
Who Got Bit by a Snake in the Bible?

by Mia

The Bible is filled with stories of faith, trials, and divine intervention. One of the more intriguing incidents involves snake bites, which symbolize danger and fear. The stories of snake bites in the Bible often carry deeper meanings, reflecting themes of judgment, healing, and the power of faith. This article will explore significant figures who experienced snake bites, the context of these events, and their spiritual implications.

The Importance of Snakes in the Bible

Snakes are mentioned throughout the Bible. They often symbolize evil, danger, and temptation. The most famous snake in the Bible is the serpent in the Garden of Eden, who tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit (Genesis 3:1-6). This serpent represents sin and the beginning of humanity’s struggles.


In another context, snakes also symbolize healing and protection. For instance, in the book of Numbers, Moses makes a bronze serpent to heal the Israelites who were bitten by snakes (Numbers 21:4-9). This duality of snakes—both as symbols of danger and healing—plays a crucial role in the stories that follow.


The Story of Paul in Malta

One of the most notable accounts of a snake bite occurs in the New Testament, involving the Apostle Paul. After a shipwreck, Paul and his companions found themselves on the island of Malta (Acts 28:1-10). As they were gathering firewood, a viper emerged from the heat and fastened itself onto Paul’s hand.


The Reaction of the Locals

The locals saw the snake bite and immediately assumed Paul was a murderer. They believed that although he had survived the shipwreck, justice would not let him live. However, Paul shook off the snake into the fire and suffered no harm (Acts 28:5). The locals were astonished, as they expected him to swell up or fall dead. When he remained unharmed, they changed their minds and called him a god.

The Significance of the Event

Paul’s experience with the snake bite illustrates several important themes. First, it highlights the idea of divine protection. Despite the dangerous situation, Paul’s faith kept him safe. This incident also served as a sign to the Maltese people, opening the door for Paul to share the Gospel and heal many on the island (Acts 28:7-9).

The Israelites and the Bronze Serpent

Another significant snake story occurs in the Old Testament. After escaping slavery in Egypt, the Israelites journeyed through the wilderness. They often complained and rebelled against God, which led to severe consequences.

The Complaints of the Israelites

In Numbers 21:4-9, the Israelites grew impatient and spoke against God and Moses. They lamented their hardships and expressed a desire to return to Egypt. In response, God sent venomous snakes among them, which bit many people. The snakes caused widespread panic and suffering.

The Healing through the Bronze Serpent

Seeing their suffering, the Israelites repented and asked Moses to pray for them. God instructed Moses to make a bronze serpent and put it on a pole. Anyone who was bitten could look at the bronze serpent and be healed (Numbers 21:8-9). This act of looking at the bronze serpent became a powerful symbol of faith and obedience.

Symbolism of the Bronze Serpent

The bronze serpent foreshadows the healing and salvation found in Christ. In John 3:14-15, Jesus refers to this story, indicating that just as Moses lifted up the serpent, so must the Son of Man be lifted up. This connection underscores the idea that faith in Christ brings healing and eternal life.

See Also: Who Was Moses’ Adopted Mother?

The Meaning of Snake Bites in Scripture

Both stories of snake bites illustrate critical spiritual lessons. They remind us of the dangers of sin and rebellion against God. The snake bite serves as a consequence for disobedience, yet it also offers a pathway to healing through faith.

Faith and Deliverance

In both accounts, the individuals involved demonstrate remarkable faith. Paul’s response to the snake bite was one of confidence in God’s protection. He did not panic or succumb to fear. Similarly, the Israelites had to trust in God’s provision and follow His instructions to be healed.

The Role of Repentance

In the case of the Israelites, repentance played a crucial role in their healing. When they acknowledged their sin and turned back to God, they found mercy. This principle is consistent throughout the Bible: God desires our repentance and offers forgiveness and healing when we turn to Him.


The stories of snake bites in the Bible serve as powerful reminders of the dangers of sin, the importance of faith, and the promise of healing. Paul’s experience on Malta illustrates God’s protective power over those who believe. The bronze serpent story reveals how faith and repentance can lead to restoration and healing.

As we reflect on these narratives, we see that even in perilous situations, God provides a way out and invites us to trust in His plan. The symbolism of snake bites challenges us to confront our fears and embrace the healing that comes from faith in God. Whether through the trials we face or the lessons we learn, the Bible encourages us to look to God for deliverance and hope.


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