
25-Day Christmas Bible Reading Plan

by Mia

As Christmas approaches, Christians around the world begin to prepare their hearts for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. The Christmas season is not just about festivities, gifts, or decorations; it is a time for reflection on the greatest gift the world has ever received — the birth of our Savior. One of the best ways to deepen our understanding and experience of this season is by immersing ourselves in God‘s Word.

A Bible reading plan can help guide you through the Christmas story, allowing you to connect with the significance of Christ’s birth in a meaningful and personal way. This 25-day Christmas Bible reading plan is designed to help you reflect on the prophecy of Christ’s birth, His arrival, and the hope He brings to the world. Each day’s passage has been carefully chosen to highlight the key moments leading up to and following the birth of Jesus, providing a deep, spiritual journey as you prepare for Christmas Day.


Whether you are new to Bible reading or looking for a way to center your heart during this busy season, this 25-day Bible reading plan will help you focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Each day’s passage is followed by a short reflection or thought to guide your meditation. Take the time to read, reflect, and pray as you journey through this plan.


Day 1: Isaiah 9:6-7 – The Promise of a Savior

The prophecy of Isaiah gives us the first glimpse of God’s plan to send a Savior. These verses speak of a child who will be born, one who will carry the government on His shoulders and bring peace to the world.


Reflection: As you begin your Christmas journey, remember that Christ is not just a child in a manger. He is the King who came to rule and bring peace to your life.

Day 2: Micah 5:2 – The Birthplace of the Messiah

Micah foretold the birthplace of Jesus, which would be in Bethlehem, a small and humble town. Despite its insignificance, God chose it as the place for the birth of His Son.

Reflection: God often works in ways that the world doesn’t expect. Just as He chose a small town for the birth of the Savior, He can also use humble beginnings in our own lives for great purposes.

Day 3: Matthew 1:18-25 – The Birth of Jesus Foretold

In this passage, we learn about the angel’s appearance to Joseph, revealing that Mary would conceive by the Holy Spirit and give birth to a Son named Jesus.

Reflection: Joseph’s obedience to God’s message reminds us that following God’s will often requires faith and courage. Trust that God’s plan for you is greater than any doubt.

Day 4: Luke 1:26-38 – The Annunciation to Mary

The angel Gabriel visits Mary to announce that she will conceive Jesus by the Holy Spirit. Her willing acceptance of God’s plan shows her deep faith and submission.

Reflection: Mary’s response to God’s calling is a model for our own response to His plans for our lives. Are you willing to trust God’s will for you, even when it’s unexpected?

Day 5: Luke 1:39-45 – Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth

Mary visits her relative Elizabeth, and upon greeting her, Elizabeth’s baby leaps in her womb. Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaims Mary as blessed among women.

Reflection: Like Elizabeth, we should celebrate and encourage the work of God in others’ lives. Sometimes, the simplest encouragement can be the most powerful.

Day 6: Luke 1:46-55 – Mary’s Song of Praise

Mary praises God in a beautiful hymn of thanksgiving, known as the Magnificat. She exalts God for His greatness and His mercy toward the humble.

Reflection: Mary’s song reminds us that God’s love is for all people, and He delights in lifting up the humble. Praise God for His mercy and love toward you today.

Day 7: Matthew 2:1-12 – The Visit of the Wise Men

The Magi, or Wise Men, travel from the East to find the newborn King. They follow the star to Bethlehem and bring gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Reflection: The Wise Men’s journey reminds us that seeking Jesus is worth every effort. What gifts are you bringing to Jesus this Christmas?

Day 8: Luke 2:1-7 – The Birth of Jesus

This passage tells the familiar story of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. There was no room for them in the inn, so Mary gave birth to Jesus in a stable and laid Him in a manger.

Reflection: Jesus was born into humble circumstances, showing us that greatness often comes in unexpected ways. Consider how God might be working in your life in humble ways this Christmas.

Day 9: Luke 2:8-14 – The Angels Announce the Birth of Jesus

The angels appear to the shepherds in the field, proclaiming the birth of the Savior. They announce “good news of great joy” for all people.

Reflection: The birth of Jesus is indeed good news for all. Reflect on the joy that the coming of Christ brings into the world and into your life.

Day 10: Luke 2:15-20 – The Shepherds Visit Jesus

The shepherds hurry to find Jesus, and when they see Him, they spread the word about what they have been told. Everyone is amazed at their story.

Reflection: The shepherds didn’t keep the news of Jesus to themselves. Like them, we are called to share the good news of Christ’s birth with others.

Day 11: Matthew 2:13-15 – The Flight to Egypt

Joseph is warned in a dream to take Mary and Jesus and flee to Egypt because King Herod seeks to kill the child. This fulfills the prophecy in Hosea.

Reflection: Jesus’ early life was marked by danger, but God was with Him. In the midst of challenges, remember that God is always guiding and protecting you.

Day 12: Matthew 2:16-18 – The Massacre of the Innocents

King Herod, in his rage, orders the killing of all male children in Bethlehem. This tragic event fulfills the prophecy spoken by Jeremiah.

Reflection: Even in the midst of sorrow, God’s plan moves forward. This passage reminds us to trust in God’s sovereignty, even when life is difficult.

Day 13: Luke 2:21-24 – Jesus’ Presentation at the Temple

Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the temple to present Him to the Lord, following the Jewish customs. There they meet Simeon and Anna, who prophesy about Jesus.

Reflection: Simeon and Anna were devoted to God and recognized Jesus as the Messiah. Spend time today in prayer and devotion, seeking to recognize God’s presence in your life.

Day 14: John 1:1-14 – The Word Became Flesh

In this powerful passage, we are reminded that Jesus, the Word, became flesh and dwelt among us. He is full of grace and truth.

Reflection: Jesus is both fully God and fully man. Reflect on the mystery of the Incarnation and what it means that God became human to save us.

Day 15: Luke 2:25-35 – Simeon’s Prophecy

Simeon, moved by the Holy Spirit, recognizes Jesus as the Messiah and praises God. He also prophesies that Jesus will be a light to the Gentiles and a glory to Israel.

Reflection: Simeon’s words remind us that Jesus came for all people. Thank God for His light, which shines brightly in your life.

Day 16: Isaiah 7:14 – The Virgin Will Conceive

This prophecy from Isaiah foretells the birth of a child to a virgin, a sign that God is with His people.

Reflection: The virgin birth is a miraculous sign of God’s power and grace. Meditate on the mystery of God’s plan for salvation.

Day 17: Luke 2:36-40 – Anna the Prophetess

Anna, a prophetess, sees Jesus in the temple and gives thanks to God, speaking about the child to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem.

Reflection: Anna’s faithfulness and recognition of Jesus as the Messiah challenge us to remain hopeful and expectant for God’s work in our lives.

Day 18: John 3:16-17 – God’s Love for the World

This famous verse reminds us that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, not to condemn, but to save.

Reflection: Jesus came to save, not condemn. Take time today to reflect on the incredible love God has shown by sending His Son to die for you.

Day 19: Luke 4:18-21 – Jesus’ Mission

In this passage, Jesus reads from the scroll of Isaiah and declares that He has come to fulfill the prophecy. He is the anointed One who brings good news.

Reflection: Jesus’ mission is our mission too — to bring good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim freedom. How are you participating in this mission?

Day 20: Matthew 28:18-20 – The Great Commission

After His resurrection, Jesus commissions His followers to go and make disciples of all nations.

Reflection: The Christmas story is not just about Jesus’ birth; it is about His mission. How can you share the good news of Jesus with others this Christmas season?

Day 21: Revelation 19:11-16 – The Return of the King

This passage speaks of the future return of Jesus, where He will come as the victorious King, bringing justice and peace to the earth.

Reflection: As we celebrate Jesus’ first coming, we also look forward to His return. Live today with the hope that He will return to set all things right.

Day 22: Matthew 5:14-16 – You Are the Light of the World

Jesus calls His followers the light of the world, encouraging them to let their light shine before others so that they may see their good works and glorify God.

Reflection: As Christmas approaches, how can your life reflect the light of Christ to those around you? Let your actions speak of His love and truth.

Day 23: John 8:12 – Jesus the Light of the World

Jesus declares that He is the light of the world, and those who follow Him will never walk in darkness.

Reflection: Jesus is the ultimate source of light. In Him, we have hope and direction. Follow His lead and let His light guide your path.

Day 24: Luke 2:1-7 – The Birth of Jesus (Revisited)

Revisit the Christmas story once more. Reflect on the humble birth of Jesus in a manger and how this moment changed the world forever.

Reflection: Spend time in awe of God’s humility and love. The Savior of the world came in the most unexpected way. Let this truth fill your heart with wonder and gratitude.

Day 25: Luke 2:20 – The Shepherds Return

The shepherds glorify and praise God for all they have seen and heard. Their joy is a fitting response to the birth of Christ.

Reflection: Let your heart respond to the birth of Jesus with the same joy and praise. Christ has come! Let’s celebrate His arrival with hearts full of gratitude and worship.


This 25-day Bible reading plan offers a meaningful way to prepare your heart for Christmas. Each passage leads us deeper into the understanding of Christ’s birth, His mission, and His love for us. May this plan help you reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and inspire a deeper devotion to the Savior. Take time each day to read, reflect, and pray, allowing the Word of God to fill your heart with hope, peace, and joy.

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