
Meeting Needs in Southeast Asian Mountains Leads to Bible Study and Baptisms

by Mia

God’s Work in Southeast Asia

In the mountainous regions of Southeast Asia, God is making significant strides through the efforts of Christian nationals and missionaries from the International Mission Board (IMB). They are reaching out to local communities by addressing basic human needs.

Nita Kilkenny, an IMB missionary, describes the struggles of the people living in these remote areas. “They are so poor; they lack clean water and sanitation,” she explains.


Providing Essential Resources

Kilkenny collaborates with local partners dedicated to sharing the gospel in these challenging environments. The ministry team gains access to communities by drilling wells, supplying water filters, and helping families install toilets in their homes.


Among the team members are four female national partners who initiated a Bible study for women in the mountainous communities. One of the participants, Fatima, was invited to join after receiving a water filter for her household.


Fatima’s Transformation

Initially shy, Fatima eventually attended the Bible study and was profoundly affected by the teachings. “You could tell it was piercing her heart to hear the Holy Scriptures read in her language,” Kilkenny recalls.

After receiving a New Testament translated into her language, Fatima experienced a spiritual awakening. She publicly professed her faith in Christ and was subsequently baptized. The women from the ministry team took it upon themselves to mentor her.

Facing Persecution

News of Fatima’s conversion spread quickly through the community, provoking anger from her husband. He demanded that she discard her Bible and forbade her from attending the Bible study. “She faced significant persecution from her family and neighbors,” Kilkenny shared.

Feeling pressured, Fatima distanced herself from the ministry team, which deeply saddened them as they witnessed her transformation through faith.

A Longing to Return

For several months, Fatima avoided contact with the women who had led her to faith. She even began to oppose them, striving to show loyalty to her husband. However, her desire to engage with the Bible study persisted. Eventually, she sneaked out of her home to participate once again.

The women welcomed Fatima back with open arms and encouraged her to speak with her husband. Sadly, he continued to oppose her attendance.

A Breakthrough in Prayer

A significant breakthrough occurred after months of prayer from members of the Woman’s Missionary Union in the region. Their prayers were answered when Fatima started attending Bible study regularly and her husband permitted the meetings to take place in their home.

“Her husband softened,” Kilkenny explained. “Although he is not yet a believer, he continues to allow her to participate in the Bible study.” Fatima is now a powerful witness to both her husband and her community.

“Fatima is no longer secretive about her faith,” Kilkenny said. “She encourages other women from Muslim backgrounds to join the Bible study and worship gatherings.”

Empowering the Community

The women in the community face challenges in providing school lunches for their children. In response, the Bible study leaders decided to teach them how to crochet bags for sale.

“Our girls took the bags they made to our local Baptist convention and sold them,” Kilkenny noted. While the profits were modest, they were sufficient to provide fish and rice for the children’s lunches.

The relationships between the Christian nationals and the women in this Southeast Asian mountain range continue to thrive. Fatima has emerged as a leader among them, and God is blessing their efforts.

The Power of Prayer and Community

“It all started with prayer,” Kilkenny emphasized. “God led the team to this community, where they recognized the need for clean water and sanitation. This gave them access to the people, and God used those efforts.”

Kilkenny highlighted the positive outcomes of their ministry. New believers are growing in their faith and reaching out to others in the region.

This success results from a collective effort among local churches, the Woman’s Missionary Union, and the ministry team, all united in their mission to reach the lost in Southeast Asia.

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