
Genesis 22:20 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseGenesis 22:20 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

The Bible contains many layers of meaning, often hidden within seemingly simple verses. One such verse is Genesis 22:20, which reads:


“And it came to pass after these things, that it was told Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah, she hath also born children unto thy brother Nahor;” (Genesis 22:20, KJV).


At first glance, this verse appears as a mundane family update to the patriarch Abraham after the climactic event of God testing Abraham’s faith by commanding him to sacrifice his son Isaac. However, upon deeper reflection, Genesis 22:20 reveals insights into God’s providence, family lineage, and His sovereign orchestration of events in the grand narrative of Scripture. This article will delve into the contextual, theological, and practical meanings of Genesis 22:20 and explore its relevance today.


The Context on Genesis 22:20 KJV

To fully understand Genesis 22:20, we must first examine its broader biblical context. Genesis 22 begins with one of the most profound moments in biblical history: God’s command for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son from Sarah, through whom God promised to make Abraham’s descendants into a great nation. This story encapsulates one of the most significant tests of faith in the Bible.

In verses 1–19, we see the development of Abraham’s obedience to God, Isaac’s submission, and God’s eventual provision of a ram in Isaac’s place. Abraham names the location “Jehovah-jireh” (meaning “The Lord will provide”), affirming God’s provision.

Immediately following this high-stakes event is Genesis 22:20. “After these things,” Abraham receives a message concerning his family, specifically the children born to his brother Nahor and Nahor’s wife, Milcah. This news may seem unrelated to the previous passage, but it is not merely an abrupt transition. The writer of Genesis transitions from a personal encounter between God and Abraham to a broader family update, signaling that God’s promises are still being fulfilled behind the scenes through Abraham’s extended family. This shift reveals how God’s plan is not confined to one isolated event but interwoven into various aspects of life, including family dynamics.

The Genesis 22:20 Meaning

Genesis 22:20 highlights the importance of family connections and lineage in the broader narrative of Genesis. While this verse may seem like a mere genealogical note, its significance lies in its timing and its subtle implication of God’s work in the lives of people beyond Abraham. After the harrowing event involving Isaac, Abraham is reminded that life continues to unfold in his extended family, and that God’s plan is still advancing.

Milcah, who is Nahor’s wife and Abraham’s sister-in-law, bears children, which introduces a critical thread that will be woven into the future of God’s covenant people. The children of Nahor and Milcah will eventually play a part in the narrative of Isaac, especially in the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah, a granddaughter of Nahor (Genesis 24:15). This means that even as Abraham’s immediate family is going through a time of testing and divine intervention, God is already preparing the next generation through his brother’s descendants.

The emphasis on this family connection also suggests that God’s covenant with Abraham is not merely about his individual journey but extends through his family and even beyond. Nahor, though less prominent in the Abrahamic narrative, is part of the extended web of relations that God will use to fulfill His divine purposes. The introduction of Nahor’s children in this passage also hints at the continuity of God’s covenant plan, which extends into future generations.

Genesis 22:20 Application in Life

Understanding the meaning of Genesis 22:20 helps us see how God works in both the significant and seemingly insignificant details of our lives. After a life-altering test of faith, Abraham receives what appears to be mundane news about his relatives. This juxtaposition teaches us that God is as much in the ordinary moments of life as He is in the dramatic ones.

God Works Behind the Scenes

Sometimes, as Christians, we focus solely on the dramatic moments when we feel God’s presence intensely, such as in moments of divine provision or trial. Genesis 22:20 shows us that God is also orchestrating events behind the scenes, through everyday relationships and family ties. Even when we don’t see Him working, God is arranging circumstances for His purposes.

Family is a Part of God’s Plan

This verse reminds us of the importance of family. In both Abraham’s time and today, God often uses familial relationships to further His plans. Whether in the upbringing of children or the support of siblings, God’s design includes our families as crucial instruments of His will. For Abraham, Nahor’s offspring would indirectly contribute to the continuation of his covenantal line.

Trust in God’s Timing

The news of Milcah’s children likely reached Abraham at a significant moment. After being tested and seeing God’s provision, Abraham is reminded that God’s promises are not limited to his own life or time but extend far beyond. We, too, should trust that God’s plans for our lives unfold in His perfect timing, and sometimes His provisions come from unexpected sources or in ways that seem indirect at first.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

The theme of God’s faithfulness to His covenant people, despite the passage of time or the unfolding of everyday events, appears in other parts of Scripture. Comparing Genesis 22:20 with other biblical passages helps us understand how this verse fits within the broader biblical story.

Ruth 4:11-12

The blessing upon Ruth and Boaz by the elders in Bethlehem includes a reference to Rachel and Leah, matriarchs of Israel, and a comparison to the house of Perez, born of Tamar and Judah. This passage highlights how God continues to use family lines, even unexpected or overlooked ones, to bring about His redemptive purposes. Just as Nahor’s children will eventually intersect with Abraham’s lineage, so too will Ruth, a Moabite, become part of the line that leads to King David and ultimately to Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 55:8-9

In this passage, God declares, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.” Genesis 22:20 reflects this reality. We might not see the importance of a simple family update, but God is orchestrating every detail for His purposes. His ways are higher than ours, and He works in ways that are often beyond our comprehension.

Romans 8:28

Paul writes, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” This verse echoes the message of Genesis 22:20. Even in seemingly unimportant or disconnected events, God is working for the good of those who love Him. Abraham could trust that the news about Nahor’s children was part of God’s broader plan for his family, just as we can trust that God is working in all things for our good.

See Also: Genesis 24:19 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Modern-Day Relevance

While the context of Genesis 22:20 is far removed from modern times, its underlying message remains highly relevant. In today’s world, where dramatic and sensational events often capture our attention, it is easy to overlook the small, quiet ways in which God works. Yet, Genesis 22:20 reminds us that God is always active, even in what we consider mundane.

The Importance of Family in Faith

Just as Abraham’s family continued to play a vital role in God’s plan, so too do our families. In modern Christian life, the role of family is still essential. Families can be the foundation upon which faith is passed from one generation to the next, just as Nahor’s descendants would eventually contribute to the story of Isaac’s descendants.

Recognizing God in the Ordinary

Genesis 22:20 encourages believers today to look for God in the everyday. While mountaintop experiences like Abraham’s test with Isaac are transformative, God is just as present in the daily rhythms of life. We should be attentive to His presence in small blessings, family connections, and everyday tasks.

Patience and Trust in God’s Plan

The seemingly incidental news Abraham receives about his brother’s children is a reminder that God’s plan is often gradual and works through generations. In an age of instant gratification, Genesis 22:20 invites us to be patient and trust that God’s timeline is perfect, even when we can’t see the full picture.


Genesis 22:20 may seem like a minor note in the grand story of Abraham’s faith journey, but upon deeper examination, it reveals much about God’s providential care, the importance of family, and the way God works behind the scenes. While Abraham had just experienced one of the most intense spiritual trials of his life, this verse brings him back to the ordinary, reminding us that God is present both in the extraordinary and in the everyday.

This passage speaks to modern Christians, encouraging us to value our families, trust in God’s timing, and recognize His work in even the smallest details of life. As part of the larger biblical narrative, Genesis 22:20 underscores that God’s promises are not isolated events but are woven through the fabric of history and relationships, ultimately pointing toward His eternal covenant and purpose for humanity.

Genesis 22:20 Commentary

Several biblical scholars have offered commentary on the significance of Genesis 22:20. Matthew Henry, in his “Commentary on the Whole Bible”, notes that this verse serves as an important transition, demonstrating that God’s promises to Abraham are advancing, even through seemingly inconsequential events. He suggests that this passage prepares the way for future developments, especially the role of Rebekah, who will marry Isaac.

Other commentators, such as John Calvin, emphasize the providential timing of this family news. Calvin argues that God often works through ordinary means to fulfill His extraordinary promises. The inclusion of this family update highlights the continual unfolding of God’s plan, ensuring the reader that His promises to Abraham are progressing in subtle yet significant ways.

Ultimately, Genesis 22:20 serves as a reminder that God is always at work, even in what we might consider the mundane details of life.


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