
What Does Exodus 36:32 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseExodus 36:32 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Exodus 36:32 is part of a larger narrative that describes the building of the Tabernacle, the sacred dwelling place of God among His people. The Tabernacle was to serve as a place where God could meet with Moses and the Israelites as they journeyed through the wilderness. While this verse might seem like a minor detail in the construction process, it holds significant spiritual lessons that speak to the principles of order, obedience, and God’s provision for His people.


In this article, we will explore Exodus 36:32 in depth by examining its context, meaning, applications for life, comparison with other biblical texts, and its modern-day relevance. We will also delve into an Exodus 36:32 commentary to understand how this verse reflects broader biblical themes, culminating in a conclusion that underscores its importance in the Christian faith.


The Context on Exodus 36:32 KJV

Before examining the specific meaning of Exodus 36:32, it is important to understand the context in which this verse occurs. Exodus 36 falls within the section of the book that focuses on the construction of the Tabernacle. God had given Moses detailed instructions for the Tabernacle in chapters 25 through 30, and now, in chapters 35 through 40, the Israelites begin the actual construction process.


The craftsmen responsible for building the Tabernacle, led by Bezalel and Oholiab, were carrying out God’s commands with great care and precision. As the Israelites assembled the various components of the Tabernacle, the task of creating a holy and sacred place for God’s presence was carried out with great attention to detail.

Exodus 36:32 (KJV) reads:

“And he made six boards for the sides of the tabernacle, the north side.”

In this verse, Bezalel (under God’s direction) and the other craftsmen are constructing the boards for the north side of the Tabernacle. This specific verse is part of a section where the Tabernacle’s walls are being built, and it outlines the use of six boards made of acacia wood. The boards are essential in forming the framework of the Tabernacle, which would house the Ark of the Covenant and other sacred objects, serving as a place of God’s holy presence.

The Tabernacle: A Place for God’s Presence

The Tabernacle was a mobile sanctuary that symbolized God’s desire to dwell with His people. It was divided into three main areas: the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Most Holy Place (or Holy of Holies), where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. Each section and every detail of the Tabernacle was designed to reflect God’s holiness and order.

The walls of the Tabernacle, including the boards described in Exodus 36:32, were important not only for structural integrity but also for setting boundaries that separated the holy presence of God from the world outside. They were a visible reminder of God’s sacred space and His holiness.

The Exodus 36:32 Meaning

Exodus 36:32 might seem like a simple reference to the number and placement of the boards on the north side of the Tabernacle. However, there are deeper spiritual meanings embedded in this verse that are important for understanding God’s plans for His people.

1. The Number of Boards: Six

The verse specifically mentions that six boards were used for the north side of the Tabernacle. While the number six does not carry as much symbolic weight as other numbers in the Bible (like seven or twelve), it still carries significance.

In biblical numerology, the number six often represents human effort, as it is one short of seven, which is considered the number of completion or perfection. The use of six boards for the north side may suggest the need for human involvement and obedience in completing God’s plan. While God is the one who brings perfection and completion, His people are called to actively participate in the work of the kingdom, just as the Israelites were called to build the Tabernacle according to God’s instructions.

2. The Material: Acacia Wood

The boards mentioned in Exodus 36:32 were made from acacia wood, known for its strength and durability. This wood was used throughout the construction of the Tabernacle, and its importance cannot be overstated. The wood symbolizes the strength and endurance required for the structure of the Tabernacle, but it also has deeper theological implications.

Acacia wood is a resilient material, resistant to decay and pests. It serves as a fitting symbol for God’s eternal presence and His unfailing nature. Just as the Tabernacle was made from materials that would last, so too does God’s presence among His people endure forever. The use of acacia wood also speaks to the purity and holiness of the Tabernacle, as the materials used had to be pure and without blemish, symbolizing God’s holy nature.

3. The North Side: A Place of Structure and Order

Exodus 36:32 specifies that these six boards were placed on the north side of the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was to be constructed with clear order and structure, and each side had its specific role in the overall design. The north side of the Tabernacle was not the most visible side (as the entrance was to the east), but it was still important in the overall layout.

The north side might symbolize the less visible or less celebrated aspects of our spiritual lives. While many may focus on the front (the entrance) or the inner sanctum (the Most Holy Place), the north side reminds us that every part of God’s work is important, even if it is not in the spotlight. Every believer has a role in God’s kingdom, and every act of obedience, no matter how small, contributes to the overall work of the Lord.

Exodus 36:32 Application in Life

Exodus 36:32 provides a powerful lesson in obedience, diligence, and participation in God’s work. While the verse may describe a specific task in the construction of the Tabernacle, the principles it contains apply to our lives today.

1. Active Participation in God’s Work

Just as the Israelites were called to be active participants in the building of the Tabernacle, we are called to be actively involved in God’s kingdom work today. God has a plan for each of us, and He invites us to play a role in His purposes. This involves not only obedience to His commands but also an attitude of cooperation and willingness to serve.

In the church today, we are all part of the spiritual Tabernacle, with different gifts and roles to play. Whether we serve in visible leadership or behind-the-scenes tasks, each role is equally important in building up the body of Christ.

2. Holiness and Purity in Our Lives

The materials used for the Tabernacle, including acacia wood, were chosen for their purity and durability. Similarly, God calls us to live holy and pure lives. Just as the Israelites followed specific instructions for building the Tabernacle, we are called to follow God’s commandments with precision and reverence.

Exodus 36:32 challenges us to examine the purity and integrity of our own lives. Are we living in obedience to God’s will? Are we choosing materials in our spiritual lives that reflect His holiness, or are we compromising in areas that dishonor Him?

3. God’s Provision for His Work

The materials for the Tabernacle, including the acacia wood, were not sourced from the Israelites’ personal wealth but were provided by God. This reflects the faithfulness of God to provide for His people, both in material resources and spiritual guidance. As we engage in the work of God’s kingdom, we can trust that He will provide what we need to accomplish the task He has set before us.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

To gain a deeper understanding of Exodus 36:32, let’s compare it with other biblical texts that emphasize themes of obedience, holiness, and participation in God’s work.

1. 1 Corinthians 3:9-17 – Building God’s Temple

In 1 Corinthians 3:9-17, Paul writes about believers being co-laborers in the work of God, building on the foundation of Christ. Just as the Israelites were called to build the physical Tabernacle, Christians today are called to build a spiritual house. Paul warns, however, that we must be careful about the materials we use to build (1 Corinthians 3:12-13). If we use unworthy materials, the work will be destroyed. This mirrors the attention to detail and holiness required in the construction of the Tabernacle.

2. 1 Peter 2:5 – Living Stones in God’s Temple

In 1 Peter 2:5, Peter calls Christians “living stones” being built into a spiritual house. This imagery ties directly to the Tabernacle in Exodus, as both involve the construction of a dwelling place for God. Just as the Israelites built a physical structure to house God’s presence, we, as Christians, are called to build our lives on Christ, the cornerstone, and become living stones in the spiritual house of God.

3. Romans 12:1 – Presenting Our Bodies as Living Sacrifices

In Romans 12:1, Paul urges believers to present their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. This echoes the call for holiness in the construction of the Tabernacle, where everything must be pure and consecrated for God’s use. We, too, are to present ourselves as holy vessels for God’s service, reflecting His presence in a fallen world.

Modern-Day Relevance

Exodus 36:32 holds profound relevance in our daily lives. Today, we are still called to be obedient, diligent, and holy in our work for the Lord. The details of the Tabernacle remind us that God is interested in the small, seemingly insignificant tasks of life as much as the grander endeavors. Every act of service to God, no matter how small or unnoticed by others, contributes to the building of His spiritual kingdom.

As Christians, we are to honor God not only in the major milestones of our faith journey but in the everyday acts of obedience and service. Just as the Israelites were called to build the Tabernacle with meticulous care, we are called to live our lives with purpose, integrity, and holiness.


Exodus 36:32 may seem like a small detail in the grand narrative of the Tabernacle’s construction, but it carries powerful spiritual truths. From the number and placement of the boards to the materials used, this verse teaches us about obedience, holiness, participation, and God’s provision. As we apply the lessons from this verse to our lives today, we are reminded to approach our relationship with God with care, diligence, and reverence, building our lives on the firm foundation of Christ. The Tabernacle serves as a model for us, showing that every detail matters in our journey of faith.

Exodus 36:32 Commentary

Exodus 36:32 stands as a reminder of the meticulous care and obedience required in serving God. The building of the Tabernacle was not a casual or haphazard task; it was a sacred endeavor that demanded precision and faithfulness. God’s people were expected to give their best, using the finest materials and the best craftsmanship, just as we are called to give our best to God in every area of our lives.

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