
Leviticus 11:27 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 11:27 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus 11:27 is part of the Old Testament law given to the Israelites that focuses on maintaining physical and spiritual purity. It forms part of a broader set of regulations concerning clean and unclean animals, which was essential for Israel’s holiness. In this article, we will explore the context of Leviticus 11:27, its meaning, its application in Christian life, and its relevance today.


The Context of Leviticus 11:27 (KJV)

Leviticus 11 is a chapter in the Bible that provides detailed instructions about clean and unclean animals, which the Israelites were allowed to eat and which they must avoid. This chapter is part of the broader set of laws given by God to the people of Israel after their escape from Egypt. The laws in Leviticus were designed to separate the Israelites from the surrounding nations and set them apart as God’s holy people.


Leviticus 11:27 falls within a series of laws about animals that are considered “unclean.” It addresses the specific behavior required when coming into contact with animals that are unclean. These laws are not just about dietary restrictions; they reflect a greater spiritual principle of separation from what is unclean and devotion to holiness.


The Israelites were given these laws to help them live in a manner that would honor God. The principle behind these laws was to maintain a spiritual purity, which would allow them to live in God’s presence with a sense of holiness. These laws extended beyond food and encompassed all areas of daily life, as God’s people were to be set apart from the nations around them.

The broader context of Leviticus 11 reminds us that God desires His people to be holy and to live in a way that reflects His purity. While the specific dietary laws are no longer binding for Christians, the principle of holiness and obedience to God remains relevant.

Leviticus 11:27 (KJV)

The verse itself reads:

“And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of beasts that go on all fours, those are unclean unto you: whoso toucheth their carcase shall be unclean until the even.”

This verse is part of the dietary regulations and ceremonial laws given to the Israelites. It refers to animals, like certain mammals, that go on all fours and have paws. These animals are considered unclean. If a person comes into contact with the carcass of such an animal, they are considered unclean and must wash themselves and remain unclean until evening.

This verse, like the others in Leviticus 11, highlights the importance of maintaining ritual purity and avoiding what is unclean in order to remain in good standing with God. It is a specific law meant to teach the Israelites about the concept of spiritual and physical purity, with the underlying goal of living a holy life before God.

Leviticus 11:27 Meaning

The meaning of Leviticus 11:27 revolves around the themes of cleanliness, holiness, and separation from impurity. Here are some of the key lessons we can glean from this verse:

1. The Concept of Cleanliness and Purity

Leviticus 11:27 reflects the importance of cleanliness in the Israelite community. The laws regarding unclean animals serve as a way to maintain physical purity, which was viewed as an outward expression of a person’s commitment to God. The act of touching an unclean animal’s carcass and becoming unclean was a symbolic reminder of the need for ritual purity.

The Old Testament laws were designed to help the Israelites stay spiritually pure by avoiding physical contact with things that were ceremonially unclean. Although these laws were specific to the people of Israel, they teach us about God’s desire for His people to be clean and holy in both body and spirit.

2. Separation from the Unclean

The laws in Leviticus 11 focus on the separation of the clean from the unclean. This concept of separation was a fundamental theme in the book of Leviticus. The Israelites were commanded to avoid unclean things as a way of maintaining their spiritual distinctiveness and devotion to God. Touching or interacting with unclean animals was not sinful in itself, but it was a reminder of how God’s people must separate themselves from the impurities around them.

For Christians today, this principle serves as a reminder that we are to be separate from the world and its impurities. While we are no longer bound by Old Testament dietary laws, we are called to live in a way that reflects the holiness of God and to avoid practices that lead us away from Him.

3. Obedience to God’s Command

Leviticus 11:27 emphasizes the importance of obeying God’s commands, even in seemingly small or insignificant matters. God gave these laws as part of His covenant with Israel, and the Israelites were expected to follow them without question. Their obedience to these laws demonstrated their commitment to God and their desire to remain in right standing with Him.

For Christians, this lesson remains relevant. Our obedience to God’s commands is not just about following a set of rules, but about demonstrating our love for God and our desire to live according to His will. Jesus emphasized this point in John 14:15 when He said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

4. Holiness as a Calling

Leviticus 11:27 teaches us that holiness is not just a matter of the heart but involves every part of life, including our physical actions. By following these laws, the Israelites were reminded that they were called to be a holy people, set apart for God’s purposes. This holiness was meant to be reflected in all areas of their lives, from their dietary habits to their interactions with others.

For Christians, holiness is still a key calling. We are called to live lives that reflect the holiness of God. This means striving to live in purity, avoiding sin, and seeking to honor God in all aspects of our lives. As 1 Peter 1:16 reminds us, “Be ye holy; for I am holy.”

Leviticus 11:27 Application in Life

Although Christians are no longer bound by the dietary laws outlined in Leviticus 11, the underlying principles of holiness, purity, and obedience to God remain applicable today. Here are some ways that the message of Leviticus 11:27 can be applied to our lives:

1. Pursuing Spiritual Purity

Just as the Israelites were required to remain pure by avoiding unclean animals, Christians today are called to pursue spiritual purity. This means avoiding sinful behaviors, influences, and practices that could taint our relationship with God. We are called to keep ourselves pure in thought, word, and deed, striving to live lives that are pleasing to God.

2. Living in Obedience to God

Leviticus 11:27 serves as a reminder of the importance of obedience to God’s commands. As Christians, we may not have to follow the Old Testament dietary laws, but we are still called to obey God in all areas of our lives. Our obedience is a reflection of our love for Him and our desire to live in a way that honors Him. It also strengthens our relationship with Him and helps us grow spiritually.

3. Separating from Sin

The concept of separation from the unclean animals in Leviticus 11:27 is a reminder that Christians are called to separate themselves from sin. While we live in the world, we are not to be of the world. This means avoiding things that would draw us away from God and living in a way that reflects His holiness. Romans 12:2 encourages us, saying, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

4. Reflecting Holiness in Our Lives

Leviticus 11:27 teaches us that holiness is not just about spiritual matters; it encompasses every aspect of our lives. Christians are called to reflect God’s holiness in everything we do. This includes our relationships, our work, our behavior, and our choices. By living according to God’s standards, we can be a witness to the world of His holiness and love.


Leviticus 11:27 is part of a broader set of laws that reflect God’s desire for His people to live holy, pure lives. While these specific laws no longer apply to Christians today, the principles of obedience, separation from sin, and the pursuit of holiness remain relevant. By applying these lessons to our own lives, we can honor God and live in a way that reflects His character. Through obedience to His Word, separation from the world’s impurities, and striving for spiritual purity, we fulfill the calling to live as God’s holy people.

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