
What Does Leviticus 11:46 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 11:46 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus 11:46 is a verse that provides a key conclusion to a series of commandments in the book of Leviticus concerning clean and unclean animals. This verse not only has historical significance but also offers important lessons for Christian living. In this article, we will delve into the context of Leviticus 11:46, unpack its meaning, and explore how its principles apply in our daily lives as believers.


The Context of Leviticus 11:46 KJV

The book of Leviticus is part of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible, and contains laws given to the Israelites. These laws governed the people’s worship, social interactions, and personal conduct. Leviticus, in particular, outlines rules for cleanliness, sacrificial rituals, and moral behavior.


The Holiness Code, which spans several chapters in Leviticus, is a set of instructions aimed at helping the Israelites live a holy life, distinct from the surrounding nations. Chapter 11 focuses on clean and unclean animals, detailing which creatures the Israelites could eat and which they should avoid. This section is crucial in understanding God‘s desire for purity among His people.


Leviticus 11:46 comes at the end of a long list of dietary restrictions and purity laws in Chapter 11. These laws were part of God’s instructions for the Israelites on how to maintain ritual purity, which was essential for their relationship with Him. The people were called to follow these laws to remain in covenant with God.

Leviticus 11:46 (KJV)

The verse reads as follows:

“This is the law of the beasts, and of the fowl, and of every living creature that moveth in the waters, and of every creature that creepeth upon the earth:” (Leviticus 11:46, KJV)

In this verse, God is summarizing the laws concerning clean and unclean creatures that have been outlined in the preceding verses. This statement serves as a final declaration that everything that has been discussed in the chapter pertains to the laws about animals and how the Israelites were to distinguish between those that were clean and unclean.

Leviticus 11:46 Meaning

Leviticus 11:46 holds significance not only as a summary of the laws regarding clean and unclean animals but also as a conclusion to the entire dietary code given to the Israelites. Let’s break down the key components of this verse.

A Summary of the Clean and Unclean Laws

This verse serves as a summary and reinforces the detailed commandments in the previous verses. Leviticus 11 describes various animals, both land and water creatures, and outlines which of them were fit for consumption by the Israelites and which were prohibited. The creatures listed in Leviticus 11:46 represent all of God’s creation—land animals, birds, fish, and creeping things—and the law applies to each category.

The distinction between clean and unclean animals is significant because it defined the lifestyle of the Israelites. Their dietary practices were not just about nutrition; they were a way of being set apart from the surrounding nations. God’s people were meant to follow these dietary laws as part of their obedience to Him and their commitment to holiness.

Ritual Purity and Obedience

By reiterating these laws at the end of Chapter 11, Leviticus 11:46 emphasizes the importance of following God’s commandments. For the Israelites, purity and holiness were directly tied to their obedience to these laws. Observing the dietary restrictions would have reinforced their identity as God’s chosen people. The clean and unclean distinctions were part of the covenant between God and Israel.

This verse also highlights that the law is comprehensive, encompassing all living creatures. This broad scope shows that every aspect of creation was subject to God’s rule and His desire for His people to live in harmony with His will. Whether it was a land animal, a bird, or a fish, the Israelites were required to discern between what was clean and what was unclean, based on God’s instructions.

A Reminder of God’s Holiness

Leviticus 11:46 also serves as a reminder of God’s holiness. The laws regarding clean and unclean animals were not arbitrary; they were meant to teach the Israelites about the importance of holiness. God is holy, and His people were to reflect that holiness in every aspect of their lives, including what they ate. The food laws were part of a larger system that emphasized God’s separateness from sin and impurity. By following these laws, the Israelites demonstrated their reverence for God and their desire to be set apart for His purposes.

Leviticus 11:46 Application in Life

While the specific dietary laws outlined in Leviticus 11 are not binding on Christians today, the principles behind these laws are still relevant. The teachings in Leviticus 11:46, as well as the broader context of the Holiness Code, offer valuable insights into how we should live as believers in Christ.

1. The Call to Holiness and Purity

Just as the Israelites were called to maintain holiness and purity through their obedience to God’s laws, Christians are called to live lives that are holy and set apart. In 1 Peter 1:15-16, the apostle Peter writes, “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” God calls His people to live distinct lives, and this call to holiness should be reflected in how we conduct ourselves in every area of life, from our relationships to our choices, including our diet and lifestyle.

While the ceremonial food laws in Leviticus are no longer required for Christians, the underlying principle remains: Christians are to avoid things that defile the body, mind, and spirit. This includes not only physical cleanliness but also avoiding sin, temptation, and anything that leads away from holiness.

2. Obedience to God’s Word

Leviticus 11:46 highlights the importance of obeying God’s commands, no matter how seemingly small or difficult. Obedience to God’s Word is not optional for the believer. Jesus said in John 14:15, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” The laws regarding clean and unclean animals in Leviticus were part of the covenant between God and Israel. Today, Christians are also in covenant with God, and obedience to His Word is central to our relationship with Him.

The application for modern believers is to trust in God’s instructions and apply them to our lives, recognizing that His commands are meant for our good and to reflect His holiness. Whether through the moral teachings of the Bible or the example set by Christ, we are called to live in a way that honors God.

3. Living Distinctly as God’s People

Leviticus 11:46 calls the Israelites to live differently from the surrounding nations. In the same way, Christians are called to live distinctively in the world. This means not conforming to worldly patterns and values, but instead reflecting God’s character in all we do. In Romans 12:2, Paul writes, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Living as God’s people means embracing a lifestyle that reflects His holiness and living according to His standards.

4. Understanding the Scope of God’s Commandments

Finally, Leviticus 11:46 reminds us that God’s laws cover every aspect of life. God is involved in all areas of creation, from the animals in the sea to the birds of the air, and His commands are all-encompassing. Christians today are encouraged to recognize that God’s Word applies to every area of our lives. Whether in our work, relationships, or personal conduct, God’s commands are relevant and should guide our decisions.


Leviticus 11:46 is a powerful reminder of the importance of holiness, obedience, and living distinctively as God’s people. While the dietary laws of the Old Testament no longer apply to Christians, the underlying principles remain relevant. The call to holiness and purity is central to the Christian life, and we are called to live according to God’s Word in every area of life.

By understanding the significance of Leviticus 11:46, we are reminded of the comprehensive nature of God’s commandments and His desire for His people to reflect His holiness. As believers, we are called to obey God’s instructions, live set-apart lives, and honor Him in all that we do.

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