
Young Girl Discovers the Healing Power of Prayer at Children’s Bible Club

by Mia

Childhood Disrupted by Child Labor in India

In India, millions of children miss out on the joys of childhood. Instead of going to school and playing with friends, around 10.1 million kids are trapped in child labor, as reported by the last census. Many parents, driven by extreme poverty, face desperate choices.

Vinati’s Struggles

Vinati is one such child. Her family faced a daunting situation when her mother fell seriously ill. Her father struggled to manage the financial burden alone.


Regan Miller from Mission India explains, “Vinati offered to help her dad earn a living just to make ends meet. She was only 10 years old. Her father wanted her to continue school, but he felt helpless.”


The family was in dire need of a miracle.


A New Opportunity

During this challenging time, a leader from Mission India invited Vinati to join their Year-Long Children’s Bible Club. At first, Vinati’s parents were unsure. However, they learned that the club could help Vinati with her homework and provide her with fun activities like games and songs.

Eventually, her parents agreed to let her attend. As Vinati participated in the Bible Club, she learned about God and the Holy Spirit.

“Through her attending the Bible Club, her parents came to know about Jesus!” says Miller.

Transformation Through Faith

Vinati and her family developed a new relationship with Christ. They began to pray for her mother’s healing, and miraculously, her health improved. Today, Vinati is back in school, and her family is an active part of their local church, all thanks to the Year-Long Children’s Bible Club.

How You Can Help

Vinati’s inspiring story highlights the impact of faith and community support. If you are moved by her journey, consider helping other children in India access the gospel. A contribution of just $24 can provide one child with a spot in Mission India’s Year-Long Children’s Bible Club.

Additionally, please pray for more children like Vinati to hear the gospel. Ask God to reveal the worth of 10.1 million child laborers in India through Jesus Christ. Pray for encouragement and strength for Mission India’s Bible Club leaders as they reach out to those in need.

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