Read the Daily Bible Verse – Exodus 36:37 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.
Exodus 36:37, though a seemingly small detail in the grand narrative of the construction of the Tabernacle, holds profound spiritual and theological significance. This verse, nestled within the larger story of God‘s detailed instructions for the Tabernacle, offers rich insights into the nature of God’s work, the importance of obedience, and the role of craftsmanship in worship. By examining the context, meaning, and application of Exodus 36:37, we can draw timeless lessons that are still applicable to the lives of Christians today.
In this article, we will explore the historical and biblical context of Exodus 36:37, its meaning within the Tabernacle narrative, and how it speaks to the Christian life today. We will also consider the symbolism found within the passage and its relevance to modern-day faith and practice.
The Context of Exodus 36:37 (KJV)
To understand the significance of Exodus 36:37, we must first situate it within the broader context of the book of Exodus. The construction of the Tabernacle represents a pivotal moment in Israel’s journey from slavery in Egypt to becoming a people set apart for God’s purpose. In Exodus 25–31, God gives Moses detailed instructions on how to build the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, and the various furnishings. After the instructions, the Israelites are called to contribute materials for the construction.
Exodus 36, where this verse appears, details the actual construction process under the leadership of Bezalel and Oholiab, two skilled artisans filled with the Spirit of God. The chapter emphasizes the obedience and diligence of the Israelites in following God’s instructions precisely. This is a crucial moment where God’s plan for His presence among the people takes shape. Exodus 36:37 is part of the description of how the curtains of the Tabernacle were constructed.
Exodus 36:37 (KJV)
“And he made a hanging for the tent door of blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen, of needlework.”
In Exodus 36:37, the focus is on the creation of a hanging for the entrance of the Tabernacle. The hanging was made with materials—blue, purple, and scarlet threads, along with fine linen—that were carefully woven together by skilled craftsmen. These materials were not only expensive and luxurious but also carried deep symbolic meaning, which we will explore later.
The Exodus 36:37 Meaning
The verse describes the work of creating a curtain or veil for the entrance of the Tabernacle, which was to provide a barrier between the sacred interior and the outside world. This was not just a practical task but a spiritually significant one, as the Tabernacle represented God’s dwelling place among His people.
The Materials of the Tent Door
As in other parts of the Tabernacle’s construction, the materials used for the hanging (curtain) were significant:
Blue: Blue was a color associated with the heavens and the divine. It symbolized God’s presence and the heavenly realm. The use of blue for the entrance curtain signified that the Tabernacle was a place where the heavenly and earthly realms met.
Purple: Purple, as a royal color, symbolized God’s kingship. In the Tabernacle, it represented the sovereignty of God who was the King of Israel.
Scarlet: Scarlet was a color associated with sacrifice and atonement. It was closely linked to the concept of redemption and the sacrificial system that would take place in the Tabernacle. The scarlet thread pointed forward to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Fine Twined Linen: Linen is often a symbol of purity, righteousness, and holiness in the Bible. The use of fine linen in the curtain represented the holiness of God, as the Tabernacle was a sacred space.
The Spiritual Significance of the Hanging
This hanging for the entrance was not just a functional part of the Tabernacle—it had profound spiritual meaning. It was the boundary that separated the holy space from the outside world, symbolizing the separation between a holy God and sinful humanity. Only priests, and specifically the high priest, could enter the Tabernacle, and they could do so only through the prescribed rituals.
This barrier, represented by the curtain, pointed to the reality of sin and separation from God. Yet, as we will see later, the New Testament teaches that this barrier was torn when Jesus died, granting believers direct access to God through His sacrifice.
The Role of Needlework
The mention of “needlework” in Exodus 36:37 is an indication of the fine craftsmanship that went into the creation of the curtain. The skill and artistry involved in crafting this veil were not only for aesthetic purposes but also for theological reasons. It was a representation of the excellence and beauty of God’s house. This mirrors the biblical principle that worship should be done with excellence, reflecting God’s majesty.
Exodus 36:37 Application in Life
While Exodus 36:37 is primarily about the construction of the Tabernacle, it carries numerous practical applications for Christians today.
The Importance of Worshiping with Excellence
The artisans who worked on the Tabernacle demonstrated great care, skill, and attention to detail. They did not treat this task lightly, knowing that they were constructing a sacred space where God’s presence would dwell. In the same way, Christians are called to offer their best in worship—whether in prayer, service, or everyday living. Worship is not just about rituals or ceremonies; it is about presenting our lives as a living sacrifice to God, as Romans 12:1 commands.
This also extends to the quality of our work in all areas of life. Whether we are working in our jobs, serving in our families, or engaging in ministry, we are called to do so with excellence, as it reflects our worship to God.
A Call to Holiness
The fine linen used in the hanging represents the holiness of God. As believers, we are called to live holy lives. 1 Peter 1:15–16 reminds us, “But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.” The curtain separating the sacred space of the Tabernacle symbolized the need for holiness in approaching God. The New Testament teaches that, through Christ, we now have access to God’s presence and are called to live in holiness and purity.
Jesus: The Fulfillment of the Veil
One of the most profound applications of Exodus 36:37 lies in its connection to the sacrifice of Jesus. In the New Testament, the veil in the Temple—like the one in the Tabernacle—was torn at the moment of Christ’s death (Matthew 27:51). This event symbolized that the barrier between God and man had been removed. Through Christ, we now have access to God. The curtain that once symbolized separation from God is now a symbol of the open invitation to all who believe in Jesus.
The Need for Sacred Boundaries
While the New Testament teaches that believers have direct access to God, this does not diminish the importance of reverence and respect for God’s holiness. The curtain in Exodus 36:37 reminds us that, while we can now approach God through Christ, we must never lose sight of His holiness. We must approach Him with awe and reverence, acknowledging His supreme authority.
Comparison with Other Biblical Texts
Exodus 36:37 is part of a broader narrative in Scripture that speaks to the themes of access to God, holiness, and the separation between God and sinful humanity. There are several key comparisons that help to deepen our understanding of this verse.
The Veil in the Temple
The veil in the Temple, which stood in the same tradition as the Tabernacle’s entrance curtain, was a physical barrier that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple. This veil was torn when Jesus died, symbolizing that the separation between God and man had been removed (Matthew 27:51). The tearing of the veil marked the fulfillment of the sacrificial system and the ultimate access to God through Christ.
The Priesthood and Access to God
In the Old Testament, the priesthood had a unique role in accessing God’s presence. The high priest was the only one who could enter the Holy of Holies, and even then, only once a year, on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16). This access was limited, but it pointed to the ultimate high priest, Jesus Christ, who entered the Heavenly Holy of Holies once for all (Hebrews 9:11-12). The curtain, therefore, was a precursor to the access believers now have through Christ.
The Role of Christ as the Ultimate Sacrifice
In the Old Testament sacrificial system, sacrifices were made to atone for sins. The scarlet thread in the Tabernacle curtain foreshadowed the blood of Christ, which would be shed to cover the sins of the world. The blood of animals in the Old Testament temporarily covered sin, but the blood of Christ, shed on the cross, permanently removes the barrier of sin (Hebrews 9:12).
Modern-Day Relevance
Exodus 36:37 may seem like an ancient detail about the construction of a sacred tent, but it carries enduring lessons for Christians today.
Access to God
Through Christ, we have access to God. No longer do we need to approach Him through a priest or through ritual sacrifices. We can approach God directly, as Hebrews 4:16 encourages us: “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Reverence for God’s Holiness
While we have access to God through Christ, this should never cause us to treat Him flippantly. The curtain in Exodus 36:37 serves as a reminder of God’s holiness. We are called to approach Him with reverence and awe, recognizing His majesty.
Craftsmanship in Worship
The skilled artisans who crafted the Tabernacle did so with excellence, and this serves as a model for how Christians should approach worship and service. Whether in our church communities, homes, or workplaces, we are to offer our best to God.
Exodus 36:37, while detailing a seemingly small part of the Tabernacle’s construction, carries profound spiritual significance. It reminds us of the holiness of God, the importance of reverence in worship, and the call to offer our best in service to Him. Through Christ, the barrier represented by the curtain has been removed, granting us access to God’s presence. As we reflect on this verse, we are challenged to live lives that honor God’s holiness and approach Him with the reverence He deserves. The themes of the Tabernacle’s construction continue to speak to us today, urging us to worship God in spirit and truth, with excellence and holiness.
Exodus 36:37 Commentary
Exodus 36:37 highlights the care and skill that went into creating the Tabernacle. Every detail mattered to God because the Tabernacle was a physical representation of His presence among His people. It was a place where God would meet with His people, and it needed to reflect His holiness and glory.
The reference to the hanging being made of “needlework” emphasizes the importance of fine craftsmanship in worship. The Tabernacle was not merely a structure; it was a space set apart for God’s presence. The materials used, such as blue, purple, scarlet, and fine linen, carried deep theological meanings, pointing to God’s sovereignty, sacrifice, and holiness.
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