well as his commitment to protecting the people from harm while also carrying out the rebuilding project.

Deception and Intrigue

In addition to mockery and threats, Sanballat resorted to deception and intrigue to thwart Nehemiah’s efforts. In Nehemiah 6, Sanballat invited Nehemiah to meet him in the plain of Ono, a location that was outside the city. Sanballat claimed that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss matters of mutual interest. However, Nehemiah was wise to his motives and refused the invitation, recognizing it as a trap designed to harm him.

Sanballat also spread false rumors about Nehemiah’s intentions. He accused Nehemiah of planning to rebel against King Artaxerxes, the Persian king, and to make himself king of Jerusalem. This accusation was meant to discredit Nehemiah and to sow distrust among the people. Sanballat’s goal was to undermine Nehemiah’s authority and to prevent the completion of the wall.

Despite these efforts, Nehemiah remained resolute and completed the reconstruction of the wall in just 52 days, a remarkable achievement that demonstrated both his leadership and the strength of the people’s resolve.

Theological Significance of Sanballat’s Opposition

The Struggle Between Faith and Opposition

Sanballat’s opposition to the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls represents the broader struggle between faith and opposition that many believers face in their lives. The work of rebuilding Jerusalem was not only a physical endeavor but also a spiritual one. It symbolized the restoration of the covenant between God and His people, and Sanballat’s efforts to hinder the project can be seen as symbolic of the forces of evil that seek to oppose the work of God.

In the Bible, opposition to God’s plans often comes from external sources, such as rulers, nations, or individuals who reject God’s authority. Sanballat’s hostility toward the Jews reflects the broader tension between the nations that worshipped false gods and the Israelites, who were dedicated to serving the one true God. This tension is evident throughout the Old Testament, as the Israelites frequently encountered opposition from the surrounding nations as they sought to obey God’s commands.

The Role of Leadership

Nehemiah’s response to Sanballat’s opposition provides valuable lessons about leadership in the face of adversity. Throughout the story, Nehemiah demonstrates unwavering faith in God, confidence in his mission, and a willingness to take practical steps to protect the people and continue the work. His leadership serves as an example for believers who face challenges in their own lives.

Nehemiah’s ability to discern the true nature of Sanballat’s intentions and his refusal to be swayed by threats or deception highlight the importance of spiritual discernment in leadership. Nehemiah’s reliance on prayer, his commitment to the people, and his determination to fulfill his God-given mission all reflect the qualities of a leader who is deeply devoted to his faith.

The Victory of God’s Plan

Despite all of Sanballat’s efforts to thwart the rebuilding of the wall, God’s plan ultimately prevailed. The walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt, and the city was restored as a center of worship for the Jewish people. This victory serves as a reminder that no matter the opposition, God’s purposes will always be fulfilled. The story of Sanballat’s opposition underscores the sovereignty of God and the certainty that His will cannot be thwarted by human opposition.


Sanballat’s role in the Bible as an adversary to Nehemiah and the Jewish people highlights the challenges faced by the Israelites during the post-exilic period. His opposition through mockery, threats, and deception served to hinder the rebuilding of Jerusalem, but Nehemiah’s unwavering faith and leadership ultimately led to the successful completion of the task. Sanballat’s story is a reminder of the ongoing struggle between faith and opposition, as well as the importance of strong leadership, discernment, and trust in God’s plan. Through Nehemiah’s example, we learn that no matter the challenges we face, God’s will will prevail, and His plans for His people will be accomplished.

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