
What Does Numbers 19:6 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseNumbers 19:6 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Numbers 19:6 is part of a chapter that deals with the purification of the Israelites, particularly in connection with death and its defilement. This chapter, and this verse in particular, is part of the instructions God gave to the Israelites concerning purification rituals. To fully understand the meaning of this verse, we need to look at its context, how it fits into the broader narrative of the book of Numbers, and its spiritual application for us today.


In this article, we will break down the verse and its significance in light of its biblical context, what it means, and how it applies to our daily lives.


The Context of Numbers 19:6 KJV

The book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible and is often seen as a continuation of the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness after their deliverance from Egypt. The book contains many instructions, laws, and regulations that God gave to His people.


Numbers 19 is one of the key chapters that deals with purification laws. In the Old Testament, purity was a crucial aspect of religious and communal life. The Israelites were God’s chosen people, and because God is holy, His people were required to maintain holiness and purity, especially when it came to worship.

Numbers 19 specifically addresses purification related to death. In the Hebrew Bible, death is associated with impurity, as death entered the world as a result of sin. Thus, anyone who had come into contact with a dead body was considered ceremonially unclean. God provided a purification ritual to cleanse the people, restoring them to a state of purity that allowed them to enter into worship and communion with Him.

The chapter describes the process involving the sacrifice of a red heifer, which was burned completely, and its ashes were used in purification rituals. The process and instructions laid out in Numbers 19 point to deeper spiritual truths about sin, death, and purification that ultimately find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

In this context, Numbers 19:6 describes the involvement of a key figure in the ritual—the priest—and the specific actions he must take to carry out the purification process effectively.

The Importance of Purity in Old Testament Law

Purity was essential in the worship of God. In the Old Testament, God’s presence was considered holy, and anyone approaching Him needed to be cleansed from sin. The law provided methods of purification for various situations that made people ceremonially unclean, such as touching a dead body, giving birth, or certain skin diseases. The purification rites ensured that the Israelites could approach God in worship and community life, maintaining their spiritual cleanliness.

Numbers 19 specifically addresses how to purify those who have become unclean by touching a dead body. These purification laws point to the holiness of God and the need for His people to be cleansed from the stain of sin and death. These laws foreshadow the work of Jesus Christ, who purifies believers from sin once and for all.

Numbers 19:6 (KJV)

The King James Version (KJV) of Numbers 19:6 states:

“And the priest shall take cedar wood, and hyssop, and scarlet wool, and cast it into the midst of the burning of the heifer.” – Numbers 19:6 KJV

In this verse, the priest is given specific instructions to take three items—cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet wool—and cast them into the fire that is consuming the red heifer. These items were not random but had symbolic significance. Each of them played a part in the purification ritual.

Numbers 19:6 Meaning

1. Cedar Wood, Hyssop, and Scarlet Wool: Symbolism

To fully understand the meaning of this verse, it is important to understand the significance of the items involved. These items were used in the purification ritual, but each one had its own symbolic meaning:

Cedar Wood: Cedar was a symbol of strength and durability. It was often used in the construction of sacred buildings, including the temple (1 Kings 6:9). Cedar also had medicinal qualities and was associated with cleansing and purification. In the context of this ritual, cedar wood may represent the strength and permanence of God’s purification process.

Hyssop: Hyssop was a small herb commonly used in Old Testament purification rituals. It was associated with cleansing and was used in the sprinkling of blood in certain sacrifices (Exodus 12:22). Hyssop symbolized purification and the act of cleansing from sin and death. When the priest used hyssop, it represented the action of purification, cleaning away the defilement caused by sin.

Scarlet Wool: Scarlet wool was often used in the Old Testament for purification rituals and in the offerings for sin. The color red is closely associated with the shedding of blood, which is essential for atonement. The scarlet wool, in this case, likely symbolizes the cleansing power of the blood sacrifice. This points to the blood of Jesus Christ, which purifies us from all sin.

2. The Role of the Priest in the Ritual

The priest was the one who mediated between God and the people. In the Old Testament, the priest performed many duties, including offering sacrifices, conducting purification rituals, and ensuring the people maintained holiness. In the case of the red heifer sacrifice, the priest was responsible for overseeing the burning of the heifer and the casting of the cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet wool into the fire.

This act of throwing these items into the fire could be seen as a representation of the priest offering the full purification process to God. It was an act of obedience to God’s commands and a demonstration of the seriousness of the purification ritual.

3. A Picture of Jesus Christ’s Purification

In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to as the fulfillment of the law. The ritual of the red heifer and the purification process in Numbers 19 points forward to the ultimate purification that Christ provides through His sacrifice. Just as the red heifer’s blood and ashes were used for purification, the blood of Jesus cleanses believers from sin and death (1 John 1:7). The wood, hyssop, and scarlet wool in Numbers 19:6 also point to the completeness of Christ’s sacrifice, which purifies us entirely.

The priest’s role in performing these rituals points to Jesus, who is the Great High Priest. Jesus not only offered the ultimate sacrifice (Himself) but also made a way for believers to be purified once and for all. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for us to be cleansed from sin and restored to fellowship with God.

Numbers 19:6 Application in Life

1. Purification Requires God’s Action

In the ritual of the red heifer, purification was not something the Israelites could do for themselves. It required God’s ordained process, which involved sacrifice, blood, and the mediation of the priest. In our lives, we must recognize that spiritual purification from sin is not something we can achieve on our own. It is only through God’s grace and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that we can be cleansed. This reminds us of the importance of relying on God’s provision for purification and salvation.

2. Christ’s Sacrifice Is Complete and Sufficient

The elements used in the purification ritual (cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet wool) point us to the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice. Just as these items were essential for the ritual, so too is the death and resurrection of Jesus essential for our spiritual purification. His sacrifice was perfect and complete. As believers, we can be confident that we are fully cleansed from sin through His blood. There is nothing more needed for our salvation and purification.

3. Holiness Requires Action

The purification ritual required action—the priest had to follow God’s instructions precisely. Similarly, in our Christian lives, we are called to live out our purification by taking active steps in our relationship with God. This involves repentance, obedience to God’s Word, and pursuing holiness through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not enough to simply acknowledge God’s forgiveness; we must respond by living lives that reflect His holiness.

4. God Provides the Means of Purification

Just as God provided the means of purification for the Israelites through the ritual of the red heifer, He provides the means for our purification through Jesus Christ. We are not left to our own devices in overcoming sin; God has made a way through His Son. We should always be grateful for this provision and continually rely on Christ’s work to maintain our spiritual cleanliness.


Numbers 19:6 holds significant meaning for us today, even though it was part of an ancient purification ritual. The symbolism of cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet wool points us to the cleansing power of Christ’s sacrifice. The role of the priest highlights the importance of mediation and the need for a perfect sacrifice to atone for sin. Just as the Israelites relied on God’s purification process, we too must rely on Christ’s work to be cleansed from sin.

This verse reminds us that purification requires God’s intervention, that Christ’s sacrifice is complete, and that we must actively pursue holiness in our lives. The purification rituals of the Old Testament are a beautiful picture of the ultimate cleansing work that Christ has done for us. Through His sacrifice, we can be fully purified, reconciled to God, and live in holiness.

As you reflect on Numbers 19:6, may you be reminded of the sufficiency of Christ’s work and the call to live a life set apart for God.

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