
Exodus 36:25 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseExodus 36:25 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Exodus 36:25 is a verse that appears during a pivotal moment in the biblical narrative of the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness. As the Israelites prepare to build the Tabernacle—a place where God‘s presence will dwell among them—Exodus 36:25 provides important details about the materials used for its construction. Although the verse might seem like a brief mention of technical details, it carries profound theological and spiritual implications. To better understand Exodus 36:25 and its relevance, we must explore its context, meaning, application in life, and comparison with other biblical texts.


In this article, we will break down Exodus 36:25 in detail, looking at its background, significance, and how it applies to our lives today.


The Context of Exodus 36:25 (KJV)

Exodus 36 falls within the larger narrative of the Israelites’ time in the wilderness after their escape from Egypt. The Israelites are now at Mount Sinai, where God has given them His laws and instructions for the construction of the Tabernacle—a sacred tent of meeting that would house the ark of the covenant and be the focal point of Israel’s worship. The Tabernacle’s construction is described in great detail throughout the latter chapters of Exodus.


By the time we reach Exodus 36, God’s instructions for the Tabernacle have already been given in Exodus 25–30, and the people are now in the process of building it. In Exodus 36, we read about the craftsmen Bezalel and Oholiab, who have been divinely appointed to lead the work of constructing the Tabernacle and its furnishings. The people, moved by the Holy Spirit, bring offerings of gold, silver, bronze, and fine materials to support the work.

Exodus 36:25 provides a description of the materials used for the Tabernacle’s curtains and covers. Here’s the verse in the King James Version (KJV):

Exodus 36:25 (KJV): “And for the sides of the tabernacle westward he made six boards.”

The focus of this verse is on the number of boards made for the western side of the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle’s structure was a rectangular framework with boards on its four sides. The exact measurements and design are significant because they reflect God’s meticulous instructions, showing that nothing about the Tabernacle was arbitrary or haphazard. Each aspect of the Tabernacle had a spiritual and symbolic meaning, and Exodus 36:25 is part of this divine plan.

Overview of the Tabernacle Structure

The Tabernacle was a portable structure that served as the dwelling place for God’s presence among the Israelites. It was made of various components, including:

Boards and frames that formed the walls.

Curtains and coverings that protected the Tabernacle.

Furnishings, such as the Ark of the Covenant, the altar, and the table of showbread.

Each of these elements was built with a specific purpose and divine design. Exodus 36:25 focuses on the number of boards used to create one part of the structure—the western wall—showing God’s attention to detail in every part of the Tabernacle.

The Meaning of Exodus 36:25

Exodus 36:25, at first glance, may seem like a technical description of the Tabernacle’s construction. However, when we look deeper, we can find rich theological significance in even the most seemingly mundane details.

The Symbolism of the Tabernacle’s Walls

In Exodus 36:25, the six boards on the western side of the Tabernacle had an important role. The number six is often associated with the idea of imperfection or incompleteness in the Bible, particularly in contrast with the number seven, which is associated with divine completion and perfection. This symbolism may be seen as pointing to the fact that the Tabernacle—like the entire Old Covenant—was not complete in itself. It was temporary, pointing forward to the perfect and final sacrifice that would be fulfilled through Jesus Christ.

The six boards could also symbolize the imperfection of humanity, with God’s perfect presence dwelling among the people within a flawed and temporary structure. It foreshadows how Christ would come to dwell among humanity, bringing perfection and reconciliation through His sacrifice.

The Tabernacle as a Picture of Christ

Throughout the construction of the Tabernacle, there is an overarching theme of God’s presence dwelling with His people. The Tabernacle itself was a physical representation of this divine reality. Exodus 36:25, although it may seem insignificant in its description of a side of the Tabernacle, ultimately points to the greater reality of God’s presence among His people. Just as the Tabernacle was constructed to house the presence of God, Jesus Christ Himself would later be the ultimate fulfillment of God dwelling with His people.

In John 1:14, we read: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The phrase “dwelt among us” in the Greek literally means “pitched His tent among us,” a direct reference to the Tabernacle. Jesus is the true Tabernacle, the perfect dwelling place of God with humanity.

Exodus 36:25 Application in Life

While Exodus 36:25 speaks to the construction of the Tabernacle in ancient Israel, its principles apply deeply to our lives today. Here are some key applications we can draw from this verse:

1. God is Present in the Details

Exodus 36:25 reminds us that God cares deeply about the details of our lives. Just as He gave precise instructions for the construction of the Tabernacle, He cares about every aspect of our lives—our work, our relationships, and our service to Him. Nothing in our lives is too small for God to care about. Whether we are engaged in spiritual practices or mundane tasks, we can approach them with the understanding that God is present and involved in every detail.

2. Living as Temples of God

As Christians, we are called to be living temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Just as the Tabernacle was a holy and set-apart place for God’s presence, our bodies are now the dwelling places of God’s Spirit. Exodus 36:25 calls us to honor God with our bodies and to build our lives in a way that reflects His holiness and glory. Our lives, like the Tabernacle, should be designed with God’s presence in mind.

3. Imperfect but Covered by God’s Presence

The six boards on the western side of the Tabernacle represent humanity’s imperfection—but God’s presence still dwelled there. This serves as a reminder that we, as imperfect people, can still have access to God’s presence. Our imperfections don’t disqualify us from the grace of God. In fact, it is through our weaknesses that His strength is made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Exodus 36:25 is part of a broader biblical narrative that touches on themes of God’s presence, sacrifice, and redemption. Here are some other key passages that can be compared to Exodus 36:25:

1. Exodus 25:8-9 – Instructions for Building the Tabernacle

In Exodus 25, God provides detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle, emphasizing that it was to be a holy place where His presence would dwell. Exodus 36:25, in its specific description of the number of boards, is part of fulfilling that divine instruction. Both passages emphasize the importance of building according to God’s plan and purpose.

2. John 1:14 – The Word Became Flesh

As mentioned earlier, in John 1:14, we see the fulfillment of the Tabernacle’s imagery in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate Tabernacle, the perfect presence of God among humanity. Exodus 36:25, with its focus on the physical structure, points to this deeper spiritual reality that Christ would one day come to fully embody.

3. 1 Corinthians 3:16 – Our Bodies as Temples

Paul writes to the Corinthians that their bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16). This connects with the symbolism of the Tabernacle, where God’s presence dwelt in a physical structure. In the New Testament, the Church and individual believers are the new “temples” where God’s presence is found.

4. Hebrews 9:11-12 – The Greater Tabernacle

Hebrews 9:11-12 contrasts the earthly Tabernacle with the heavenly one, of which Jesus Christ is the high priest. Exodus 36:25 points to the earthly Tabernacle, while Hebrews 9 looks forward to the heavenly fulfillment in Christ. The temporary nature of the Tabernacle, as symbolized by the six boards, reminds us that the Old Covenant was not the final fulfillment of God’s plan.

Modern-Day Relevance of Exodus 36:25

Exodus 36:25, though an ancient text, has important implications for modern Christians. Its themes of God’s presence, sacrifice, and holiness are still deeply relevant today.

1. God Dwells with Us

Today, the church is the body of Christ, and God’s presence continues to dwell with us through the Holy Spirit. Exodus 36:25 reminds us that God desires to be present with His people, and that presence is accessible to us today through Christ.

2. Building Lives for God’s Glory

Like the Tabernacle, our lives are meant to be built with purpose and intentionality. We are called to live in a way that honors God, using our time, resources, and talents for His kingdom. The Tabernacle’s structure, as described in Exodus 36:25, encourages us to live intentional, purpose-filled lives that reflect the glory of God.


Exodus 36:25 may seem like a small detail, but its significance extends far beyond the construction of the Tabernacle. It serves as a reminder of God’s attention to detail, His desire for relationship with His people, and the temporary nature of the Old Covenant, which pointed forward to the permanent fulfillment in Jesus Christ. This verse calls us to recognize God’s presence in our lives and to build our lives according to His purpose and glory. As we live in the light of the true Tabernacle, we are called to live lives of obedience, holiness, and sacrifice, offering our best to the one who dwells among us.

Exodus 36:25 Commentary

Exodus 36:25 may appear as a technical detail about the Tabernacle’s construction, but it provides a rich source of theological insight. It highlights the importance of obedience to God’s specific instructions, the temporary nature of the Old Covenant, and the foreshadowing of Christ who would fulfill the symbolic role of the Tabernacle. The boards on the western side represent both the imperfect structure of the Old Covenant and the perfect fulfillment to come through Christ.

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