
What Does Numbers 7:68 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseNumbers 7:68 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Numbers 7:68 offers a glimpse into the ceremonial offerings made by the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel during the dedication of the Tabernacle. This verse describes one specific offering—a golden spoon filled with incense. At first glance, this may appear as a simple and specific detail, but the significance of the offering is far deeper and carries profound spiritual meaning.


In this article, we will explore the context of Numbers 7:68, examine its meaning, apply its lessons to modern life, and conclude by reflecting on how this verse can inspire and guide us in our relationship with God.


The Context of Numbers 7:68 KJV

To understand Numbers 7:68, it is important to understand the larger context of the passage. Numbers 7 takes place during the Israelites’ journey in the wilderness, following their deliverance from Egypt. The Israelites were now in the process of dedicating the Tabernacle, which was the central place of worship where God’s presence would dwell among His people. This event marked a crucial step in the Israelites’ relationship with God, and the offerings that were made to God during this time were a significant part of the consecration ceremony.


The Dedication of the Tabernacle

The Tabernacle was a mobile sanctuary that traveled with the Israelites. It was a place where God’s presence would manifest and where sacrifices and offerings would be made. The dedication of the Tabernacle in Numbers 7 involved the leaders of each tribe bringing offerings to consecrate the sanctuary, its furnishings, and the priests who would serve there.

Each of the twelve tribal leaders, as representatives of their people, brought identical offerings. These offerings were symbolic acts of worship, devotion, and submission to God’s will. The offerings included various items such as silver chargers, silver bowls, golden spoons, and incense, all presented in a specific order. The offerings expressed gratitude and reverence for God’s provision and faithfulness.

The Tribe of Zebulun’s Offering

Numbers 7:68 specifically describes the offering brought by the leader of the tribe of Zebulun, a tribe of Israel. The leader of Zebulun at the time was Elon, and his offering is recorded in this verse as a golden spoon filled with incense. This offering is part of the 12-day dedication ceremony in which the leaders from all twelve tribes brought their offerings.

Each offering, though identical in structure, was unique to the tribe and its leader. The golden spoon was an important element in the offering, just as the incense was symbolic of the people’s prayers and worship ascending to God.

Numbers 7:68 (KJV)

The verse reads:

“One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:” (Numbers 7:68 KJV).

Breaking Down the Verse

To better understand the meaning of this verse, let’s break down its components:

1. One Golden Spoon

A spoon made of gold was a valuable item used to hold incense. Gold was a precious and highly regarded material, often associated with wealth and sacredness. In the context of the Tabernacle offerings, the golden spoon signifies that the offering was one of great value and honor. It was an act of presenting something precious to God, demonstrating that the worshiper gave the best they had to offer.

2. Ten Shekels

The golden spoon weighed ten shekels, which was a unit of measurement in ancient Israel. The shekel was a standard weight used for sacred offerings, and its value was set by the sanctuary. The weight of ten shekels indicates that this was a significant offering, not a small or insignificant gift. The weight emphasizes the generosity and commitment of the offering being made to God.

3. Full of Incense

The incense was a mixture of fragrant spices that was burned in the Tabernacle as an offering to God. Incense was symbolic of the prayers and worship of God’s people, as it produced a pleasing fragrance that ascended to God, representing the sweet aroma of heartfelt devotion. The incense was not only used in ritual but was also a powerful symbol of spiritual devotion, prayer, and intimacy with God. The use of incense in worship was a means by which the Israelites could express their adoration and reverence for God.

Numbers 7:68 Meaning

To understand the deeper meaning behind Numbers 7:68, we must consider the symbolism of the golden spoon, the shekels, and the incense in the context of worship and devotion.

1. Gold Represents God’s Holiness

In the Bible, gold often symbolizes God’s holiness and purity. The golden spoon used in the offering signifies that the offering was made in a spirit of holiness. Just as the Tabernacle was constructed with gold to honor God’s presence, the golden spoon reflects the people’s desire to give their best and offer something precious to the Lord. In our own worship, we are called to bring God our best—not only in material gifts but also in our hearts and attitudes.

2. A Generous and Valuable Offering

The ten shekels mentioned in the verse indicate the generosity of the offering. In the Bible, generosity in giving is encouraged as a reflection of God’s own generosity toward us. The weight of the golden spoon suggests that the offering was not small or insignificant, but was made with sacrificial love and a heart that recognized the greatness of God. This challenges us to examine our own giving, not just in terms of material wealth, but in terms of time, energy, and devotion.

3. Incense as a Symbol of Prayer

The incense is symbolic of the prayers of the people ascending to God. In the Bible, incense was often associated with worship and prayer. In the book of Revelation, incense is described as the prayers of the saints (Revelation 5:8). Just as the smoke of the incense rises to God, so do the prayers of His people rise to Him. The offering of incense is a reminder that our prayers are precious to God and that they are an integral part of our worship.

4. Sweet Fragrance of Worship

The incense also represents the sweet fragrance of worship and devotion to God. Just as incense produces a pleasant aroma, our worship and devotion should be a pleasing fragrance to God. God desires our worship to be offered in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). The use of incense in worship underscores the idea that God delights in the sincerity and genuineness of our hearts as we offer our praise and prayers to Him.

Numbers 7:68 Application in Life

The lessons from Numbers 7:68 can be applied to our lives today in several profound ways. Let’s explore how the themes of generosity, holiness, and prayer can shape our daily walk with God.

1. Generosity in Worship

The offering of the golden spoon weighing ten shekels challenges us to think about our own generosity in worship. Just as the Israelites gave valuable offerings to God, we are called to give generously, not only in material things but also in our time, talents, and hearts. God does not desire our leftovers but our best. Are we offering Him the best of ourselves in service, worship, and prayer?

2. Holiness in Our Offerings

The golden spoon also represents the holiness of our offerings. When we give to God—whether in our worship or service—we are called to offer Him that which is pure, precious, and sincere. This speaks to the attitude behind our giving. Are we offering God our best, or are we offering Him something less than He deserves? Worshiping God with holiness means setting aside our personal desires and presenting ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1).

3. The Role of Prayer

The incense symbolizes our prayers ascending to God. In our lives, prayer should not be an afterthought but a central part of our relationship with God. Just as the Israelites offered incense in worship, we should continually offer our prayers, lifting our voices to God in gratitude, praise, and petition. Prayer is a vital aspect of our spiritual growth and intimacy with God, and we are reminded through this verse that our prayers are like incense before Him, pleasing and sweet.

4. Offering with a Sincere Heart

God desires our sincerity in worship. The incense offered in the golden spoon was not just about the material gift; it was about the heart behind the offering. When we come before God, we should examine our hearts and ensure that we are offering our worship and service with a genuine desire to please Him. It is not about going through the motions but about giving God our whole heart, mind, and soul.


In Numbers 7:68, the offering of the golden spoon filled with incense by the leader of the tribe of Zebulun is rich with meaning. The golden spoon symbolizes the holiness and preciousness of our offerings to God. The ten shekels indicate the generosity with which we should offer our gifts to the Lord. The incense represents the prayers and devotion that should ascend to God as a pleasing aroma.

For us today, this passage challenges us to offer our best to God in generosity, holiness, and prayer. Just as the Israelites dedicated their offerings to God, we are called to dedicate our hearts and lives to Him in sincere worship and service. May our lives be a sweet fragrance to God, pleasing in His sight as we offer our best in all that we do.

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