
Who is Mahlah in the Bible?

by Ella

Mahlah is one of the five daughters of Zelophehad, a significant figure in the Old Testament. Her name is mentioned in multiple passages of Scripture, primarily in the books of Numbers and Joshua. Though Mahlah is not widely known, her role in biblical history is crucial because she, along with her sisters, challenged the inheritance laws of ancient Israel, leading to a landmark decision that allowed women to inherit property in the absence of male heirs.

This article explores Mahlah’s background in the bible, her significance in biblical history, and the lasting impact of her and her sisters’ courageous appeal for justice.


Mahlah’s Family Background

Descendant of Manasseh

Mahlah was a member of the tribe of Manasseh, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. She was the daughter of Zelophehad, a descendant of Hepher, Gilead, and Machir, making her part of an influential lineage within the Israelite community.


Manasseh was the son of Joseph, one of Jacob’s twelve sons, and his descendants played a significant role in Israel’s settlement in the Promised Land. As a family within this tribe, Mahlah and her sisters were expected to inherit property through their father, but because Zelophehad had no sons, their inheritance was uncertain under the prevailing customs of the time.


The Significance of Being the Eldest Daughter

Although Mahlah is always mentioned alongside her four sisters—Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah—her name is often listed first (Numbers 26:33; 27:1; 36:11; Joshua 17:3), suggesting she was the eldest daughter. In ancient Israelite culture, the firstborn carried a significant role, often acting as the leader or representative of the family in legal and social matters. It is likely that Mahlah played a key role in leading her sisters to petition Moses for their inheritance rights.

The Legal Appeal of Mahlah and Her Sisters

The Problem of Inheritance Laws

During the time of Moses, the law of inheritance in Israel was based on male succession. Property was typically passed down from father to son, ensuring that land remained within the family and tribal lineage. If a man died without sons, his inheritance could be transferred to male relatives but not directly to his daughters.

This posed a significant issue for Mahlah and her sisters. Their father, Zelophehad, had died in the wilderness during Israel’s 40-year journey to the Promised Land. Since he had no sons, his land would have been lost to other male relatives, leaving Mahlah and her sisters without an inheritance.

This situation raised a broader question of justice: Should a man’s family name and property be lost simply because he had no male heirs? Mahlah and her sisters believed this was unfair and decided to take action.

The Courageous Petition to Moses

In Numbers 27:1-5, Mahlah and her sisters boldly approached Moses, Eleazar the priest, and the leaders of Israel at the entrance to the Tabernacle. Their petition was straightforward and rooted in justice:

“Our father died in the wilderness… but he was not among the company of those who gathered themselves together against the Lord in the company of Korah; but he died in his own sin, and he had no sons. Why should the name of our father be taken away from his clan because he had no son? Give us a possession among our father’s brothers.” (Numbers 27:3-4, ESV)

Their request was revolutionary. Women in ancient Israel rarely took part in legal proceedings, let alone challenged the established order. By bringing their case before the nation’s leadership, Mahlah and her sisters demonstrated remarkable courage and faith in God‘s justice.

God’s Response and the Change in Law

Moses, recognizing the importance of their claim, brought the matter before God. In Numbers 27:6-7, God responded in favor of Mahlah and her sisters:

“The daughters of Zelophehad are right. You shall give them possession of an inheritance among their father’s brothers and transfer their father’s inheritance to them.”

This divine ruling not only granted Mahlah and her sisters their father’s inheritance but also set a legal precedent for future generations. God established a new law: If a man died without sons, his inheritance would be given to his daughters. This was a groundbreaking moment in Israelite law, ensuring that women were not excluded from property ownership in such cases.

Additional Legal Clarifications

The Marriage Requirement

While Mahlah and her sisters secured the right to inherit their father’s land, another issue arose. The leaders of the tribe of Manasseh worried that if the daughters married outside the tribe, their inherited land would transfer to another tribe, disrupting the tribal boundaries established by God.

To resolve this, another ruling was given in Numbers 36:6-10:

“This is what the Lord commands concerning the daughters of Zelophehad: ‘Let them marry whom they think best, only they shall marry within the clan of the tribe of their father.’”

This meant Mahlah and her sisters had the freedom to choose their husbands, but they were required to marry within the tribe of Manasseh to keep their inheritance within the family. This ruling balanced justice for Mahlah’s family with the preservation of tribal land divisions.

Mahlah’s Legacy in Israel

Mention in Joshua

Mahlah and her sisters are mentioned again in Joshua 17:3-6, where their claim to their inheritance is fulfilled as the Israelites settle in the Promised Land. This shows that their legal victory was not just theoretical but was implemented in practice. The daughters of Zelophehad became landowners, a rarity for women in ancient societies.

A Model of Courage and Faith

Mahlah’s story is significant because it illustrates several key themes in the Bible:

Courage to Challenge Injustice – Mahlah and her sisters did not accept societal norms that disadvantaged them. Instead, they sought justice through proper legal and spiritual channels.

Faith in God’s Justice – They trusted that God would rule in their favor if their claim was just, and He did.

A Step Toward Women’s Rights in Biblical Law – Although ancient Israelite society remained patriarchal, Mahlah’s case demonstrated that women’s rights could be recognized and protected within God’s law.

Theological and Social Implications

Women’s Rights in the Bible

Mahlah’s story provides an important perspective on the role of women in the Bible. While many biblical narratives focus on men, her story highlights how women, even in ancient times, could advocate for justice and effect real change. It also suggests that biblical law, while reflecting the customs of its time, could be adjusted to promote fairness and equality.

The Justice of God

The case of Mahlah and her sisters underscores the justice of God. He did not dismiss their claim or uphold tradition at the expense of fairness. Instead, He listened, ruled in their favor, and changed the law to prevent similar injustices in the future.

Lessons for Today

Mahlah’s example continues to inspire believers today. Her story encourages people to:

Seek justice – Even in difficult circumstances, it is worth standing up for what is right.

Trust in God’s fairness – God hears the cries of those who seek righteousness.

Use proper channels for change – Mahlah and her sisters did not rebel but petitioned through lawful means, setting an example for advocacy and leadership.


Mahlah may not be the most famous woman in the Bible, but her story is one of remarkable courage, faith, and justice. She played a crucial role in changing Israelite inheritance laws, securing a legal precedent that protected the rights of women in her time.

Her willingness to stand before Moses and advocate for her family’s rights led to a significant shift in biblical law, demonstrating that God values justice for all His people. Through Mahlah and her sisters, we see that even in a patriarchal society, women could take a stand and make a difference.

Mahlah’s legacy remains a powerful example of faith, courage, and perseverance—qualities that continue to inspire believers today.

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