
Amy Grant Discusses Her Christian Faith and Complex Relationship with the Bible

by Mia

Amy Grant, a renowned Christian singer, recently shared her thoughts on the Bible and her struggles with certain passages. For many Christians, the Bible is viewed as the inspired word of God, serving as a guide for daily life. It recounts the triumphs and failures of key figures in Christianity, such as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ, while also conveying lessons on various subjects.

Challenges of Reading the Bible

Grant expressed her challenges with certain parts of the Bible during her appearance on the No Small Endeavor podcast. She described having a “love-hate relationship” with some sections, particularly those in the Old Testament.


“It’s hard for me to trust anything that involves people. Because I know that I’m a mess,” she admitted. Despite this difficulty, Grant tries to remind herself that God is still present in those stories. “I just have to trust You,” she said, emphasizing the importance of taking a deep breath when approaching these narratives.


Struggles with Teachings on Divorce

In addition to her challenges with the Old Testament, Grant also reflected on Jesus’ teachings regarding divorce. Having experienced a divorce herself, she finds these words particularly unsettling.


“What I read today was about if a woman’s divorced — and I’m like, ‘Jesus, even you said it. Why did You talk about divorce? People are so ugly to each other,’” she shared. Grant acknowledged that these teachings often lead her to wrestle with her faith.

The Nature of Sin and Grace

Despite her struggles, Grant highlights a key aspect of Christian belief: the universal nature of sin. She reminded listeners that everyone has imperfections and past struggles, but God’s grace and mercy offer forgiveness.

The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, but through His love, believers can find redemption. As stated in Ephesians 2:4-5, “But God, being rich in mercy, for His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead through our sins, gave us life together with Christ (by grace you have salvation).”

Amy Grant’s candid reflections shed light on the complexities of faith and the Bible, resonating with many who share similar struggles in their spiritual journeys.

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