
Leviticus 7:28 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseLeviticus 7:28 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Leviticus is one of the books of the Bible that deals extensively with the laws and rituals for the Israelites. It provides clear instructions on how to approach God, maintain holiness, and live in a manner pleasing to Him. Within this book, the laws governing offerings and sacrifices are carefully outlined. One of the chapters that addresses these sacrificial rules is Leviticus 7, and verse 28 offers important insights into the peace offerings. In this article, we will explore the meaning and application of Leviticus 7:28, considering its context, significance, and how it can be applied to our lives today.


The Context of Leviticus 7:28 (KJV)

To understand Leviticus 7:28 fully, we need to first grasp its context. Leviticus 7 is part of a larger section that focuses on the rules and regulations concerning various offerings and sacrifices, which were central to the life of the Israelites. These offerings were not just rituals, but they were acts of worship meant to maintain a relationship between the Israelites and God. The sacrifices were intended to symbolize the people’s repentance, gratitude, and dependence on God.


The Peace Offering

Leviticus 7 focuses on the peace offering (also known as the fellowship offering), one of the many types of sacrifices outlined in the book. Unlike sin or guilt offerings, which were required to atone for sin, the peace offering was voluntary. It was an offering given to God as an act of thanksgiving, worship, or a fulfillment of a vow. This offering symbolized peace and harmony between God and the people.


Peace offerings were a way for the Israelites to express their gratitude and fellowship with God. These sacrifices included the slaughter of an animal, which was offered on the altar, and a portion of the meat was given to the priests for their provision. The rest of the meat from the offering was shared by the one who offered it and his family or community. This act of sharing in the sacrifice was a sign of communal fellowship and unity with God.

The Role of the Priests

The priests played an essential role in the sacrificial system. They were the mediators between the people and God. In Leviticus 7, much of the discussion revolves around how the priests were to handle the offerings, especially with regard to what portions they could keep and what should be given back to God or the offeror. The priests were responsible for making sure the sacrifices were properly offered, and they received a portion of the offerings as their provision for their service in the tabernacle or temple.

The Holiness of the Offering

An important theme throughout the book of Leviticus is holiness—the need for the people of Israel to live holy lives and approach God in purity. This theme extends to the offerings. Each offering had to be presented in the prescribed manner, with specific rules about what could and could not be done with the animal or its parts. There were strict guidelines about what was considered clean or unclean, acceptable or unacceptable in the eyes of God.

Leviticus 7:28 falls under this category, offering specific guidelines about the peace offering and how it was to be treated.

Leviticus 7:28 (KJV)

Leviticus 7:28 (KJV) states: “And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, He that offereth the sacrifice of his peace offerings unto the Lord shall bring his oblation unto the Lord of the sacrifice of his peace offerings.”

This verse is part of a larger discussion about the peace offerings, specifically focusing on the instructions regarding the offering and its proper handling. In this context, Moses is being instructed by God to communicate the regulations about peace offerings to the Israelites.

The Importance of the Offering

The phrase “he that offereth the sacrifice of his peace offerings unto the Lord” emphasizes that this act was voluntary, and it was a personal decision to give thanks to God. It wasn’t a mandatory act like the sin offering, but it was a way for the Israelites to show their love, gratitude, and desire for fellowship with God.

The peace offering was often given after a significant event in one’s life, such as the completion of a vow, or it was an act of thanksgiving for God’s blessings and deliverance. By presenting the offering to God, the person was acknowledging God as the giver of all good things and recognizing His sovereignty over their lives.

The Oblation of the Peace Offering

The second part of the verse, “shall bring his oblation unto the Lord of the sacrifice of his peace offerings,” refers to the idea of an oblation—a voluntary offering or gift to God. In the case of the peace offering, this oblation was the animal sacrifice that symbolized peace and reconciliation with God. It was a tangible sign of the person’s commitment to God, and it was given as a way to establish or reaffirm the covenant relationship.

Leviticus 7:28 Meaning

Now that we have a sense of the verse’s context and content, we can explore its deeper meaning. Leviticus 7:28 is part of a larger instruction about the peace offering, which holds significant symbolic and spiritual value in the life of the Israelites.

The Voluntary Nature of the Offering

One of the most important aspects of this verse is the voluntary nature of the peace offering. Unlike the sin and guilt offerings, which were required for specific occasions of sin or wrongdoing, the peace offering was given out of personal devotion. It was a way for the individual to approach God with thanksgiving, to express peace and fellowship with Him.

This voluntary aspect of the peace offering demonstrates that the relationship between God and His people is not merely transactional. It is rooted in a personal desire to honor and commune with God. God is not interested in ritual for the sake of ritual; He desires a heart of gratitude and devotion from His people.

The Acknowledgment of God’s Sovereignty

The peace offering in Leviticus 7:28 was also an acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty. By bringing the offering to God, the Israelite was declaring that all things—whether material blessings or spiritual peace—come from the Lord. The peace offering was a way of saying, “God, You are the source of my peace, and I am grateful for Your provision in my life.” This is a fundamental truth in the Christian life as well. We are called to recognize God’s sovereignty and give Him thanks for His goodness and grace.

Fellowship and Communion with God

The peace offering was also about fellowship and communion with God. The ritual surrounding the peace offering involved the sharing of the meal. Part of the meat from the offering was eaten by the priest, part by the offeror, and part was burned on the altar. This communal meal was symbolic of the peace and fellowship that existed between God and His people. The offeror would enjoy this meal with their family, priests, and friends, signifying that peace with God leads to peace among people.

For Christians, the idea of communion with God is seen in the New Testament through the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (or Eucharist), where believers partake of the bread and wine, symbols of Christ’s body and blood. Just as the peace offering in the Old Testament was an opportunity for fellowship with God, so too is the Lord’s Supper a reminder of the communion we have through Christ’s sacrifice.

Leviticus 7:28 Application in Life

While the sacrificial system no longer applies in the same way to Christians today, the principles behind the peace offering can still speak to us. The peace offering serves as a reminder of several important aspects of the Christian faith, including gratitude, communion, and the recognition of God’s sovereignty.

Gratitude and Thankfulness

Leviticus 7:28 reminds us of the importance of expressing our gratitude to God. Just as the Israelites brought peace offerings to thank God for His blessings, we, too, are called to live lives of thankfulness. In our modern context, this does not mean bringing an animal sacrifice, but it does mean living with a heart of gratitude. This can be done through worship, prayer, and acts of service. We should continually acknowledge God as the source of all good things and offer Him our thanks in all circumstances.

Recognizing God’s Sovereignty

The peace offering in Leviticus 7:28 was a way for the people to declare God’s sovereignty over their lives. For us today, this means recognizing that God is the ultimate authority in all aspects of our lives. We are not in control—God is. This recognition leads to a life of submission and trust in His plans. We are called to seek His will, follow His commands, and rely on Him for guidance and provision.

Fellowship with God and Others

The peace offering also emphasized the importance of fellowship. Just as the peace offering created a communal meal, Christians are called to live in fellowship with one another. Our relationship with God leads to a reconciled relationship with others. The New Testament teaches that when we have peace with God, we are also called to be peacemakers with others. This includes forgiving those who have wronged us, seeking reconciliation, and promoting unity within the body of Christ.


Leviticus 7:28 offers important insights into the peace offering and its significance in the life of the Israelites. It underscores the voluntary nature of the offering, the acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty, and the importance of fellowship with God and others. While we no longer practice animal sacrifices, the principles behind the peace offering still hold meaning for us today.

As Christians, we are called to live lives of gratitude, to recognize God’s sovereignty, and to seek fellowship both with God and with one another. Through Jesus Christ, we have peace with God, and that peace is something we should celebrate, nurture, and share with others.

Leviticus 7:28 serves as a reminder that our relationship with God is not just about following rules but about offering our hearts to Him in gratitude, devotion, and peace. Just as the Israelites offered their sacrifices, we, too, are invited to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God.

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