
What Does Numbers 15:38 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseNumbers 15:38 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Numbers 15:38 is part of a section in the Book of Numbers that provides instructions to the Israelites about how to live according to God‘s commandments. The verse itself stands as a call for Israel to observe their spiritual identity and relationship with God through a symbol: the fringes or tassels on the corners of their garments.


This seemingly small commandment contains deep spiritual significance for the Israelites, and for us as Christians today. In this article, we will explore the context of Numbers 15:38, its meaning, how it can be applied to our lives, and its relevance for us today.


The Context of Numbers 15:38 KJV

The Setting in the Wilderness

The Book of Numbers is set during the period when the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt. At this time, the people of Israel were learning how to live as God’s covenant people. They had received instructions about worship, purity, community rules, and the conduct required to reflect God’s holiness.


As the Israelites traveled through the desert, they faced challenges such as disobedience, doubt, and failure to trust in God. The wilderness journey, marked by these difficulties, also provided moments where God would give additional laws and instructions to help His people grow spiritually.

Numbers 15, in particular, is a chapter that deals with various instructions, sacrifices, and laws regarding purity. In the verses leading up to Numbers 15:38, God had already given commandments regarding offerings, the importance of obedience, and the consequences of disobedience.

The Law of the Fringes

In Numbers 15:37–41, God gives specific instructions regarding the fringes or tassels that the Israelites were to wear on the corners of their garments. These were meant to serve as constant reminders of God’s laws and His covenant with them. The commandment to wear these tassels comes after a brief reminder of the importance of obedience to God’s commandments. Numbers 15:38 specifically focuses on the physical act of wearing these fringes as a visible symbol of the Israelites’ commitment to God.

This instruction about the fringes may seem odd or insignificant at first glance, but it played a key role in keeping the Israelites mindful of their special relationship with God, even in the midst of their daily activities.

Numbers 15:38 (KJV)

“Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a ribband of blue.” — Numbers 15:38 (KJV)

Key Elements of the Verse

“Speak unto the children of Israel”: This is a command given to Moses, instructing him to speak to the Israelites and tell them the specific law that God was revealing.

“Fringes in the borders of their garments”: The Israelites were to make fringes, or tassels, on the edges or borders of their garments. These fringes were meant to be worn on the four corners of their outer garments, symbolizing God’s law and covenant.

“Throughout their generations”: This indicates that the commandment to wear these fringes was not just for the Israelites at that time, but for all generations of Israelites. It was a lasting tradition to remind them of God’s commandments.

“A ribband of blue”: The fringes were to have a blue cord or ribbon attached to them. The color blue was significant because it represented holiness and the divine presence of God. It was a color associated with royalty and purity, pointing to God’s holiness and sovereignty.

Numbers 15:38 Meaning

Symbolism of the Fringes

The fringes, or tzitzit, were more than just a fashion statement; they carried profound spiritual significance. In ancient Israel, garments were an essential part of daily life, and the fringes were a reminder woven directly into the clothing of every Israelite. The command to wear these fringes was meant to keep God’s commandments at the forefront of their minds, reminding them to live in obedience to God’s law.

The blue cord attached to the fringes was not only a distinct visual marker but also a symbol of the holiness and authority of God. Blue, as a color, is linked to heaven and the divine presence of God in many cultures. In the case of the Israelites, this blue cord represented the transcendent nature of God, as well as His covenant relationship with His people. The fringe was meant to help them remember that they were set apart as God’s people, called to live according to His commands.

A Physical Reminder of God’s Laws

The fringes were not just a decorative feature but were designed to serve as a continuous reminder of the commandments. Every time the Israelites looked at the fringes on their garments, they were supposed to be reminded of God’s law and His presence. These reminders helped Israel stay focused on the covenant they had with God. The fringes were meant to prevent them from forgetting God’s commandments, especially in moments of temptation or distraction.

The instruction to wear the fringes can also be seen as an invitation to maintain a constant awareness of God’s will in every aspect of life. In the same way that we might wear a piece of jewelry or carry a physical token to remind us of a special occasion or a person, the Israelites wore these fringes as a continual reminder of their identity as God’s chosen people.

Obedience to God’s Command

The fringes also served as a symbol of obedience. By wearing them, the Israelites were making a visible commitment to God’s law. The act of wearing the fringes was a small but important act of obedience, reminding them that God cared about the details of their lives, including how they dressed.

In the broader context of Numbers 15, God was emphasizing the importance of following His laws and remembering His covenant. The fringes were a tangible expression of this commitment, helping the Israelites live in accordance with God’s standards. In fact, the fringes were meant to remind the people not to follow their own desires or the ways of the surrounding nations, but to be distinct and holy, set apart for God’s purposes.

Numbers 15:38 Application in Life

Remembering God in Every Area of Life

The principle behind the fringes is not limited to the Old Testament but has lasting implications for us as Christians today. While we are not required to wear physical fringes or tassels on our clothing, the spiritual meaning behind the command is still very relevant. Just as the Israelites were to remember God’s law through the fringes on their garments, we too are called to remember God in every aspect of our lives.

This can be done in a variety of ways, such as by prioritizing daily prayer, reading Scripture, and seeking God’s guidance in decision-making. Just as the fringes were meant to be a constant reminder to the Israelites, we should find ways to keep God at the center of our thoughts, actions, and relationships.

Living a Life of Holiness

Numbers 15:38 also speaks to the importance of living a holy life, set apart for God. The fringes on the garments of the Israelites were a visible symbol of their commitment to live according to God’s commandments. As Christians, we are called to be holy, as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16). This means living lives that are distinct and different from the world, reflecting God’s values and holiness in our thoughts, words, and actions.

While we may not have physical fringes to wear, we have the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the example of Jesus Christ to guide us as we live out our faith in the world. Just as the fringes were a reminder to the Israelites to live according to God’s laws, we too should strive to live in obedience to God’s Word, remembering that our lives reflect our relationship with Him.

Being Mindful of God’s Presence

Another application of Numbers 15:38 is the call to be mindful of God’s presence in our daily lives. The blue cord attached to the fringes represented God’s presence and holiness. We are called to live with the awareness that God is always with us and that our lives should honor Him.

This means living with a constant awareness of God’s presence in every part of our lives—at work, in our families, in our communities, and even in our leisure time. By acknowledging God in every area of our lives, we are reminded to live with integrity, love, and compassion, reflecting the character of Christ to the world around us.


Numbers 15:38, with its command to wear fringes with a blue cord on the corners of garments, holds deep spiritual meaning for both the Israelites and for us today. While the specific command was given to the Israelites in the wilderness, the principles behind it have enduring relevance. The fringes served as constant reminders of God’s covenant, His holiness, and the need for obedience to His commandments.

For us today, the call to remember God’s laws, live in holiness, and be mindful of His presence in our lives remains as important as ever. Although we may not wear physical fringes, we can adopt the principles of Numbers 15:38 by ensuring that God remains central in our thoughts, actions, and decisions. Through prayer, Bible study, and living a life that honors God, we can continually remind ourselves of our identity as God’s people and our commitment to living according to His will.

By embracing these spiritual lessons, we can deepen our relationship with God, live out His commandments, and be a witness to others of His holiness and grace.

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