
Genesis 22:14 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseGenesis 22:14 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 22:14 is a verse that holds significant meaning in the Bible, both in its original context and in its application for modern-day Christians. The verse reads in the King James Version (KJV):


“And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen.”


At first glance, this verse seems to be a simple conclusion to a dramatic narrative about Abraham and his son Isaac. However, upon closer study, it reveals deep truths about God’s provision, faith, and the covenant relationship between God and His people. In this article, we will delve into the background of Genesis 22:14, its meaning in context, and explore how it applies to the life of Christians today. We will also examine similar biblical texts that enhance our understanding of God’s nature as a provider and how this concept has relevance in the modern world.


The Context on Genesis 22:14 KJV

The verse Genesis 22:14 is part of a larger narrative often referred to as “The Binding of Isaac” or “The Akedah” (Genesis 22:1-19). This story holds an essential place in the theology of Judaism, Christianity, and even Islam, as it portrays a moment of intense testing of faith.

The story begins with God commanding Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, the long-promised heir through whom God had promised to make Abraham a great nation. This request appears to contradict God’s earlier covenant promises to Abraham. Despite the immense emotional and spiritual challenge, Abraham obeys without hesitation, setting out to the mountain God directed him to, which is traditionally identified as Mount Moriah.

As Abraham raises his knife to sacrifice Isaac, an angel of the Lord intervenes, stopping him. God provides a ram caught in a thicket to be sacrificed in Isaac’s place. In response to God’s provision, Abraham names the place “Jehovah-Jireh” (often translated “The Lord will provide”). This declaration expresses Abraham’s faith and trust in God’s ability to provide in moments of great need.

Genesis 22:14 serves as a monumental conclusion to this narrative, pointing to God’s role as the ultimate provider. It also sets a precedent for how believers are to approach moments of trial, trusting in God’s provision even when circumstances seem impossible.

The Genesis 22:14 Meaning

To understand Genesis 22:14 more fully, it is essential to dissect the two key components of this verse:


The name “Jehovah-Jireh” (יהוה יִרְאֶה in Hebrew) means “The Lord will provide” or “The Lord will see.” This term is a compound of “Jehovah” (YHWH), the covenant name of God, and “Jireh,” meaning “to see” or “to provide.” In this context, “seeing” implies seeing to the need of someone, or making provision beforehand.

This aspect of God’s character is a central theme in Genesis 22. Abraham’s naming of the location reflects his belief that God had already foreseen his need for a sacrifice and provided the ram in place of Isaac. It highlights the idea that God’s provision often comes in unexpected ways and that He always sees our needs even before we ask. Abraham’s experience thus becomes a testimony of God’s foreknowledge and provision for His people in their deepest moments of need.

“In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen”

The second part of the verse, “In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen,” carries both historical and theological significance. The phrase can be interpreted as a declaration of God’s continued faithfulness, not only in this specific instance but as a perpetual promise. Theologians suggest that this could foreshadow future acts of divine provision, including the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary, which many believe took place near the same geographical location as Mount Moriah.

Thus, Genesis 22:14 is not only a verse about Abraham’s immediate experience of God’s provision but also serves as a prophetic declaration of God’s ongoing ability to provide, especially in the context of sacrifice and redemption.

Genesis 22:14 Application in Life

The story of Abraham’s testing and the subsequent provision of the ram provides several life applications for Christians today.

1. Trust in God’s Timing

One of the key takeaways from Genesis 22:14 is the importance of trusting in God’s timing. Abraham had no idea how God would resolve the dilemma of sacrificing his son, but he obeyed with the confidence that God would provide a solution. In life, Christians are often called to take steps of faith without knowing the outcome, trusting that God sees their need and will provide at the right time. This challenges the believer to cultivate a faith that goes beyond their understanding of circumstances, relying instead on the character and promises of God.

2. God’s Provision in Unexpected Ways

Another lesson from this passage is that God’s provision often comes in ways we do not expect. Abraham expected to lose his son, but God provided a substitute sacrifice in the form of the ram. This mirrors the concept of Jesus Christ as the ultimate substitutionary sacrifice for the sins of humanity, a provision far greater than anyone could have imagined. In a more personal sense, this reminds Christians to remain open to how God might provide for them, even if it doesn’t align with their expectations.

3. The Faithfulness of God

Genesis 22:14 underscores the faithfulness of God to His promises. Throughout the Bible, God remains consistent in fulfilling His word, even when the pathway seems unclear. Christians are encouraged to hold fast to God’s promises, knowing that His provision is sure. Just as God provided a ram for Abraham, He will provide what is needed in times of trial and testing.

See Also: Genesis 24:7 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

The theme of God’s provision is echoed throughout Scripture, and comparing Genesis 22:14 with other biblical texts can deepen our understanding of God’s character.

1. Exodus 16 – The Provision of Manna

In Exodus 16, the Israelites were in the wilderness, without food, and began to grumble against Moses and Aaron. God responded by providing manna, bread from heaven, which sustained them throughout their journey. Like the ram provided to Abraham, the manna was a miraculous provision that met the physical needs of God’s people. This demonstrates that God is not only concerned with spiritual matters but also with the daily sustenance of His people.

2. Matthew 6:25-34 – Do Not Worry

In the New Testament, Jesus teaches about God’s provision in the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 6:25-34, He urges His followers not to worry about their material needs—what they will eat or drink or wear—because their heavenly Father knows they need these things. This passage emphasizes God’s intimate awareness of human needs and His ability to provide for them. Like Genesis 22:14, this text encourages believers to trust in God’s provision and to seek first His kingdom, confident that everything else will be provided.

3. Philippians 4:19 – God Will Meet Your Needs

Paul echoes the same sentiment in Philippians 4:19 when he writes, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” This verse serves as a reminder that God is not limited in His ability to provide. Just as He provided for Abraham, He will continue to meet the needs of His people through Christ Jesus.

Modern-Day Relevance

The message of Genesis 22:14 has a timeless quality that resonates with modern believers. In a world where uncertainty and scarcity often dominate the human experience, the assurance that God sees and provides is a source of comfort and hope.

1. In Times of Economic Uncertainty

In today’s world, many face financial struggles, job insecurity, and economic downturns. Genesis 22:14 offers a reminder that God is not indifferent to these challenges. He is Jehovah-Jireh, the God who sees and provides. For those facing financial stress, this verse serves as a call to trust in God’s ability to provide, often in ways that may defy logic or human planning.

2. In Personal Crisis

Whether it’s health issues, family struggles, or emotional turmoil, the assurance of God’s provision speaks powerfully into personal crises. Just as Abraham faced the loss of his son, Christians today often face moments where they feel they are losing something precious. Genesis 22:14 reassures believers that God sees their situation and has already provided for their needs, even if the provision has yet to manifest.

3. The Gospel Message

Most importantly, Genesis 22:14 points to the ultimate provision that God made in sending Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world. Just as God provided a ram in place of Isaac, He provided Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This act of divine provision is central to the Christian faith and continues to have relevance for every believer today.


Genesis 22:14 is a profound and deeply meaningful verse that captures the essence of God’s nature as a provider. Abraham’s declaration of “Jehovah-Jireh” serves not only as a testament to his faith but also as a promise that God sees the needs of His people and provides for them, both in their immediate circumstances and in the greater plan of redemption through Christ. This narrative challenges Christians to trust in God’s provision, to have faith in His timing, and to rest in the assurance that He is always working behind the scenes to meet their needs.

Genesis 22:14 Commentary

Commentators have long noted that Genesis 22:14 foreshadows the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Jewish tradition sees this passage as a significant example of unwavering faith and divine intervention, while Christian theologians often interpret it as a typology of the cross. The name Jehovah-Jireh, given by Abraham, encapsulates the theme of God’s providence throughout Scripture, reminding believers that God not only provides for immediate needs but also for their ultimate salvation.

In the end, Genesis 22:14 is a call to faith, to obedience, and to trust in the unfailing provision of God. Whether in moments of trial or seasons of abundance, believers are reminded to lift their eyes to the mountains, for it is in the “mount of the Lord” that provision is always found.


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