
What Does Genesis 21:7 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseGenesis 21:7 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 21:7 (KJV) is a verse rich in significance and insight, capturing the joy and wonder of Sarah, the wife of Abraham, as she contemplates the birth of her son, Isaac. This verse reflects God’s promise fulfilled in an unexpected and miraculous way, offering a broader theological narrative that speaks to faith, hope, and divine timing. In this article, we will dive deep into the meaning and application of this scripture in various aspects of life.


Genesis 21:7 (KJV) states:


“And she said, Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given children suck? For I have born him a son in his old age.”


The Context on Genesis 21:7 KJV

To understand the meaning of Genesis 21:7, we must first examine its broader context within the chapter and the book of Genesis. Genesis 21 records the birth of Isaac, the long-awaited son of Abraham and Sarah. The couple had waited for decades for God to fulfill His promise that Abraham would have an heir, despite Sarah’s barrenness and their advanced age.

The promise of a child was first made in Genesis 12 when God told Abraham that He would make him into a great nation. However, Sarah’s inability to conceive led to doubt and impatience, and in Genesis 16, Sarah suggests that Abraham have a child with her maidservant Hagar, which results in the birth of Ishmael. Yet God reaffirmed His promise to Abraham and Sarah, declaring that Sarah would indeed bear a son, despite her old age.

In Genesis 21, Isaac is born when Abraham is 100 years old and Sarah is around 90. Sarah’s amazement at this miraculous event is evident in Genesis 21:7, where she marvels at the fact that she, at her age, has given birth to a son and is able to nurse him. Her statement, “Who would have said unto Abraham that Sarah should have given children suck?” highlights her deep sense of wonder and the incredible fulfillment of God’s promise.

The Genesis 21:7 Meaning

At its core, Genesis 21:7 encapsulates themes of faith, divine timing, and the power of God to fulfill His promises even when circumstances seem impossible. Sarah’s words convey astonishment and joy at the birth of Isaac, a child she had longed for her entire life but had given up hope of having. This verse is a testimony to God’s faithfulness, showing that no situation is beyond His power.

The phrase “Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarah should have given children suck?” emphasizes the unexpected nature of the event. In human terms, Sarah was well past childbearing age, and no one would have predicted that she could bear a child. Yet, God operates beyond human limitations, and His plans often defy conventional wisdom.

Sarah’s reflection also highlights the role of divine timing. While she and Abraham might have expected God’s promise to be fulfilled sooner, God chose to wait until they were both elderly, making it clear that Isaac’s birth was a miraculous act of God, not merely a natural occurrence.

The latter part of the verse, “For I have born him a son in his old age,” underscores the personal significance of Isaac’s birth for Abraham and Sarah. Isaac was not just any child but a fulfillment of a specific promise made to Abraham. This event was the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s covenant to make Abraham the father of many nations.

See Also: Genesis 21:6 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Genesis 21:7 Application in Life

Genesis 21:7 teaches us several important lessons for life:

Trust in God’s Timing: One of the most profound lessons from this passage is the importance of waiting on God’s timing. Sarah and Abraham had to wait many years for the fulfillment of God’s promise. Often, we may face situations where we feel that God is delaying or not answering our prayers. However, Genesis 21:7 reminds us that God’s timing is perfect, and He fulfills His promises in ways that bring glory to Him.

Faith in the Impossible: Sarah’s statement reflects the fact that what was humanly impossible became possible through God’s power. In our own lives, we may encounter situations that seem hopeless or impossible. Genesis 21:7 encourages us to trust that with God, all things are possible, and to keep faith even when circumstances seem dire.

The Joy of Fulfilled Promises: Sarah’s joy at the birth of Isaac is a reminder that God’s fulfilled promises bring immense joy and gratitude. As believers, we can experience similar joy when we see God’s promises come to fruition in our own lives, whether they are spiritual, relational, or personal.

God’s Faithfulness: The birth of Isaac stands as a powerful testament to God’s faithfulness. Despite the doubts and impatience that Sarah and Abraham experienced, God remained faithful to His word. In the same way, we can rely on God’s promises and trust that He will never fail us.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 21:7 is not an isolated text but connects to broader themes found throughout the Bible, particularly regarding faith, patience, and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Romans 4:18-21: In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul reflects on the faith of Abraham and Sarah in Romans 4:18-21. Paul emphasizes that Abraham did not waver in faith even when faced with the reality of their old age. Instead, Abraham was fully convinced that God was able to do what He had promised. This passage in Romans highlights the connection between faith and God’s ability to perform the miraculous, as seen in Genesis 21:7.

Hebrews 11:11-12: The writer of Hebrews also speaks about Sarah’s faith in Hebrews 11:11-12, stating that by faith, Sarah received the ability to conceive, even though she was past the age of childbearing. This passage reiterates that Sarah’s pregnancy and the birth of Isaac were the result of divine intervention, accomplished through faith.

Isaiah 40:31: The concept of waiting on the Lord is a theme echoed in Isaiah 40:31, where it states, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Like Sarah and Abraham, believers are called to wait on God’s timing, trusting that He will bring about His plans in due season.

Modern-Day Relevance

Although Genesis 21:7 was written thousands of years ago, its message is still deeply relevant to modern believers. In today’s fast-paced world, waiting on God’s promises can be challenging. We often want immediate results and solutions, but Genesis 21:7 teaches us the value of patience and trust in God’s perfect timing.

Moreover, this verse encourages believers to maintain faith in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Just as Sarah’s barrenness seemed to make God’s promise impossible, we may face situations that appear hopeless. Yet Genesis 21:7 reminds us that God can bring life out of barrenness, hope out of despair, and miracles out of impossibilities.

This verse also speaks to the joy and gratitude that come with witnessing God’s promises fulfilled in our lives. As Christians, we are called to rejoice in God’s faithfulness and to give Him glory when we see His hand at work in our circumstances.


Genesis 21:7 is a powerful testament to God’s faithfulness, His power to accomplish the impossible, and the importance of trusting in His timing. Sarah’s joy at the birth of Isaac is a reminder that God’s promises are always fulfilled, even when the wait seems long or the circumstances seem impossible.

This verse encourages believers to hold onto their faith, to trust in God’s timing, and to rejoice when they see His promises come to pass. It also reminds us that God’s plans often exceed human understanding, and that what seems impossible to us is fully possible with Him.

Genesis 21:7 Commentary

Genesis 21:7, like much of the book of Genesis, provides insight into the nature of God’s relationship with His people. Through the story of Abraham and Sarah, we see that God is not bound by human limitations. He chooses to work in miraculous ways, often defying expectations and fulfilling His promises in ways that reveal His power and faithfulness.

Commentators have often noted that Sarah’s amazement and joy in this verse reflect the broader theme of God’s covenantal faithfulness. God had promised to make Abraham the father of many nations, and Isaac’s birth is the first step in the fulfillment of that promise. Sarah’s words serve as a reminder that no promise of God will fail, no matter how unlikely it may seem.

In conclusion, Genesis 21:7 is a verse rich in meaning, offering lessons in faith, patience, and the miraculous power of God. It encourages believers to trust in God’s promises, to remain patient as they wait for their fulfillment, and to rejoice in the faithfulness of a God who always keeps His word.


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