
What Does Exodus 20:14 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseExodus 20:14 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Exodus 20:14 is one of the Ten Commandments that God gave to the Israelites, serving as a moral standard for personal and relational conduct. This commandment, which forbids adultery, holds significant moral, ethical, and spiritual weight in both the Old and New Testaments. In this article, we will explore the context, meaning, application, comparison with other biblical texts, and modern-day relevance of Exodus 20:14.


The Context of Exodus 20:14 (KJV)

Exodus 20:14 reads:


“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” (Exodus 20:14, KJV)


This verse is a straightforward commandment that falls under the category of moral imperatives that God gave to His people. It is the seventh of the Ten Commandments, following the commands to honor God, refrain from idolatry, and avoid bearing false witness. It addresses personal integrity and the sanctity of marriage, which is foundational to the social and spiritual well-being of society.

The context of this commandment is situated within the broader framework of the covenant that God established with the Israelites at Mount Sinai. In Exodus 19, God declares that Israel is His chosen people, and He expects them to live according to His moral laws. The Ten Commandments are a guide for living in harmony with God and with others. Adultery, as forbidden in Exodus 20:14, is a violation of the sacred covenant of marriage, which is a central institution in both the Israelite culture and God’s design for humanity.

Marriage in ancient Israel was seen not just as a contract between two individuals but as a covenant before God. Adultery, therefore, was not only a sin against a spouse but a violation of the covenant between the people and God.

The Meaning of Exodus 20:14

The prohibition against adultery is one of the most fundamental moral guidelines in the Bible. At its core, it calls for the preservation of sexual purity, faithfulness, and the integrity of marriage. But its significance runs deeper, impacting not just individual relationships but also the broader societal order and the spiritual health of God’s people.

The Definition of Adultery

Adultery, in the biblical context, refers to the act of a married person engaging in sexual relations with someone who is not their spouse. It is a betrayal of the exclusive covenantal relationship that God designed for marriage. In the Bible, marriage is meant to be a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman, where both parties are expected to honor and respect one another.

The commandment in Exodus 20:14 is rooted in the idea that marriage is sacred and should not be defiled. God instituted marriage in Genesis 2:24 when He created Eve for Adam, declaring, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” This divine union is meant to be exclusive, and adultery directly undermines this union by introducing a third party into the sacred bond.

The Spiritual Significance of Adultery

Adultery is more than a physical act; it has profound spiritual implications. In the Old Testament, adultery is often used as a metaphor for spiritual unfaithfulness. For instance, Israel’s idolatry is frequently depicted as spiritual adultery, where the nation turned away from God to worship false gods. In this sense, the act of adultery in Exodus 20:14 is a picture of unfaithfulness not just in human relationships but also in the relationship between God and His people.

The Apostle James, in the New Testament, alludes to this metaphor when he writes, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?” (James 4:4). In this context, adultery is symbolic of betrayal, not only against a spouse but against God’s covenant.

Exodus 20:14 Application in Life

Exodus 20:14, while addressing the specific sin of adultery, has broader implications for how believers live out their faith in all relationships. Here are several key ways in which this commandment can be applied in life:

Faithfulness in Marriage

The most direct application of Exodus 20:14 is in the context of marriage. It calls for faithfulness and commitment to one’s spouse, which is foundational to a healthy and thriving marital relationship. This commandment upholds the biblical understanding that marriage is a covenant that involves loyalty, trust, and exclusivity. Faithfulness involves more than just refraining from sexual infidelity—it also encompasses emotional and relational loyalty.

For married couples, honoring this commandment means nurturing a relationship of trust, mutual respect, and selflessness. The relationship should be safeguarded from external temptations and unhealthy influences. In a world that often devalues commitment and marriage, this commandment calls Christians to maintain strong and faithful marriages that reflect God’s covenantal love.

Guarding One’s Heart and Mind

The commandment against adultery extends beyond physical actions to the realm of the heart and mind. Jesus taught this in Matthew 5:27-28, where He explains that lustful thoughts are a form of adultery:

“Ye have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” (Matthew 5:27-28, KJV)

This highlights the importance of guarding one’s thoughts and desires. Temptation often begins in the mind before it manifests in outward actions. Therefore, believers are called to cultivate purity in their thoughts, striving to maintain sexual integrity in all aspects of life, including how they think and behave when no one else is watching.

Building a Healthy View of Sexuality

Exodus 20:14 helps shape a biblical view of human sexuality. In God’s design, sexuality is meant to be experienced within the context of a committed, monogamous marriage between a man and a woman. This commandment teaches that sexuality is sacred and must not be treated casually. It warns against the objectification of others and promotes respect, dignity, and love in sexual relationships.

For single individuals, this commandment also encourages the pursuit of chastity until marriage, emphasizing the importance of sexual purity and self-control. In a world saturated with sexual temptation and distorted views of relationships, this commandment calls believers to hold fast to God’s original design for human sexuality.

Respecting Others’ Marital Commitments

Another application of Exodus 20:14 is the call to respect the marital commitments of others. It is not only the responsibility of married people to avoid adultery but also the responsibility of others to refrain from tempting or encouraging someone to break their vows. The commandment calls Christians to uphold respect for marriage as a sacred institution, recognizing the emotional, spiritual, and social damage that adultery can cause.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Exodus 20:14 is not the only place in Scripture that addresses the issue of adultery. The Bible speaks to this topic in numerous passages, both directly and indirectly, underscoring its moral and spiritual significance.

The Teachings of Jesus

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reaffirms the commandment against adultery while extending its application to the heart and mind. In Matthew 5:27-28, He makes it clear that lustful thoughts are sinful in the eyes of God. Jesus is concerned not just with outward behavior but with the inner purity of His followers. The focus shifts from merely avoiding physical adultery to maintaining purity in thoughts and intentions.

Old Testament Warnings Against Adultery

The Old Testament, especially the wisdom literature, frequently warns against the dangers of adultery. Proverbs 6:32-33 describes the destructive consequences of infidelity:

“But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul. A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.” (Proverbs 6:32-33, KJV)

This passage emphasizes the moral and spiritual consequences of adultery. It destroys not only personal integrity but also the trust within the community and the relationship with God.

The Apostle Paul’s Teachings

In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, the Apostle Paul lists adultery as one of the sins that will keep individuals from inheriting the kingdom of God:

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, KJV)

Paul’s inclusion of adultery in this list further underscores the gravity of this sin and its spiritual consequences.

Modern-Day Relevance of Exodus 20:14

The relevance of Exodus 20:14 in today’s society cannot be overstated. In a culture that often promotes casual relationships, instant gratification, and the breakdown of traditional family structures, the commandment against adultery stands as a vital moral guideline. Here are some ways in which Exodus 20:14 continues to be relevant in the modern world:

Protecting the Sanctity of Marriage

In today’s society, where divorce rates are high and extramarital affairs are common, Exodus 20:14 calls for a return to the sanctity and exclusivity of marriage. It reminds individuals that marriage is a covenant, not just a contract, and that fidelity to one’s spouse is essential for a stable, thriving marriage.

Countering the Culture of Infidelity

The modern world is saturated with temptations that promote infidelity, from pornography to emotional affairs. Exodus 20:14 provides a moral boundary that helps believers resist the cultural pressure to engage in adulterous behavior. It calls Christians to uphold God’s standards in a world that often encourages compromise.

Building Stronger Families and Communities

As families are the foundation of society, upholding the commandment against adultery contributes to stronger families. When spouses remain faithful to one another, the emotional and psychological health of children is enhanced, and the community as a whole benefits from a more stable environment.


Exodus 20:14 is a timeless commandment that calls for faithfulness in marriage, purity in thoughts, and respect for the sanctity of relationships. The prohibition against adultery serves not only as a moral guideline but as a reflection of God’s covenantal love for His people. By applying this commandment in daily life, believers uphold the sacredness of marriage and contribute to the spiritual health of society. In a world that often devalues commitment and faithfulness, Exodus 20:14 remains a foundational principle for living in accordance with God’s will.

Exodus 20:14 Commentary

Biblical scholars have long recognized the importance of Exodus 20:14 in promoting moral order and personal holiness. Some commentators emphasize the spiritual aspect of the commandment, noting that adultery is not just a violation of personal trust but also a violation of God’s holy will. Others point to the cultural implications, recognizing that adultery often leads to broken homes and fractured communities.

Theologians also highlight the broad application of this commandment to include not only physical acts of infidelity but also lust, pornography, and emotional affairs, all of which defile the purity of marriage and the integrity of the believer.

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