
How Old Was Jehoash When He Began to Reign?

by Mia

Jehoash, also known as Joash, was a significant king in the history of Judah. His reign is notable for its political and religious reforms. Understanding the age at which he began to reign offers insight into his life and the historical context of his rule. This article delves into the details surrounding Jehoash’s ascension to the throne, his age at that time, and the implications of his young kingship on Judah.

Background of Jehoash

Jehoash was the son of King Ahaziah of Judah. His mother, Zibiah, was from Beersheba. He came into power during a tumultuous time in Judah’s history. The nation faced threats from surrounding kingdoms, and its spiritual state was precarious. Jehoash’s lineage placed him in the royal line, but his ascension to the throne was fraught with challenges.


Jehoash’s Age at Ascension

According to the biblical account, Jehoash became king at a very young age. He ascended the throne when he was seven years old. This detail is recorded in 2 Kings 11:21 and 2 Chronicles 24:1. These passages indicate that his reign began shortly after the assassination of his father, Ahaziah, and the subsequent power struggles that ensued.


The fact that Jehoash was only seven years old when he became king raises several questions. How could a child rule a nation? Who guided him during his early reign? The answers to these questions can be found in the context of his reign and the individuals who influenced him.


The Influence of Athaliah

Jehoash’s early years were heavily influenced by his grandmother, Athaliah. After the death of her son, Ahaziah, Athaliah sought to eliminate the royal line of Judah to secure her power. She murdered all her grandsons except for Jehoash, who was hidden in the temple by his aunt, Jehosheba.

When Jehoash was proclaimed king, Athaliah initially ruled as regent. This situation created a unique dynamic. Although Jehoash was king, his influence was limited due to his youth and the power of his grandmother. The circumstances surrounding his rise to power illustrate the complexities of royal succession in ancient Judah.

The Role of Jehoiada the Priest

A pivotal figure during Jehoash’s reign was Jehoiada, the high priest. He played a crucial role in guiding the young king. Jehoiada was instrumental in orchestrating the overthrow of Athaliah. He rallied the Levites and the people of Judah to support Jehoash, demonstrating his commitment to restoring rightful leadership in the kingdom.

Jehoiada’s influence extended beyond the initial coup against Athaliah. He became a mentor to Jehoash, teaching him about governance and leading the nation back to proper worship of Yahweh. Jehoiada’s guidance was essential for Jehoash, helping him navigate the challenges of ruling at such a young age.

Reforms and Achievements

Under the guidance of Jehoiada, Jehoash initiated several reforms that marked his reign. One of the most significant was the restoration of the temple in Jerusalem. Jehoash recognized the importance of the temple as the center of worship for the people of Judah. He ordered the collection of funds for its repairs, demonstrating his commitment to reviving the religious practices of the nation.

In 2 Kings 12, we see the details of these reforms. Jehoash collected money from the people and implemented a system for managing the funds for the temple’s restoration. His actions indicate a desire to reconnect the people with their faith and restore the nation’s spiritual foundation.

The Importance of Jehoash’s Reign

Jehoash’s reign was crucial for several reasons. First, his ascension marked a turning point in the religious life of Judah. His focus on the temple and restoration of proper worship laid the groundwork for future reforms. It was a step towards turning the hearts of the people back to Yahweh after years of idol worship and neglect.

Second, Jehoash’s youthful kingship symbolizes hope and renewal. Despite his young age, he became a vessel for change. His story reminds us that age does not determine the ability to lead. With the right guidance, even a child can become a significant force for good.

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The Challenges of Young Leadership

While Jehoash had a successful early reign, the challenges of leading at a young age were evident. Jehoash had to rely heavily on the advice of his advisors, particularly Jehoiada. The dangers of such reliance are clear in leadership studies. Young leaders may face difficulties asserting their authority and making independent decisions. This can lead to manipulation or exploitation by more experienced advisors.

In Jehoash’s case, the initial stability brought by Jehoiada’s mentorship was crucial. However, the dynamics of leadership can shift. As Jehoash grew older, he would need to establish his authority and make decisions that aligned with his values.

The Later Years of Jehoash

After Jehoiada’s death, Jehoash’s reign took a different turn. He began to stray from the path of righteousness. Influenced by the officials of Judah, he allowed idol worship to resurface in the kingdom. This shift highlighted the importance of having wise and godly counsel in leadership. The lessons from Jehoash’s later years serve as a warning about the potential pitfalls of leadership without accountability.

Jehoash’s story illustrates how leadership requires constant vigilance. The challenges faced by young leaders can persist into adulthood. Jehoash’s initial success does not shield him from the dangers of poor counsel or unwise choices.


Jehoash was just seven years old when he began to reign as king of Judah. His ascension to the throne amidst the backdrop of political intrigue and familial betrayal is a testament to the complexity of leadership. The influences of figures like Athaliah and Jehoiada shaped his early years and set the stage for both his achievements and failures.

As we reflect on Jehoash’s reign, it becomes clear that age alone does not define a leader’s capabilities. With the right guidance and a commitment to righteousness, even the youngest can rise to greatness. However, the story of Jehoash also serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of accountability and wise counsel in leadership. Ultimately, Jehoash’s journey offers valuable lessons for leaders of all ages, reminding us of the significance of integrity, faith, and the pursuit of righteousness.

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