
Genesis 24:17 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseGenesis 24:17 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 24:17, a verse from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, is a critical component of the narrative involving Abraham‘s servant on a mission to find a wife for Isaac. This verse highlights a key moment in the story, where the servant’s faith and discernment come into play. To fully grasp the significance of Genesis 24:17, it is essential to examine its context, meaning, application, and relevance in contemporary life. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of Genesis 24:17, including a detailed commentary.


The Context of Genesis 24:17 KJV

Genesis 24:17 reads:


“And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher.”


To understand this verse, we need to consider the broader context of Genesis 24. The chapter details Abraham’s efforts to find a suitable wife for his son Isaac. Abraham sends his trusted servant, often identified as Eliezer of Damascus, to his homeland to seek a bride from his own kin.

Upon arriving at a well in Mesopotamia, the servant prays to God for guidance. He asks for a sign to identify the right woman for Isaac. His prayer is specific: the woman who offers him water and also waters his camels will be the one chosen for Isaac. When Rebekah appears and fulfills this request, the servant’s prayer is answered, and he approaches her with the request captured in Genesis 24:17.

The Genesis 24:17 Meaning

Genesis 24:17 is significant for several reasons, highlighting themes of divine guidance, faith, and hospitality.

1. Divine Guidance and Confirmation

In this verse, the servant’s interaction with Rebekah is a direct result of his prayer for guidance. The fact that Rebekah responds to his request for water and subsequently offers to water his camels confirms that she is the one chosen by God. This moment illustrates the effectiveness of prayer and the way divine guidance operates in the lives of those who seek it sincerely.

2. Faith and Obedience

The servant’s act of running to meet Rebekah reflects his eagerness and faith in the process. He is actively seeking confirmation of God’s will, demonstrating his obedience and commitment to fulfilling Abraham’s request. His urgency highlights the importance of acting on faith and being responsive to divine signs.

3. Hospitality and Generosity

Rebekah’s response to the servant’s request for water reflects the virtues of hospitality and generosity. Her willingness to go beyond the initial request and offer water for the camels demonstrates her character and aligns with the qualities sought in a spouse for Isaac. This aspect of the narrative emphasizes the significance of these virtues in the biblical context.

See Also: What Does Genesis 24:16 Mean?

Genesis 24:17 Application in Life

The principles derived from Genesis 24:17 can be applied to various aspects of life, offering valuable lessons on faith, guidance, and hospitality.

1. Seeking Divine Guidance

The servant’s prayer and subsequent confirmation provide a model for seeking divine guidance in important decisions. In our lives, it is essential to seek God’s direction through prayer and to be attentive to the signs He provides. This approach encourages trust in God’s plan and reliance on His wisdom.

2. Acting on Faith

The servant’s actions reflect a proactive approach to faith. His running to meet Rebekah and making a specific request demonstrates a willingness to act on his belief in God’s guidance. Similarly, we are called to act on our faith with conviction and responsiveness, trusting that God will guide our steps.

3. Practicing Hospitality

Rebekah’s generous response underscores the importance of hospitality. In contemporary life, practicing kindness and generosity towards others reflects biblical values and strengthens relationships. Her example encourages us to extend compassion and support in our interactions with others.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

To gain a deeper understanding of Genesis 24:17, it is useful to compare it with other biblical texts that address themes of guidance, faith, and hospitality.

1. Divine Guidance in the Bible

The concept of seeking and receiving divine guidance is prominent throughout Scripture. For instance, in James 1:5, believers are encouraged to ask God for wisdom, who gives generously. The servant’s experience in Genesis 24 mirrors this principle, highlighting how God provides direction to those who earnestly seek it.

2. Faith and Obedience

The servant’s faith and responsiveness can be compared with other biblical figures who acted on divine instructions. For example, Noah’s obedience in building the ark (Genesis 6:22) and Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22:3) demonstrate similar themes of faith and action in response to God’s commands.

3. Hospitality in Biblical Context

Hospitality is a valued virtue in the Bible, as seen in various texts. In Hebrews 13:2, believers are instructed to show hospitality, as it may lead to encounters with angels. Rebekah’s actions in Genesis 24:17 align with this biblical value, reflecting the importance of welcoming and serving others with generosity.

Modern-Day Relevance

Genesis 24:17, though rooted in ancient customs, offers timeless principles that remain relevant in modern contexts.

1. Seeking Guidance in Decision-Making

In today’s fast-paced and complex world, seeking divine guidance remains crucial. The servant’s prayerful approach serves as a model for modern believers who seek clarity and direction in making significant life decisions. By prioritizing prayer and attentiveness to God’s signs, individuals can navigate life’s challenges with greater assurance.

2. Acting on Faith with Eagerness

The proactive faith demonstrated by the servant encourages modern believers to act on their faith with enthusiasm and diligence. Whether in personal goals, professional endeavors, or spiritual pursuits, responding to divine guidance with eagerness and commitment can lead to fulfilling outcomes.

3. Embracing Hospitality and Generosity

Rebekah’s example of hospitality is particularly relevant in fostering community and building relationships today. In a world that often prioritizes individualism, practicing kindness and generosity can create meaningful connections and reflect the love and compassion taught in biblical teachings.


Genesis 24:17 provides valuable insights into divine guidance, faith, and hospitality. By examining the context, meaning, and application of this verse, we gain a deeper appreciation for its relevance in both ancient and modern contexts. The principles of seeking guidance, acting on faith, and practicing hospitality continue to offer practical and spiritual lessons that enrich our lives today.

Genesis 24:17 Commentary

Genesis 24:17 captures a pivotal moment in the narrative of Abraham’s servant seeking a wife for Isaac. The servant’s request for water and Rebekah’s generous response signify the fulfillment of divine guidance and the virtues of hospitality. This verse highlights the effectiveness of prayer, the importance of faith and obedience, and the value of kindness in relationships. By reflecting on this passage, we are reminded of the enduring principles that guide our interactions with God and others, offering timeless lessons for navigating our daily lives.


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