
How Did Joseph Test His Brothers?

by Mia

The story of Joseph and his brothers is one of the most remarkable narratives in the Bible. It teaches lessons about forgiveness, family, faith, and redemption. Joseph, the favored son of Jacob, faced many hardships after being sold into slavery by his jealous brothers. Over time, Joseph rose to a position of great power in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh. When famine struck the land of Canaan, his brothers unknowingly came to Egypt to buy food, standing before the brother they had betrayed years earlier.

But Joseph did not immediately reveal his identity to them. Instead, he decided to test his brothers to see if they had changed since the day they sold him into slavery. These tests were designed to examine their hearts, expose their guilt, and determine whether they had grown into more responsible and compassionate individuals.


In this article, we will explore the details of how Joseph tested his brothers, why he did it, and what these tests revealed about the character of his siblings.


Joseph’s First Test: Accusing His Brothers of Spying

The Encounter in Egypt

When Joseph’s brothers first arrived in Egypt to buy grain, they did not recognize him, as many years had passed since they sold him into slavery. Joseph, however, recognized them instantly. Instead of revealing his identity, he chose to speak to them harshly. He accused them of being spies who had come to Egypt to see where the land was unprotected (Genesis 42:9).


The Brothers’ Response

The brothers were quick to defend themselves, explaining that they were honest men, all sons of the same father, and that they had come to Egypt only to buy food. They also revealed that they had a younger brother, Benjamin, who was still at home, and another brother, who was “no more” — referring to Joseph, whom they believed to be dead (Genesis 42:13).

Joseph’s Demand

Joseph, still testing them, insisted that one of them must stay behind in Egypt while the others returned home to bring their youngest brother, Benjamin, to prove their honesty. He held Simeon as a hostage, sending the rest of his brothers back to Canaan with the grain they had purchased. Joseph’s demand to see Benjamin was a significant part of the test because Benjamin was the only other son of Rachel, Joseph’s mother, and Joseph wanted to see if his brothers had the same jealousy toward Benjamin that they had once shown toward him.

Joseph’s Second Test: The Return to Egypt

The Brothers’ Guilt

As the brothers returned to Canaan, they began to reflect on their past sin against Joseph. They recognized that the suffering they were now experiencing was a result of the way they had treated their younger brother many years ago. This acknowledgment of guilt was an important step in Joseph’s test, as it showed that his brothers were beginning to understand the weight of their wrongdoing (Genesis 42:21-22).

When they told their father, Jacob, about Joseph’s demand to bring Benjamin to Egypt, Jacob was heartbroken. He had already lost Joseph and could not bear the thought of losing Benjamin as well. But when the famine persisted and the family’s food supply ran low again, Jacob reluctantly allowed Benjamin to go with his brothers to Egypt.

The Banquet

When Joseph’s brothers returned to Egypt with Benjamin, Joseph invited them to a banquet at his house. At the banquet, he seated them in order of their birth, which amazed them, as they still did not know his true identity. During the meal, Joseph gave Benjamin five times as much food as the others, testing whether the brothers would show any jealousy toward their younger sibling (Genesis 43:34). Unlike their past treatment of Joseph, the brothers did not show any signs of envy, suggesting that they had changed.

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Joseph’s Final Test: The Silver Cup

The Setup

Joseph’s final test was perhaps the most dramatic. After the banquet, Joseph instructed his steward to fill the brothers’ sacks with grain and return their money, just as he had done during their first visit. But this time, Joseph had his steward secretly place his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack (Genesis 44:1-2). The brothers left for Canaan, unaware of the trap that had been set.

The Accusation

Shortly after they left, Joseph sent his steward after them to accuse them of stealing the cup. When the steward caught up with them and accused them of theft, the brothers were shocked and adamantly denied any wrongdoing. They even offered that if the cup was found in one of their sacks, that person would die, and the rest would become slaves (Genesis 44:9).

To their horror, the steward found the silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. The brothers were devastated. Instead of abandoning Benjamin, as they had once abandoned Joseph, they tore their clothes in grief and returned to Egypt to face Joseph together (Genesis 44:13).

Judah’s Plea

When they stood before Joseph, Judah, who had played a key role in selling Joseph into slavery, stepped forward to plead for Benjamin’s life. In an impassioned speech, Judah explained how much Benjamin meant to their father, Jacob, and how losing him would bring their father to his grave in sorrow. Judah even offered to take Benjamin’s place as Joseph’s slave, demonstrating his willingness to sacrifice himself for his brother (Genesis 44:33-34).

Joseph Reveals Himself

At this point, Joseph could no longer contain his emotions. Moved by Judah’s selflessness and the evident change in his brothers’ hearts, Joseph wept and revealed his true identity. He told them, “I am Joseph! Is my father still alive?” (Genesis 45:3).

The brothers were stunned and terrified, fearing that Joseph would seek revenge for what they had done to him. However, Joseph reassured them, explaining that it was God who had sent him to Egypt to save lives during the famine. He forgave them for their past betrayal and invited them to bring their father and families to live in Egypt, where he could provide for them during the remaining years of famine (Genesis 45:7-11).

Why Did Joseph Test His Brothers?

To See If They Had Changed

The primary reason Joseph tested his brothers was to determine whether they had changed since the time they sold him into slavery. Joseph wanted to see if they still harbored jealousy, selfishness, and cruelty or if they had become more compassionate and responsible. The way they reacted to the tests, especially their treatment of Benjamin, showed Joseph that his brothers had indeed changed.

To Help Them Confront Their Guilt

Joseph’s tests also forced his brothers to confront the guilt they had been carrying for years. By reminding them of their past actions through his accusations and the setup with Benjamin, Joseph gave them the opportunity to acknowledge their sin and seek forgiveness.

To Reunite His Family

Ultimately, Joseph’s tests paved the way for reconciliation and the reunification of his family. By testing his brothers, Joseph was able to see their repentance and was ready to forgive them, leading to the restoration of their relationship.


Joseph’s tests of his brothers were not acts of revenge but opportunities for them to demonstrate repentance and change. Through these tests, Joseph was able to see that his brothers had grown into more compassionate and selfless men. Judah’s willingness to sacrifice himself for Benjamin was a powerful example of this transformation.

In the end, Joseph forgave his brothers and restored his relationship with them, illustrating the power of forgiveness and God’s providence. What began as a story of betrayal and suffering ultimately became a story of redemption, family, and the fulfillment of God’s plan.


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