
Exodus 39:31 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseExodus 39:31 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Exodus 39:31 is a verse that, while seemingly simple, carries profound spiritual significance in the context of the Israelites’ worship and the establishment of their covenant with God. The verse is part of the detailed account of the priestly garments and the furnishings of the Tabernacle, which were designed to reflect God’s holiness and the proper reverence due to Him. Exodus 39:31 provides us with a critical understanding of the consecration of the priests and the sanctification of the place of worship.


In this article, we will explore the context of Exodus 39:31, analyze its meaning, discuss its application in life, compare it with other biblical texts, and reflect on its modern-day relevance. We will conclude with a detailed commentary on how this verse impacts the believer’s understanding of holiness and worship in both the Old and New Testaments.


The Context of Exodus 39:31 KJV

Exodus 39 marks the completion of the Tabernacle, a mobile sanctuary built by the Israelites according to God’s precise instructions. The Tabernacle was the place where God would dwell among His people, and its construction and furnishings were to be carried out meticulously to reflect the holiness of God. In this chapter, we see the finalization of the priestly garments and the various elements necessary for the service in the Tabernacle.


Exodus 39:31 states:

“And they tied unto it a lace of blue, to fasten it on high upon the mitre; as the Lord commanded Moses.” (Exodus 39:31, KJV)

This verse speaks to the blue lace that was used to fasten the mitre, a headdress worn by the high priest. The blue lace held the mitre in place, ensuring it stayed on the high priest’s head during his sacred duties. The mitre itself was a part of the elaborate priestly garments, and its purpose was to symbolize the priest’s sacred role before God.

Historical Context

The historical context of Exodus 39:31 involves the final stages of the construction of the Tabernacle and the preparation of the priests who would serve in it. Throughout the book of Exodus, God gives Moses specific instructions for building the Tabernacle, as well as for the priestly garments and their roles in the sacrificial system. The priesthood was set apart to represent the people before God, and the garments were to be a visible sign of their consecration and sanctification for God’s service.

The blue lace mentioned in this verse was an important detail in the overall design of the priestly garments. It secured the mitre, which was a part of the high priest’s attire, emphasizing the importance of the high priest’s office and the need for the priest to be properly consecrated for the sacred work of entering the presence of God.

The Exodus 39:31 Meaning

Exodus 39:31 points to the finality of the priestly preparation and the importance of every detail in God’s design for His worship. The verse also underscores the importance of obedience to God’s commands in fulfilling His purposes. Let us break down the meaning of this verse further.

The Blue Lace

The blue lace mentioned in Exodus 39:31 was used to fasten the mitre of the high priest. In biblical symbolism, the color blue is often associated with the heavenly or divine. It was a color used throughout the Tabernacle, from the curtains to the garments, signifying that the Tabernacle was a place where heaven met earth. The blue lace symbolized the high priest’s role as the mediator between God and the people, and his actions in the Tabernacle were to be in alignment with God’s heavenly will.

The lace itself was not just a functional item—it was a symbol of the priest’s dedication to his sacred task. By fastening the mitre securely, the lace ensured that the high priest was appropriately attired for his spiritual responsibilities. In a sense, the lace also represented the binding relationship between God and His people, as the priest was the mediator of this relationship.

The Mitre

The mitre was a headpiece worn by the high priest, which had the inscription “HOLINESS TO THE LORD” on it (Exodus 28:36-38). The mitre was a prominent symbol of the high priest’s consecration to God’s service and his distinct role in the Israelite worship system. The lace that fastened the mitre to the priest’s head emphasized that the high priest’s thoughts and actions were to be centered on God. The priest, by wearing the mitre, publicly declared his consecration and devotion to God.

Obedience to God’s Command

The final phrase in Exodus 39:31, “as the Lord commanded Moses,” emphasizes the importance of obedience to God’s instructions. The Israelites followed God’s commands meticulously in constructing the Tabernacle and preparing the priestly garments. This obedience was crucial for the sanctification of the Tabernacle and the priesthood, ensuring that the worship of God was done according to His design and not according to human preferences.

Exodus 39:31 Application in Life

Exodus 39:31 teaches several important spiritual lessons for Christians today. While the context of this verse may seem specific to the priesthood in ancient Israel, its principles have relevance for Christians in understanding how we approach God, our roles as His servants, and the need for consecration.

Preparation for Service

Just as the blue lace was used to fasten the mitre and ensure the high priest was properly attired for his sacred duties, Christians are called to prepare themselves for service in God’s kingdom. Our spiritual preparation involves studying God’s Word, seeking holiness, and dedicating our lives to His service. The preparation of the high priest in Exodus serves as a reminder that we too must be prepared to serve God with sincerity and dedication.

In the New Testament, believers are called a “royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9), which means we are set apart to serve God, just as the priests of Israel were set apart. However, this service is not limited to temple rituals but extends to all aspects of life. Our “priestly” duties today involve presenting our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) and serving others in love and humility.

Holiness and Consecration

The high priest’s mitre, inscribed with the words “HOLINESS TO THE LORD,” was a reminder of the need for holiness in all of God’s servants. Exodus 39:31 emphasizes the consecration of the high priest and his need to remain set apart for God’s service. Christians are also called to be holy, as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Our lives should be marked by dedication to God and a commitment to living in alignment with His will.

Obedience to God’s Commands

The phrase “as the Lord commanded Moses” underscores the importance of obedience to God’s will. For the priests, obedience meant following God’s detailed instructions for their garments and the Tabernacle. For Christians, obedience means adhering to God’s Word and seeking to live in a way that honors Him. Jesus Himself emphasized the importance of obedience in John 14:15, saying, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Exodus 39:31 can be compared to several other biblical passages that highlight the role of the priesthood, the significance of holiness, and the importance of obedience to God.

1 Peter 2:9 – A Royal Priesthood

In 1 Peter 2:9, Christians are called a royal priesthood. This New Testament concept parallels the priestly office described in Exodus, as both are called to serve God and mediate His will. However, while the Old Testament priesthood involved ceremonial duties and sacrifices, the New Testament priesthood emphasizes spiritual sacrifice and worship, with Christ as our High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Hebrews 9:11-14 – Christ as Our High Priest

Hebrews 9:11-14 presents Jesus Christ as the perfect High Priest, whose sacrifice is far greater than any offering made by the priests of the Old Testament. While Exodus 39:31 describes the high priest’s role in securing the worship of Israel, Hebrews emphasizes that Christ’s ultimate sacrifice provides eternal access to God, once and for all.

Revelation 19:8 – Fine Linen and Righteousness

Revelation 19:8 speaks of the church, the bride of Christ, being clothed in fine linen, which represents the righteous acts of the saints. This image parallels the consecrated garments of the priests in Exodus, reminding us that we, as part of the spiritual priesthood, are called to wear righteousness as our spiritual attire.

Modern-Day Relevance

While Exodus 39:31 describes the physical preparation of the high priest for worship in the Tabernacle, its spiritual implications resonate deeply in the lives of Christians today. Christians are called to be consecrated, obedient, and ready for service in God’s kingdom, just as the high priest was prepared for his sacred duties. Here are some ways in which this passage remains relevant:

Preparation for Service: Just as the high priest was prepared for service, Christians today are called to prepare themselves for spiritual duties through prayer, study, and dedication to God’s work.

Holiness and Consecration: The call to holiness remains central to the Christian life. The blue lace that fastened the mitre symbolizes the ongoing need for Christians to be spiritually adorned with righteousness.

Obedience to God’s Commands: Following God’s commands is as crucial today as it was for the Israelites. The phrase “as the Lord commanded” reminds us to be faithful to God’s Word in all that we do.


Exodus 39:31 teaches believers the importance of obedience, holiness, and preparation in our service to God. The high priest’s attire and the blue lace that secured it represent the need for Christians to approach God with reverence and dedication. As we reflect on this passage, let us remember that we are called to be a holy priesthood, offering our lives as living sacrifices and serving God faithfully in every aspect of our lives.

Exodus 39:31 Commentary

Exodus 39:31 is a pivotal verse in the larger narrative of Israel’s consecration as a holy people, called to serve God. The mention of the blue lace securing the high priest’s mitre symbolizes the sacredness of the priestly office and the importance of proper preparation for worship. For Christians, this verse serves as a reminder that our roles as believers require preparation, holiness, and obedience.

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