
What Does Numbers 14:7 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseNumbers 14:7 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

The Context of Numbers 14:7 (KJV)

The book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible and part of the Torah or Pentateuch. It was written by Moses and records the journey of the Israelites from Mount Sinai to the Promised Land. The book is named Numbers because it includes the counting (census) of the Israelites.


Chapter 14 of Numbers is an important chapter. It tells the story of the Israelites rebelling against God after hearing a negative report from ten of the twelve spies.


The Background of Numbers 14

Before we examine Numbers 14:7, we need to understand the events that led to it.


God commanded Moses to send twelve spies to explore Canaan, the land He had promised to Israel (Numbers 13:1-2).

The spies explored the land for forty days and returned to Moses and the people (Numbers 13:25).

Ten of the spies gave a negative report, saying that the land was full of strong people and giants (Numbers 13:28-29).

Only two spies, Joshua and Caleb, trusted God. They encouraged the people to believe that God would help them (Numbers 14:6-7).

The Israelites believed the negative report and wanted to return to Egypt instead of trusting God (Numbers 14:1-4).

Joshua and Caleb tried to convince the people that the land was good and that they should trust God (Numbers 14:7-9).

Numbers 14:7 is part of Joshua and Caleb’s speech. They were pleading with the Israelites to trust in God’s promise instead of fearing the enemy.

Numbers 14:7 (KJV)

Here is Numbers 14:7 in the King James Version (KJV):

“And they spake unto all the company of the children of Israel, saying, The land, which we passed through to search it, is an exceeding good land.”

Numbers 14:7 Meaning

This verse is Joshua and Caleb’s response to the Israelites’ fear. Let’s break it down in simple terms.

1. “And they spake unto all the company of the children of Israel”

  • Joshua and Caleb were not afraid to speak the truth even when most people disagreed.
  • They addressed the entire Israelite community, trying to correct their wrong thinking.
  • This shows their courage and faith in God.

2. “The land, which we passed through to search it”

  • Joshua and Caleb had personally seen the land during the 40-day exploration.
  • They knew the land was fertile and full of blessings.
  • Their firsthand experience made their testimony reliable.

3. “Is an exceeding good land”

  • The land of Canaan was not just good, but “exceeding good” (very, very good).
  • It was rich in resources, with fertile soil, water, and food (Numbers 13:27).
  • It was God’s promised inheritance for Israel.

The Main Message of Numbers 14:7

This verse is a statement of faith. Joshua and Caleb were saying:

  • God’s promises are true.
  • The land is good and worth fighting for.
  • Fear should not stop them from obeying God.
  • Faith is needed to receive God’s blessings.

This verse contrasts with the fear and disbelief of the other ten spies. While most of Israel doubted, Joshua and Caleb believed.

Numbers 14:7 Application in Life

1. Trust in God’s Promises

Just like the Israelites, we often face situations where fear tries to take over. But God’s promises are always true. Faith in God allows us to see beyond obstacles and trust His plan.


  • If God promises to provide, we should trust Him even in difficult times.
  • If God says He will guide us, we should follow Him even when the future is uncertain.

2. Stand Firm in Faith

Joshua and Caleb stood alone against the crowd. This shows that:

  • Faith in God sometimes means going against popular opinion.
  • Standing for the truth is not always easy, but it is the right thing to do.
  • Even when others doubt, we should believe in God’s power.


  • If we face pressure to compromise our beliefs, we should stay strong like Joshua and Caleb.
  • When we see others doubting, we can encourage them with God’s truth.

3. Overcome Fear with Faith

Fear is one of the greatest enemies of faith. The Israelites were afraid of the giants in Canaan, but Joshua and Caleb focused on God’s power instead.

  • Fear says, “I can’t.”
  • Faith says, “God can!”


  • If we are afraid to take a step of faith (such as starting a new job, moving to a new place, or sharing the Gospel), we should remember that God is with us.

4. See Challenges as Opportunities

The ten spies saw problems in Canaan, but Joshua and Caleb saw opportunities.

  • The ten spies saw giants, but Joshua and Caleb saw God’s promise.
  • The ten spies saw walls, but Joshua and Caleb saw God’s power.


  • Instead of focusing on obstacles, we should focus on what God can do.
  • Every challenge is an opportunity for God to show His greatness.

5. Encourage Others to Trust God

Joshua and Caleb did not just believe for themselves. They spoke to all the Israelites and encouraged them to have faith.

  • We should share our faith with family, friends, and those around us.
  • Encouraging others strengthens our own faith.


  • If a friend is struggling with doubt, we can remind them of God’s faithfulness.
  • If someone is afraid to follow God’s will, we can encourage them to step out in faith.


Numbers 14:7 is a powerful verse about faith, courage, and trusting in God’s promises. Joshua and Caleb stood strong when others doubted. They believed in God’s power and encouraged the people to move forward in faith. As believers, we should live like Joshua and Caleb—trusting God, standing firm, and encouraging others to believe in His promises. No matter what challenges we face, we can hold onto the truth that God is faithful!

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