Why Was Jesus Amazed at the Centurion?

by Mia

The narrative of Jesus being amazed at the faith of the centurion, as recorded in the Bible, particularly in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 8:5-13) and the Gospel of Luke (Luke 7:1-10), has intrigued theologians, scholars, and believers for centuries. This account depicts a Roman centurion, an unlikely figure in the context of Jewish society, approaching Jesus with a request for healing. Despite his position as a Gentile and a member of the occupying force, the centurion displays remarkable faith, prompting Jesus to marvel at his belief. This essay aims to delve into the reasons behind Jesus’ amazement at the centurion’s faith, exploring the historical, cultural, and theological dimensions of the encounter.

The Context of the Encounter

Before delving into the reasons for Jesus’ amazement, it is essential to understand the context of the encounter between Jesus and the centurion. In the first-century Jewish society, interactions between Jews and Gentiles were often marked by tension and animosity. The Roman occupation of Judea exacerbated these tensions, as the Jewish population resented the presence of Roman soldiers and officials. Centurions, as officers in the Roman army, symbolized the oppressive power of the Roman Empire to the Jewish people.

In this context, the actions of the centurion are surprising. Instead of maintaining the status quo of hostility between Jews and Gentiles, the centurion approaches Jesus with humility and respect, acknowledging Jesus’ authority and power. This sets the stage for Jesus’ amazement at the centurion’s faith, as it defies societal norms and expectations.

Understanding Faith in First-Century Judaism

To grasp the significance of the centurion’s faith, it is crucial to examine the concept of faith within the religious framework of first-century Judaism. Faith, or emunah in Hebrew, held a central place in Jewish religious life. It encompassed trust, loyalty, and commitment to God and His promises. Faith was not merely an intellectual assent to certain doctrines but a lived reality that permeated every aspect of one’s existence.

In the Jewish context, faith was often associated with the covenant relationship between God and His chosen people. The Hebrew Scriptures, particularly the stories of the patriarchs, prophets, and kings, provided examples of individuals who demonstrated unwavering faith in God despite facing adversity and uncertainty. These narratives served as a template for understanding faith and its implications for daily living.

The centurion’s faith, therefore, must be evaluated against this backdrop of Jewish religious thought. Despite not being part of the covenant community, the centurion’s faith transcends religious and cultural boundaries, reflecting a profound trust in Jesus’ authority and power. This aspect of the centurion’s faith is what captivates Jesus and elicits his amazement.

The Centurion’s Humility and Recognition of Authority

One of the key elements that contribute to Jesus’ amazement is the centurion’s humility and recognition of Jesus’ authority. In both Matthew’s and Luke’s accounts, the centurion acknowledges his unworthiness to have Jesus come under his roof, expressing confidence that Jesus can heal his servant with just a word.

The centurion’s humility stands in stark contrast to the arrogance often associated with individuals in positions of power and authority. Despite his status as a Roman officer, he approaches Jesus with deference and respect, recognizing Jesus’ authority over sickness and disease. This humility demonstrates a profound understanding of spiritual hierarchy and the sovereignty of Jesus.

Furthermore, the centurion’s recognition of Jesus’ authority reveals a depth of faith that transcends cultural and religious boundaries. While the Jewish religious leaders of the time often questioned Jesus’ credentials and authority, the centurion exhibits unwavering trust in Jesus’ ability to perform miracles. This acknowledgment of Jesus’ authority as a healer and miracle-worker underscores the centurion’s faith and prompts Jesus’ amazement.

The Centurion’s Understanding of Chain of Command

Another aspect of the centurion’s faith that astonishes Jesus is his understanding of the chain of command. As a military officer, the centurion is accustomed to issuing orders and expecting them to be carried out without question. He recognizes the parallel between his authority in the military hierarchy and Jesus’ authority over sickness and disease.

In Luke’s account, the centurion explains his rationale to Jesus, saying, “For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it” (Luke 7:8, NIV). This analogy resonates with Jesus, who marvels at the centurion’s faith and declares, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel” (Luke 7:9, NIV).

The centurion’s understanding of the chain of command illustrates his grasp of spiritual realities. He recognizes that Jesus operates under the authority of God Himself and possesses the power to command the forces of nature and the unseen realm. This understanding reflects a depth of faith that transcends cultural and religious barriers, prompting Jesus’ amazement and commendation.

Implications for Contemporary Faith

The encounter between Jesus and the centurion holds significant implications for contemporary faith and spirituality. It challenges us to reexamine our preconceived notions of who can have faith and how faith is expressed. The centurion’s example reminds us that faith transcends cultural, religious, and social barriers and that God’s grace is available to all who approach Him with humility and trust.

Furthermore, the centurion’s faith challenges us to reconsider our understanding of authority and power. In a world marked by division, inequality, and oppression, the centurion’s recognition of Jesus’ authority calls us to submit our lives to the lordship of Christ. True faith involves surrendering our will to God’s will and trusting in His sovereign power to bring about transformation and healing.


The narrative of Jesus being amazed at the faith of the centurion offers profound insights into the nature of faith, humility, and spiritual authority. The centurion’s willingness to approach Jesus with humility and trust, despite cultural and religious barriers, challenges our assumptions about who can have faith and how faith is expressed.

Moreover, the centurion’s recognition of Jesus’ authority and power serves as a model for contemporary believers, reminding us to submit our lives to Christ’s lordship and trust in His sovereign control over all aspects of our lives. As we reflect on the encounter between Jesus and the centurion, may we be inspired to cultivate a faith that transcends boundaries and transforms lives.

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