
What does Exodus 2:7 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseExodus 2:7 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

The Book of Exodus stands as one of the most foundational texts of the Bible, recounting the story of Israel’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt. Among its many significant passages, Exodus 2:7 offers a glimpse into the providence of God during the early life of Moses, the deliverer of the Israelites. This verse may seem like a simple narrative detail, but it carries profound theological and practical lessons for both the ancient Israelites and modern-day readers. In this article, we will explore the context of Exodus 2:7, its meaning, its application in life, its comparison with other biblical texts, and its relevance today.


The Context of Exodus 2:7 (KJV)

Setting the Scene

Exodus 2 takes place at a time when the Israelites are oppressed under the harsh rule of Pharaoh in Egypt. This chapter begins with the birth of Moses, a Hebrew child born to Amram and Jochebed, from the tribe of Levi (Exodus 2:1–2). As the Pharaoh orders the death of all male Hebrew infants (Exodus 1:22), Moses’ parents, in an act of faith, hide him for three months. Unable to keep him hidden any longer, they place him in a basket made of bulrushes and set him afloat on the Nile River, hoping for God’s protection.


The Role of Pharaoh’s Daughter

The pivotal moment comes when Pharaoh’s daughter comes down to the river to bathe and discovers the basket with the infant Moses inside (Exodus 2:5). She opens the basket and takes pity on the child, realizing that he is a Hebrew baby. At this point, Moses’ sister, Miriam, who had been watching from a distance, steps forward and offers to find a nurse for the baby (Exodus 2:7).


This is where Exodus 2:7 comes into play:

“Then said his sister to Pharaoh’s daughter, Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee?” (Exodus 2:7, KJV)

This verse is a brief yet crucial moment in the narrative. Miriam’s quick thinking and resourcefulness set the stage for the preservation of Moses’ life, and, by extension, the future deliverance of Israel from slavery.

Exodus 2:7 in the Larger Narrative

Moses’ rescue from the Nile is not an isolated event but rather part of God’s larger plan for the liberation of the Israelites. In the grand narrative of Exodus, this act of mercy and intervention serves as the first step toward the eventual exodus from Egypt. The appearance of Pharaoh’s daughter and the role she plays in adopting Moses highlights the sovereignty of God in using unexpected people and circumstances to fulfill His purposes.

The Meaning of Exodus 2:7

Divine Providence in Action

Exodus 2:7 is not just a simple conversation between Miriam and Pharaoh’s daughter. It encapsulates the theme of God’s providence at work. Providence refers to God’s sovereign care and guidance in human affairs, even through seemingly ordinary or incidental events. The events surrounding Moses’ rescue demonstrate that God’s hand is actively guiding the course of history, even in the smallest of details.

In this verse, Miriam’s suggestion to Pharaoh’s daughter is an example of a divinely inspired action. It is highly unlikely that Pharaoh’s daughter would have chosen a Hebrew nurse to care for the child she had just discovered. However, God’s providence orchestrates the situation so that Moses’ own mother, Jochebed, is able to nurse and care for him during his early years. This not only ensures Moses’ survival but also allows him to be nurtured in the faith and traditions of his people before he is eventually adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter.

A Step Toward Deliverance

Moses’ early life is marked by a series of miraculous events. From his preservation in the Nile to his eventual rise as a leader of Israel, each moment serves as a step toward the ultimate goal: the liberation of God’s people from Egyptian bondage. Exodus 2:7 shows that God’s deliverance is not always immediate or dramatic. Sometimes, it unfolds through ordinary acts like a conversation or a timely suggestion, revealing that God’s purposes are accomplished in ways that may not always be obvious at first.

Exodus 2:7 Application in Life

Faith and Initiative

One of the key lessons from Exodus 2:7 is the role of faith and initiative in God’s plan. While Miriam’s actions may seem small, they reveal her faith and her courage in stepping forward to offer a solution at a critical moment. Often, God asks His people to take small steps of faith that, when combined with His sovereignty, lead to significant outcomes.

In the same way, believers today are often called to step out in faith, trusting that God will guide and direct their actions. Miriam’s suggestion to Pharaoh’s daughter demonstrates that God can use even the smallest actions for His greater purpose. This teaches Christians to be proactive, using their gifts and abilities to make a difference, even when the full scope of God’s plan is not immediately visible.

Trusting God’s Timing

Exodus 2:7 also teaches us to trust in God’s timing. The events in the life of Moses occurred according to God’s perfect plan, but they did not happen instantly. Sometimes, God’s work in our lives unfolds over time, through a series of seemingly small or unrelated moments. The lesson here is that God is always at work, even when we cannot see it, and we must trust that He is in control of the timing of events in our lives.

Compassion and Advocacy

Another application of this verse is the call to compassion and advocacy for others. Miriam saw a need and stepped in to help. Just as she advocated for her brother, Christians today are called to advocate for those who are vulnerable, oppressed, or in need. Exodus 2:7 encourages believers to take action on behalf of others, even when the challenges seem insurmountable.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

The Role of Women in Scripture

Exodus 2:7 highlights the significant role of women in God’s redemptive plan. While the Bible has been criticized for its portrayal of women, there are numerous examples where women play pivotal roles in the unfolding of God’s purposes. Miriam’s role in saving Moses echoes the actions of other women in Scripture, such as Rahab (who hid the Israelite spies in Joshua 2) and Esther (who interceded for her people in the Persian Empire). In these stories, women are seen as active agents of God’s plan.

Miriam’s courage and faithfulness in Exodus 2:7 also bring to mind the story of Deborah in Judges 4–5, who was a judge and prophetess. Deborah led Israel during a time of crisis, showing that God often raises up unlikely individuals to accomplish His will, regardless of their gender.

The Theme of God’s Providence

The theme of God’s providence in Exodus 2:7 is also seen throughout the Bible. From the story of Joseph in Genesis (where God uses Joseph’s imprisonment to later save Israel from famine) to the Book of Esther (where God orchestrates events to save the Jewish people), the Bible repeatedly shows that God’s hand is behind every detail of human history.

A striking parallel can be drawn between the story of Moses’ rescue and the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. In both cases, a child destined for a great purpose is saved from an evil ruler (Pharaoh in Moses’ case, Herod in Jesus’ case) and is later used by God to deliver His people. This comparison underscores the consistency of God’s redemptive plan throughout history.

Modern-Day Relevance of Exodus 2:7

God’s Sovereignty in Daily Life

Exodus 2:7 is a reminder that God is at work in our lives, even in the seemingly mundane or insignificant moments. In today’s fast-paced, chaotic world, it can be easy to forget that God’s providence is still active. However, the story of Moses’ rescue teaches believers that God is always present, guiding events for His purposes.

Just as Miriam took initiative to protect and save her brother, believers are called to take part in God’s mission on Earth. This verse encourages Christians to trust in God’s plan, take action when necessary, and have faith that He will bring about His purposes, even when the outcome is not immediately visible.

Living Out Faith in a Hostile World

In a world where faith and morality are often challenged, Exodus 2:7 provides an example of standing firm in one’s beliefs. Miriam’s actions were bold, and she stepped into a situation where she could have been punished for speaking out. Christians today may also find themselves in positions where they must stand up for what is right, even when it seems dangerous or unpopular.

The Call to Act in Compassion

Exodus 2:7 also speaks to the modern call for compassion and advocacy for the marginalized. In today’s world, there are many vulnerable populations, including refugees, the oppressed, and the unborn, who require advocacy. Just as Miriam acted to protect her brother, modern Christians are called to protect the vulnerable and speak out against injustice.


Exodus 2:7 may be a brief moment in the larger narrative of Moses’ life, but it carries profound implications for our understanding of God’s providence, the role of women in His plan, and the need for faith and initiative in our daily lives. Through this simple interaction between Miriam and Pharaoh’s daughter, we see God’s sovereign hand at work, guiding the events of history toward His redemptive purposes. This passage challenges believers to trust in God’s timing, to act in faith, and to be compassionate advocates for those in need.

Exodus 2:7 Commentary

In a world that often feels uncertain and chaotic, Exodus 2:7 serves as a reminder that even in the smallest of actions, God is working His purpose out, and He invites us to be a part of that plan. Whether in times of personal struggle, societal injustice, or global challenges, the lessons from Exodus 2:7 offer timeless truths for how Christians are called to live and act with faith, courage, and compassion.

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