
What Did Abraham Do Before God Called Him?

by Mia

Abraham, one of the most significant figures in the Bible, is often remembered for his unwavering faith and his role as the father of three major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, before God called him to leave his homeland and embark on a journey that would shape history, Abraham’s life was relatively quiet and rooted in the customs of his time. Understanding what Abraham did before God’s call provides valuable insight into God’s plan for his life and the broader narrative of salvation.

In the Bible, Abraham is first introduced as Abram, a man living in the city of Ur in Mesopotamia. The call of God, which came later, was not based on Abraham’s inherent greatness or righteousness but was part of God’s divine plan. Let’s explore what Abraham’s life was like before that pivotal moment in his story, drawing on Scripture and context to paint a clearer picture.


The Early Life of Abraham (Abram)

Before God called Abraham, he was living in the city of Ur, one of the most important cities in ancient Mesopotamia. Ur was a bustling metropolis in the region of Sumer, and it was well-known for its wealth, religious practices, and culture. It was a city of great sophistication, with advanced technology, trade routes, and a powerful pantheon of gods.


Abram’s Family Background

Abram’s family background is significant when considering what his life was like before God’s call. In the book of Genesis, we learn that Abram’s father was Terah, who had three sons: Abram, Nahor, and Haran (Genesis 11:26). Terah’s family belonged to a lineage that descended from Shem, the son of Noah, which places Abram in a key position in the genealogy of God’s chosen people. However, their life was not one of direct worship of the one true God but was rooted in the polytheistic beliefs of the ancient world.


Terah, according to Jewish tradition and some biblical interpretations, was an idol maker. It is often suggested that he was involved in the creation and sale of idols used in the worship of the many gods in Mesopotamia. This detail is significant because it shows that Abram’s family lived in a culture steeped in idolatry, yet God chose Abram from among them for a very specific purpose.

The City of Ur: A Center of Idolatry

Ur, as mentioned earlier, was a city of great wealth and culture, but it was also deeply entrenched in idolatry. The people of Ur worshipped many gods, including the moon god, Nanna (or Sin). It was a city where religious rituals and offerings to gods were a daily part of life. Abram, as a member of this society, would have been raised in a context that promoted polytheism and idol worship.

The Bible does not give us specific details about Abram’s personal religious practices before God called him. However, given the context of his upbringing, it is likely that Abram, like the rest of his family, participated in the idol worship that was so prevalent in Ur. This would mean that Abram’s faith was initially shaped by the beliefs of the city and his family.

God’s Call to Abram

Abram’s life took a dramatic turn when God called him to leave his homeland. In Genesis 12:1-3, God spoke to Abram and gave him a command:

“Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:1-3, NIV)

This call from God was a radical departure from Abram’s life in Ur. It was not just a physical move to a new location but a spiritual one as well. God was calling Abram to leave his idolatrous past behind and step into a new life of faith and trust in the one true God.

Abram’s Response to God’s Call

Before we explore what Abram did after God’s call, it is important to understand how he responded to it. In Genesis 12:4, we read:

“So Abram went, as the Lord had told him…” (Genesis 12:4, NIV)

This simple statement marks a moment of profound obedience. Despite the uncertainty of the journey, the loss of his familiar surroundings, and the sacrifices involved, Abram obeyed God’s command. His decision to leave Ur and follow God’s call would forever change the course of his life and the history of the world.

Abram’s Journey from Ur to Haran

Before fully embarking on the journey to the land God had promised him, Abram made a stop in the city of Haran. Genesis 11:31 tells us that Terah, Abram’s father, took his family and set out from Ur to go to the land of Canaan, but they stopped and settled in Haran. It is unclear why they stopped in Haran, but it was there that Abram’s father Terah died (Genesis 11:32), and Abram received the full command from God to continue his journey to Canaan.

At this point, Abram was 75 years old (Genesis 12:4), and he set out with his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and all the people and possessions they had accumulated in Haran. This journey marked the beginning of Abram’s new life of faith, which would take him into the unknown but would ultimately lead to the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Lessons from Abram’s Life Before God’s Call

While the Bible does not offer a detailed account of Abram’s actions before God called him, several important lessons can be drawn from his early life and the context in which he lived.

1. God’s Call Is Not Dependent on Our Past

One of the key points to understand from Abram’s life is that God’s call is not based on our past or our upbringing. Abram was living in a city that was steeped in idolatry and pagan practices. His family worshipped false gods, and yet, God chose him. This shows us that God’s call is based on His divine plan, not on our human qualifications or circumstances. No matter our past, God can call us to a life of purpose and service.

2. Obedience to God Requires Faith

Abram’s response to God’s call was one of immediate obedience. He didn’t know where God was leading him, but he trusted God enough to leave behind everything familiar. Obedience to God often requires stepping out in faith, trusting that He knows the way, even when we do not.

3. The Importance of Leaving Behind Idolatry

Before God called Abram, he was surrounded by idols and false gods. God’s call to Abram was not just a physical relocation but also a call to leave behind the false worship of idols. This highlights a biblical theme that God desires His people to worship Him alone. Abram’s journey symbolizes the broader journey of moving away from idolatry and toward a relationship with the one true God.

4. God’s Plan for Our Lives Is Bigger Than We Can Imagine

Abram had no idea what God had in store for him. All he knew was that God was calling him to a new land. Yet, through this call, God made promises that were far beyond what Abram could have imagined: a great nation, a great name, and a blessing to all peoples on earth. Similarly, when God calls us, His plans for us are often greater than we can fathom at the time.


Before God called Abram to leave Ur and embark on a journey of faith, his life was marked by a typical existence in a prosperous, idol-worshipping city. He was part of a family entrenched in the religious and cultural practices of the time. However, God saw something in Abram—a potential for faith and obedience—that led to a divine calling that would alter the course of history. Abram’s journey teaches us the power of obedience, the importance of faith, and the incredible ways God can use our lives for His purposes, even when we come from humble or sinful beginnings.

The call of Abram is a reminder that God’s purposes are often bigger than what we can comprehend. Just as God called Abram to a life of faith and obedience, He calls each of us to follow Him, trusting in His plan for our lives.

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