
What Does Leviticus 11:12 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 11:12 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

The Bible is filled with verses that provide guidance, teaching, and wisdom to those who study it. Leviticus 11:12 is one such verse that has often been studied for its implications regarding dietary laws and cleanliness. This article will explore the context of this verse, its meaning, and how it applies to our lives today.


The Context of Leviticus 11:12 KJV

To fully understand Leviticus 11:12, we need to consider its context within the Book of Leviticus. Leviticus is part of the Old Testament and focuses heavily on laws and instructions given to the Israelites, especially regarding holiness, ceremonial cleanliness, and religious practices.


In Leviticus 11, God gives Moses detailed instructions about what the Israelites can and cannot eat. These dietary laws are part of the broader Mosaic Law, which was meant to separate the Israelites from other nations and preserve their identity as God’s chosen people. The laws outlined in this chapter serve as a way of ensuring physical and spiritual purity.


The Larger Dietary Laws

The dietary laws in Leviticus 11 divide animals into categories of clean and unclean. Clean animals could be eaten, while unclean animals were forbidden. These laws covered land animals, sea creatures, and birds. The distinction was not based on nutritional value or taste but on God’s commandments for His people.

Leviticus 11:12 falls under the category of aquatic creatures and addresses which sea creatures are permissible to eat. This law is just one example of how God provides clear instructions to His people, reflecting His desire for order, holiness, and obedience.

Leviticus 11:12 (KJV)

Here is the verse in question from the King James Version:

“Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination unto you.” — Leviticus 11:12 KJV

This verse is part of a larger list of regulations about clean and unclean creatures. It specifically speaks to the creatures of the sea, saying that anything without fins and scales is considered unclean. This would include creatures like shellfish, eels, and various types of mollusks. These creatures were not to be eaten by the Israelites as they did not meet the criteria of having fins and scales.

Leviticus 11:12 Meaning

The meaning of Leviticus 11:12 is relatively straightforward when taken within the context of the chapter and the Old Testament laws. The verse provides a specific prohibition regarding aquatic creatures that lack both fins and scales. This prohibition is a part of a broader set of cleanliness laws that were meant to set the Israelites apart from other nations.

The phrase “an abomination unto you” indicates that eating such creatures was not just a minor transgression but a serious violation of God’s commandments. To God, the purity of His people was of utmost importance. By following these laws, the Israelites would maintain their distinctiveness as a holy nation.

Symbolism of Clean and Unclean Animals

The distinction between clean and unclean animals was not just about dietary preferences but was also symbolic. Clean animals represented holiness and purity, while unclean animals symbolized impurity and defilement. The dietary laws were meant to teach the Israelites about the need for moral and spiritual purity. By obeying God’s commands, they were reminded to live holy lives and avoid the contamination of sin.

The idea of cleanliness and purity in Leviticus 11:12 also pointed forward to the New Testament, where Jesus Christ would fulfill the law and make all things clean (Mark 7:19, Acts 10:15). The ultimate lesson was about God’s desire for His people to remain pure and holy, not just in their diets but in their actions and hearts.

Leviticus 11:12 Application in Life

While the dietary laws in Leviticus 11:12 were specific to the Israelites under the Old Covenant, they still provide valuable lessons for Christians today. Although Christians are no longer required to follow these specific dietary restrictions (Acts 10:15, 1 Timothy 4:4-5), the principle of living a holy and pure life remains relevant.

Living a Holy Life

Leviticus 11:12 reminds us that God desires His people to live in a way that reflects His holiness. As Christians, we are called to separate ourselves from sin and worldly influences, just as the Israelites were called to separate themselves from unclean animals. This idea of separation can be applied in many areas of life, including our relationships, behaviors, and choices.

Purity of Heart

In the New Testament, Jesus teaches that it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the heart (Matthew 15:18-20). While this verse acknowledges the purity of outward actions, it also emphasizes the importance of internal purity. Christians are called to maintain a pure heart before God, avoiding impurity in thoughts, words, and deeds.

Respecting God’s Instructions

Even though the dietary laws no longer bind Christians, Leviticus 11:12 highlights the importance of respecting God’s commands. Christians today are called to honor God’s Word, which includes following the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. Just as the Israelites were expected to obey God’s specific laws, Christians are expected to live according to the principles of Scripture.

Discerning What’s Best for Us

Leviticus 11:12 also teaches us the value of discernment. While the specific dietary restrictions no longer apply, the broader principle of making choices that align with God’s will is still relevant. Christians are called to make decisions that honor God and reflect His holiness, whether in diet, relationships, work, or other aspects of life.


Leviticus 11:12 provides insight into the dietary laws that governed the lives of the Israelites, specifically concerning creatures of the sea. While these laws are not binding for Christians today, the deeper spiritual principles behind them are still relevant. This verse teaches us about God’s desire for His people to live holy and pure lives, separated from sin and impurity. By studying such passages, we can apply these principles to our lives, striving for holiness, purity of heart, and obedience to God’s Word.

Ultimately, the message of Leviticus 11:12 calls us to reflect on our spiritual condition, ensuring that we live in a way that honors God and keeps us separated from the defilement of sin.

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