
What Does Exodus 39:17 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseExodus 39:17 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Exodus 39:17 is a verse nestled in the final chapters of the Book of Exodus, which detail the Israelites’ meticulous construction of the Tabernacle and the priestly garments. As with many sections of Exodus, this verse has both a specific historical and theological significance. In this article, we will explore the context, meaning, and modern-day relevance of Exodus 39:17. We will also compare it with other relevant biblical texts, look at its practical application in daily life, and provide a thoughtful commentary to enrich our understanding.


The Context of Exodus 39:17 (KJV)

To understand Exodus 39:17, we must consider its placement in the broader context of Exodus 39. The chapter is part of the final narrative in the Book of Exodus, where the Israelites are instructed by God to construct the Tabernacle—a portable sanctuary where God would dwell with His people during their wilderness journey. This structure, along with its furnishings and the priestly garments, was crafted with careful attention to detail, following the precise instructions given by God.


Exodus 39 describes the making of the priestly garments for the high priest and his assistants, the priests, who would serve in the Tabernacle. Exodus 39:17 is part of the description of the ephod, the sacred garment worn by the high priest. The ephod, a highly decorated garment, symbolized the high priest’s role as the mediator between God and Israel.


Exodus 39:17 (KJV) states:

“And they put the two wreathen chains of gold in the two rings on the ends of the breastplate.”

This verse refers to the specific construction of the breastplate of judgment and how it was attached to the ephod with golden chains. The ephod itself was a significant part of the priestly attire, and the breastplate, which was worn over the ephod, contained twelve stones representing the twelve tribes of Israel. This detailed process of connecting the breastplate with the ephod using wreathen gold chains was crucial for the proper functioning of the high priest’s attire and his service in the Tabernacle.

The Exodus 39:17 Meaning

Exodus 39:17 speaks to the significance of the breastplate of judgment and how it was fastened to the ephod. This verse’s meaning can be understood in several layers:

1. The Wreathen Chains of Gold

The term “wreathen” refers to the intricate braiding or twisting of the gold chains. These golden chains were used to securely fasten the breastplate to the ephod. Gold, in the Bible, often symbolizes purity, wealth, and divine glory. The use of gold in these chains was not merely for aesthetic reasons; it symbolized the holiness and sanctity of the high priest’s office and the sacredness of the task at hand.

The chains’ function was also to ensure that the breastplate would remain firmly attached to the ephod, symbolizing the security and stability of the priest’s mediation between God and the people. In a way, these chains served as a spiritual bond, linking the high priest to the tribes of Israel and their relationship with God.

2. The Breastplate of Judgment

The breastplate itself was a crucial part of the high priest’s garments. It was made of twelve stones, each engraved with the name of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. These stones were not merely decorative; they represented the high priest’s role as the mediator of God’s justice and mercy toward Israel. The breastplate is referred to as the “breastplate of judgment” because the high priest used it to make decisions on behalf of the people, often seeking divine guidance in important matters.

When the high priest entered the Holy Place, the breastplate carried the names of the tribes of Israel, symbolizing the high priest’s role in carrying the needs and petitions of the people before God. The gold chains, then, were not only functional but also symbolized the unbreakable and sacred bond between the priest, the people, and God.

3. Symbolism of the Two Rings

The two rings on the ends of the breastplate were used to connect the breastplate to the ephod through the gold chains. These rings served as a physical and symbolic connection between the priest’s personal attire and the representation of the people of Israel. The connection through these rings emphasized that the high priest’s duty was to bear the weight of Israel’s needs before God, a role requiring divine favor and holiness.

Exodus 39:17 Application in Life

Although Exodus 39:17 pertains specifically to the construction of the high priest’s garments, there are important life applications that Christians can draw from this verse:

1. The Importance of Spiritual Integrity

The intricate craftsmanship involved in the construction of the ephod and breastplate underscores the importance of integrity and care in our own spiritual lives. Just as the high priest’s garments had to be carefully constructed according to God’s instructions, we too are called to live our lives according to the moral and spiritual instructions given in Scripture. Our relationship with God and our service to others should be approached with reverence and diligence.

The gold chains symbolizing a secure bond between the priest and Israel remind us that our relationship with God is unbreakable through Christ, who is our ultimate mediator. We are to hold fast to our faith and remain committed to our covenant with God.

2. Mediation Between God and Others

The role of the high priest was that of a mediator, standing in the gap between God and Israel. In the New Testament, Christians are called to be mediators of God’s love and truth to a lost world. The golden chains in this passage symbolize the link that holds the people of Israel to God. Similarly, we are called to be a link or bridge between others and God by sharing the gospel and praying for those who need His guidance.

3. Symbolic of Christ’s Intercession

Christ, as the ultimate High Priest, also mediates between God and humanity. Just as the breastplate carried the names of the twelve tribes, Christ carries the names of His people before the Father (see Hebrews 7:25). His intercession is eternal and secure, just as the gold chains ensured the security of the breastplate. This application encourages us to trust in Christ’s ongoing work of intercession and to draw near to God through Him.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

To better understand the full significance of Exodus 39:17, it is helpful to compare it with other related biblical texts.

1. Exodus 28:6-14 (The Ephod and Breastplate)

Exodus 28:6-14 provides more details about the ephod and breastplate. These verses describe the craftsmanship involved in making the ephod, its materials (gold, blue, purple, and scarlet yarn), and the breastplate’s twelve stones. The chains described in Exodus 39:17 are a direct result of these instructions, and the imagery in Exodus 28 underscores the significance of the high priest’s role in representing the people before God.

2. Hebrews 4:14-16 (Christ as Our High Priest)

In Hebrews 4:14-16, the author reminds believers that Jesus Christ is our great High Priest, who has entered the heavenly sanctuary on our behalf. Just as the high priest in Exodus 39 carried the names of the tribes before God, Christ continually intercedes for us, presenting our needs before the Father. This connection between Exodus 39 and Hebrews highlights the fulfillment of the Old Testament priesthood in the person of Jesus Christ.

3. 1 Peter 2:9 (A Royal Priesthood)

1 Peter 2:9 calls Christians a “royal priesthood,” emphasizing that believers today share in the priestly role of mediating between God and the world. This passage is a continuation of the priestly imagery found in Exodus, but now applied to all Christians. It underscores that every believer is called to serve as a priest, not in the literal sense of wearing sacred garments, but in offering spiritual sacrifices to God through Christ.

4. Revelation 21:19-21 (The Twelve Stones of the New Jerusalem)

In Revelation 21:19-21, the New Jerusalem is described as having twelve gates made of pearls and foundations adorned with twelve precious stones. These stones echo the twelve stones in the breastplate, further connecting the imagery of Israel’s priesthood to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promise in the New Jerusalem. Just as the high priest bore the names of Israel on his breastplate, God’s eternal kingdom reflects the perfect and complete restoration of His people.

Modern-Day Relevance of Exodus 39:17

While Exodus 39:17 describes a ceremonial practice in ancient Israel, its principles carry significant relevance for modern Christians:

1. Attention to Detail in Service to God

The careful craftsmanship described in Exodus 39:17 teaches us that God values excellence and attention to detail in all that we do for Him. This principle can be applied to our work, our relationships, and our ministries. When we dedicate ourselves to service, whether in our daily work or in church ministry, we are called to do so with commitment and care, just as the Israelites crafted the sacred garments with diligence.

2. The Role of Mediators in the Church

Christians are called to be mediators of God’s love and truth, just as the high priest mediated between God and Israel. The golden chains in Exodus 39:17 symbolize our role as bridges between God and others. Whether through prayer, evangelism, or acts of compassion, we are to bring people to the Lord through our words and actions.

3. Security in Christ’s Mediation

Finally, Exodus 39:17 highlights the security and permanence of the high priest’s role. For Christians, this finds its fulfillment in the eternal mediation of Christ, who secures our relationship with God once and for all. The golden chains that fastened the breastplate are a powerful reminder that our connection to God through Jesus Christ is unbreakable.


Exodus 39:17, although focused on the construction of the high priest’s garments, carries profound theological meaning that resonates with Christians today. The golden chains connecting the breastplate to the ephod symbolize the unbreakable link between God’s people and their mediator, the high priest. This imagery points to the ultimate fulfillment of this role in Jesus Christ, who continually intercedes for His people. The application of this passage calls believers to serve God with integrity, act as mediators of His love, and trust in the security of Christ’s eternal mediation. Through this, we see the rich tapestry of God’s holiness, His desire for intimacy with His people, and His call for us to reflect His glory in the world.

Exodus 39:17 Commentary

Exodus 39:17, though seemingly a technical description of craftsmanship, carries deep theological significance. The use of gold chains, the breastplate of judgment, and the connection between the high priest and the twelve tribes of Israel all point to the holiness and intercession that are central to God’s relationship with His people. The high priest’s role in mediating between God and Israel is a powerful foreshadowing of the work of Jesus Christ, our great High Priest.

The golden chains symbolize the unbreakable bond between God and His people, while the breastplate reflects God’s desire to be intimately connected with His people. This passage encourages believers to see their own role in the world as one of mediation and representation of God’s kingdom on earth.

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