
Genesis 20:11 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible Verse Genesis 20:11 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 20:11 is a part of a larger narrative involving Abraham’s interaction with King Abimelech of Gerar. The verse is pivotal because it provides a rationale for Abraham’s controversial actions, where he deceptively introduces his wife, Sarah, as his sister. This event echoes a similar incident earlier in Genesis, revealing Abraham’s recurring struggle with fear and trust. In Genesis 20:11, Abraham confesses his motivation, citing the fear of God’s absence in the land as his reason for the deception. His actions reflect deeper human fears and the challenges of living faithfully in a hostile environment.


The Context on Genesis 20:11 KJV

To understand Genesis 20:11 fully, it’s essential to examine its context within the broader narrative of Genesis 20. After Abraham and Sarah journey to Gerar, King Abimelech, unaware that Sarah is married, takes her into his household. God intervenes by appearing to Abimelech in a dream, warning him of the sin he is about to commit by taking another man’s wife. Abimelech responds in fear and innocence, returning Sarah to Abraham.


The key verses preceding Genesis 20:11 demonstrate God’s protection over Sarah and the integrity of Abimelech, who had unknowingly taken her. Genesis 20:10 records Abimelech’s rebuke of Abraham, asking, “What sawest thou, that thou hast done this thing?” Abraham’s response in Genesis 20:11 is his justification: “And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife’s sake.” This moment reveals Abraham’s reasoning for his actions and his belief that without the fear of God, his life would be in danger.


The broader context includes themes of faith, fear, and divine protection, reflecting on Abraham’s human frailty despite being chosen by God. The entire chapter underscores the importance of God’s intervention in guiding and protecting His people, even when they fail.

The Genesis 20:11 Meaning

Genesis 20:11 provides insight into Abraham’s mindset and reflects the tension between faith and fear. Abraham, despite being called by God and having experienced divine promises and miracles, still struggles with trusting God in every situation. His decision to lie about Sarah’s identity stems from fear of death, revealing his perception that the people of Gerar lacked moral integrity because they did not fear God.

The phrase “the fear of God is not in this place” is key. In the biblical sense, the “fear of God” refers to a deep respect, reverence, and acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty, leading to moral behavior. Abraham’s assumption that the people of Gerar lacked this reverence prompted him to believe they would act immorally and harm him to take his wife. This assumption reveals a moment of weakness in Abraham’s faith, where he relied on his own judgment rather than trusting in God’s protection.

This verse also highlights a broader theological truth about human nature. Even people of faith, like Abraham, can succumb to fear and make poor decisions when they believe they are in danger. Abraham’s actions were driven by self-preservation, but they also exposed his doubts in God’s promise of protection. Yet, even in Abraham’s fear and deception, God remained faithful, protecting both Sarah and the integrity of Abimelech’s household.

Genesis 20:11 Application in Life

The story in Genesis 20:11 is a powerful reminder that even the most faithful believers can experience moments of fear and doubt. Abraham, who had already been chosen by God and had witnessed God’s faithfulness, still struggled with trusting Him fully. This reminds modern readers that faith is not about perfection but about growth, learning to trust God more deeply, even in the face of fear.

One application of this passage is to recognize the danger of relying on human wisdom when confronted with challenging situations. Abraham feared for his life and responded by deceiving Abimelech, but God had already shown He could protect Abraham and his family. Similarly, Christians today are often tempted to take matters into their own hands when they feel threatened, forgetting that God’s sovereignty extends over all circumstances. Genesis 20:11 teaches that faith involves trusting in God’s protection and provision, even when circumstances seem perilous.

Another application is the importance of discerning where fear is guiding our decisions. Abraham’s fear of a godless culture in Gerar led him to lie, undermining his witness and the potential for demonstrating faith in God. Christians are called to live authentically, trusting that God is present even in places where His name is not honored. This verse calls believers to evaluate how fear may influence their choices and to strive for a deeper trust in God’s presence and care.

See Also: What Does Genesis 20:10 Mean?

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 20:11 can be compared with other biblical passages that deal with fear, faith, and deception. One prominent comparison is Genesis 12:10-20, where Abraham (then Abram) also lies about Sarah being his sister to protect himself while in Egypt. In both instances, Abraham’s fear for his life leads him to deceive others, showing a recurring theme of struggle with faith in God’s promises. These stories reveal Abraham’s humanity, as he, like all people, wrestles with doubt.

Another comparison can be made with the story of Isaac in Genesis 26:7, where Isaac, Abraham’s son, repeats his father’s actions by telling the men of Gerar that Rebekah is his sister. This repetition of fear and deception across generations highlights the ongoing struggle with trusting God in foreign and potentially hostile lands. Both Abraham and Isaac feared for their lives and resorted to deceit, yet in both cases, God intervened to protect their families.

Additionally, the fear of God, as mentioned in Genesis 20:11, is a theme found throughout Scripture. Proverbs 1:7 states, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,” illustrating the connection between reverence for God and moral behavior. Abraham’s assumption that the people of Gerar lacked the fear of God is significant because it shows his belief that without a reverence for God, people would act immorally. Yet, as the narrative unfolds, we see that Abimelech, despite not being part of Abraham’s covenant with God, responds with integrity once informed of the truth.

Modern-Day Relevance

Genesis 20:11 remains relevant for modern Christians as it addresses timeless issues such as fear, trust, and moral decision-making. In a world where believers often find themselves in environments that seem hostile to faith, the temptation to act out of fear rather than trust in God can be strong. Abraham’s actions serve as a cautionary tale, reminding Christians that faith requires trusting God’s presence and protection, even when circumstances seem dire.

The verse also speaks to the importance of integrity. Abraham’s fear led him to deceive, but this deception nearly caused harm to others, specifically Sarah and Abimelech. In today’s world, fear can lead individuals to compromise their integrity, whether in business, personal relationships, or public life. Genesis 20:11 challenges believers to hold fast to truth and trust in God’s provision, even when fear tries to dictate their actions.

Furthermore, the concept of the “fear of God” is as relevant today as it was in Abraham’s time. Living in a society that may not always honor or respect God does not exempt believers from living in accordance with their faith. Christians are called to be lights in the world, demonstrating the reverence for God that Abraham feared was lacking in Gerar. This verse encourages believers to maintain their faith and integrity, trusting that God is present and active, even in secular environments.


Genesis 20:11 is a profound verse that reveals the complexities of faith, fear, and human frailty. Abraham’s decision to deceive Abimelech was rooted in his fear that God’s presence and protection were absent in Gerar, leading him to take matters into his own hands. Yet, the narrative as a whole demonstrates God’s unwavering faithfulness and protection, even in the midst of Abraham’s doubt.

This passage serves as a reminder that fear is a powerful force that can lead to poor decisions, but faith requires trusting God’s sovereignty and protection. Christians today can learn from Abraham’s experience by striving to live authentically, maintaining integrity, and trusting God’s presence, even in challenging circumstances. Genesis 20:11 encourages believers to evaluate where fear may be guiding their actions and to seek a deeper trust in God’s provision and protection.

Genesis 20:11 Commentary

Commentators have noted that Genesis 20:11 highlights Abraham’s ongoing struggle with faith, even after receiving God’s promises. Abraham’s fear of godlessness in Gerar reflects a common human tendency to assume the worst about unfamiliar places or people. His actions reveal a lack of trust in God’s ability to protect him, even after witnessing God’s faithfulness time and again.

Matthew Henry, in his commentary, observes that Abraham’s decision to lie about Sarah was not just a lack of faith but also a failure to recognize that God’s moral law governs all people, not just those in covenant with Him. Henry emphasizes that God’s protection extends beyond human expectations, and Abraham’s assumption that there was no fear of God in Gerar was ultimately proven wrong by Abimelech’s integrity and fear of God.

In conclusion, Genesis 20:11 serves as a reminder of the importance of trusting God fully, even in situations where fear seems justified. Abraham’s story encourages believers to rely on God’s faithfulness and to avoid letting fear dictate their actions. Through Abraham’s experience, Christians are called to trust in God’s provision and maintain their integrity, knowing that God is present and sovereign over all circumstances.


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