
Numbers 14:12 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseNumbers 14:12 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

The Context of Numbers 14:12 KJV

The book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible, written by Moses. It tells the story of the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. Numbers 14 is an important chapter because it shows a moment of rebellion against God’s command.


In Numbers 13, Moses sent twelve spies to explore Canaan, the land that God had promised to Israel. When the spies returned, ten of them gave a negative report, saying that the land was full of strong people and large cities. Only Joshua and Caleb believed that God would help them conquer the land. The Israelites listened to the ten fearful spies and refused to enter Canaan. They even talked about going back to Egypt instead of trusting God.


In Numbers 14:11-12, God speaks to Moses about the Israelites’ lack of faith. He expresses His anger at their rebellion and suggests a punishment. God tells Moses that He is ready to destroy the Israelites and start a new nation through him.


Numbers 14:12 (KJV)

The King James Version (KJV) of Numbers 14:12 says: “I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they.”

Numbers 14:12 Meaning

1. “I will smite them with the pestilence”

God is saying that He will punish the Israelites with a deadly disease because of their disobedience and lack of faith. The word “pestilence” means a plague or severe sickness. This shows that God does not take rebellion lightly. Throughout the Bible, we see that God uses pestilence as a form of judgment (Exodus 9:15, 2 Samuel 24:15).

2. “And disinherit them”

To disinherit means to remove someone’s inheritance. The Israelites were supposed to inherit the Promised Land, but because of their rebellion, God was ready to take that blessing away. This teaches us that disobedience can cause us to miss out on God’s promises.

3. “And will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they”

God tells Moses that He can create a new nation from him, one that is greater and stronger than Israel. This is a test for Moses. God is giving him a choice—He could allow Israel to be destroyed and start fresh, or he could intercede for them.

4. Moses’ Response (Numbers 14:13-19)

Instead of accepting God’s offer, Moses prays for the Israelites. He reminds God of His mercy and promises. He asks God to forgive the people so that His name will not be dishonored among other nations. Moses shows great humility and love for Israel by interceding on their behalf.

Numbers 14:12 Application in Life

1. God Hates Rebellion

Numbers 14:12 shows that God does not tolerate disobedience. The Israelites had seen many miracles—the parting of the Red Sea, manna from heaven, water from the rock—but still, they doubted God. Their lack of faith angered God. We should learn from this and trust God completely, even when things look difficult.

2. Faith Brings Blessings, Fear Brings Judgment

Joshua and Caleb were the only two spies who had faith in God. Because of their faith, they were blessed and allowed to enter the Promised Land later. The ten spies who lacked faith died in the wilderness. This teaches us that trusting God brings rewards, but fear and doubt lead to loss.

3. Intercession is Powerful

Moses did not accept God’s offer to make a new nation from him. Instead, he prayed for the people. This shows the power of intercession—praying for others can change situations. Like Moses, we should pray for those who are struggling, even when they make mistakes.

4. God is Just, But He is Also Merciful

God was ready to destroy the Israelites, but because of Moses’ prayer, He forgave them (Numbers 14:20). However, He still punished them—none of the adults who doubted would enter the Promised Land. This shows that while God is merciful, He also allows people to face consequences for their actions.

5. Our Actions Affect Future Generations

Because of their disobedience, the Israelites were forced to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. Their children had to suffer for their parents’ mistakes. This teaches us to make wise choices because our decisions can impact others.


Numbers 14:12 is a serious warning about the consequences of unbelief and rebellion. The Israelites had every reason to trust God, but they let fear control them. Because of this, they faced judgment.

At the same time, this verse shows us the power of prayer and intercession. Moses’ love for his people led him to pray for mercy, and God listened. May we learn from Israel’s mistakes and choose to walk in faith rather than fear. God’s promises are true, but we must trust and obey Him to receive them.

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