
What Does Authority Mean in Matthew 28:18?

by Mia

The Gospel of Matthew, one of the four canonical gospels in the New Testament, is rich with theological depth and spiritual insights. Among its verses, Matthew 28:18 stands out as a profound declaration of Jesus Christ’s authority. In this article, we will delve into the context, significance, and implications of Jesus’ statement in Matthew 28:18, exploring what authority means within this biblical passage.

Contextual Background

Before analyzing Matthew 28:18 in isolation, it’s crucial to understand its broader context within the Gospel of Matthew. The verse is situated at the conclusion of the gospel, commonly referred to as the Great Commission. Following His resurrection, Jesus appears to His disciples, instructing them to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). It is within this commissioning that Jesus proclaims His authority in verse 18.


Matthew 28:18 – “All Authority in Heaven and on Earth”


The verse reads, “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.'” At first glance, this statement might seem straightforward, but its implications are profound and far-reaching.



Jesus’ claim to possess “all authority” encapsulates several theological truths. Firstly, it reaffirms His divine nature. By asserting authority over both heaven and earth, Jesus places Himself above all earthly and heavenly powers, indicating His supremacy as the Son of God.

Secondly, Jesus’ authority is not self-derived but given to Him. This implies a divine delegation, suggesting a relationship between Jesus and God the Father, from whom He receives this authority. This relationship underscores the interconnectedness within the Trinity, emphasizing the unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, Jesus’ authority is not limited to a particular realm or jurisdiction. It encompasses both heaven and earth, signifying His sovereignty over all creation. This universal authority positions Jesus as the ultimate ruler and judge, with dominion extending beyond temporal boundaries into eternity.


Understanding the authority of Jesus in Matthew 28:18 has profound implications for believers. Firstly, it underscores the exclusivity of Christ as the sole mediator between God and humanity (1 Timothy 2:5). In a world filled with competing ideologies and belief systems, Jesus’ claim to universal authority offers a distinct and unequivocal message of salvation.

Moreover, Jesus’ authority compels obedience and discipleship. As recipients of His commission, believers are called to submit to His lordship and participate in the advancement of His kingdom on earth. This entails not only proclaiming the gospel but also living in accordance with His teachings, reflecting His character in every aspect of life.

Additionally, Jesus’ authority provides assurance and hope to believers amidst life’s uncertainties. In a world marked by chaos and turmoil, knowing that Jesus reigns supreme brings comfort and confidence. His authority transcends earthly powers and guarantees the ultimate triumph of good over evil, justice over injustice, and life over death.


The authority of Jesus in Matthew 28:18 is not merely a theological concept but a lived reality for believers. It calls for a response that encompasses both faith and action. As followers of Christ, we are called to acknowledge His lordship in every area of our lives, yielding to His will and purposes.

Practically, this means aligning our priorities, values, and decisions with the principles laid out in Scripture. It involves cultivating a life of prayer, worship, and obedience, seeking to honor Christ in our relationships, work, and service to others.

Furthermore, recognizing Jesus’ authority compels us to engage in the Great Commission actively. We are commissioned to share the gospel, make disciples, and bear witness to the transformative power of Christ in our communities and beyond. This mission is not optional but imperative, driven by the conviction that Jesus is the hope of the world.


In conclusion, Matthew 28:18 serves as a foundational declaration of Jesus Christ’s authority over all creation. Its profound implications challenge and inspire believers to live in submission to His lordship, participate in His redemptive mission, and find hope in His sovereign rule. As we embrace the truth of Jesus’ authority, may we be empowered to live lives that honor and glorify Him in all that we do.


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