
What Does Leviticus 18:23 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 18:23 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus 18:23 is a verse from the Old Testament that continues to spark discussion among Christians and scholars alike. Like many parts of Leviticus, it is part of a larger body of laws that God gave to the Israelites. The verse addresses sexual immorality, but its meaning and application can be challenging to understand, especially in the context of modern culture.


This article will explore the context of Leviticus 18:23, its meaning in the Bible, and its relevance to Christian life today. We will also look at how this verse fits into the broader teaching of Scripture regarding morality and holiness.


The Context of Leviticus 18:23 KJV

To understand Leviticus 18:23 fully, we must first consider its context within the book of Leviticus. Leviticus is part of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, and it contains laws and regulations given by God to the Israelites. These laws were meant to help God’s people live holy lives, set apart from the surrounding pagan cultures.


Leviticus 18:22–23 in Context

Leviticus 18 contains a series of laws on sexual morality. The chapter outlines various prohibitions that were given to the Israelites in order to maintain purity and holiness. In the preceding verses, the Israelites are commanded not to engage in incest (Leviticus 18:6-18), adultery (Leviticus 18:20), or homosexuality (Leviticus 18:22).

Leviticus 18:23 is part of a broader list of sexual laws that address behaviors that were common in the pagan nations surrounding Israel, such as the Egyptians and Canaanites. These behaviors, including bestiality, were seen as an abomination before God. In Leviticus 18:23, God forbids one of the most unnatural and detestable sexual practices: bestiality, or sexual relations with animals.

Leviticus 18:23 (KJV)

The verse in the King James Version (KJV) reads:

“Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.” — Leviticus 18:23 KJV

In this verse, the term “lie with” is used to refer to sexual intercourse. The verse is a clear prohibition against bestiality, both for men and women. The phrase “it is confusion” indicates that such acts are unnatural, disorderly, and contrary to God’s design for human sexuality.

The context of the phrase “confusion” suggests that this kind of sexual behavior is a distortion of the natural order established by God at creation. In Genesis 1:24-31, God created humans to be in relationship with each other, and He established a specific order for human sexuality between a man and a woman. Any sexual acts that deviate from this design are considered unnatural and morally corrupt.

Leviticus 18:23 Meaning

A Forbidden Act: Bestiality

Leviticus 18:23 is a direct prohibition against bestiality, a practice that was condemned in the Old Testament. While this act may seem foreign to modern readers, it was, in fact, a part of the immoral behaviors of the surrounding nations at the time. In the cultures of Egypt, Canaan, and others, pagan practices included various forms of sexual immorality, including bestiality.

God, through the law, is making it clear that His people, Israel, are to be distinct from these nations. Their moral standards are to reflect His holiness, and any sexual behavior that departs from the natural design for human relationships is forbidden.

“Confusion” and God’s Design for Sexuality

The term “confusion” in Leviticus 18:23 highlights the disorder and unnaturalness of bestiality. It underscores that such acts are contrary to God’s creative design for sexuality. In Genesis, God designed the sexual relationship to be between a man and a woman, a union that reflects the image of God and His purposes for human beings. Bestiality, therefore, is seen as a violation of that design, bringing confusion and disorder into what was meant to be a beautiful and orderly creation.

In the Bible, sexual immorality, including bestiality, is a sign of rebellion against God’s divine order. Throughout Scripture, the theme of God’s design for marriage as the union of one man and one woman is consistent, as seen in passages such as Genesis 2:24 and Ephesians 5:31. Leviticus 18:23, therefore, stands as a clear prohibition that calls the Israelites (and Christians today) to honor God’s design for sexuality.

A Reflection of Holiness

Another important aspect of this verse is its emphasis on holiness. The commandment against bestiality reflects God’s call to holiness for His people. The Israelites were called to live in a way that set them apart from the nations around them. This separation was not just in external practices but also in their moral and sexual conduct.

In 1 Peter 1:16, God commands Christians, “Be ye holy; for I am holy.” The laws in Leviticus, including Leviticus 18:23, set the standard for holiness. Christians today are also called to uphold these standards of purity, as they reflect the character and holiness of God.

Leviticus 18:23 Application in Life

While Leviticus 18:23 specifically addresses bestiality, its application in life today involves understanding and upholding God’s natural order for human relationships. This passage provides valuable insight into God’s design for sexuality and the importance of living according to His moral standards.

Upholding God’s Design for Sexuality

Leviticus 18:23 reinforces the biblical understanding of human sexuality as defined by God. In today’s world, where sexual ethics are often subject to cultural and societal shifts, this verse serves as a reminder that God’s design for sexuality has not changed. Sexual relations are meant to occur within the boundaries of heterosexual marriage, where the couple reflects the unity that God intended at creation.

Christians are called to live according to this design, upholding purity in their sexual relationships. This includes abstaining from immoral practices such as fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and, as Leviticus 18:23 warns, bestiality.

The Call to Purity and Holiness

Leviticus 18:23 is part of a broader call to holiness in sexual behavior. While modern society often blurs the lines of moral sexuality, the Bible maintains that Christians should honor God with their bodies. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, Paul instructs believers to “abstain from fornication,” and he encourages them to possess their bodies in sanctification and honor.

The application of this verse in life today is not just about avoiding specific sinful behaviors but also about cultivating a life of purity and holiness. Christians are called to honor God in all areas of their lives, including their sexuality, as a reflection of their commitment to Him.

The Call to Discernment

Finally, Leviticus 18:23 calls Christians to discern between what is acceptable and what is detestable in God’s eyes. The world offers many competing definitions of sexual ethics, but Christians are called to live by God’s standards, not by the world’s. This requires discernment and a commitment to study God’s Word.

The application of this verse involves more than simply avoiding particular sins; it is about aligning our lives with God’s design for sexuality. By living in accordance with His Word, Christians demonstrate their faithfulness to His commandments and their desire to honor Him in all things.


Leviticus 18:23 serves as a clear and direct prohibition against bestiality, and its meaning goes far beyond simply avoiding a particular sin. It reflects the importance of God’s created order for sexuality, His call for holiness among His people, and the necessity of living according to His moral standards. Though the context and specific cultural references of Leviticus 18:23 may differ from modern times, the principle of sexual purity remains relevant today.

Christians are called to uphold God’s design for human sexuality, to honor the sanctity of marriage, and to live lives of holiness and purity. Leviticus 18:23 reminds us that sexual immorality, including acts that deviate from God’s design, is a serious offense against God’s law. As we strive to live according to His Word, we reflect His holiness and bear witness to the transformative power of the gospel.

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