
Genesis 19:36 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseGenesis 19:36 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 19:36 is a verse that delves into a critical event in the biblical narrative, presenting significant moral, theological, and social implications. This verse is part of a larger account that has been widely discussed for its complex and challenging themes. To fully understand its meaning and application, we will explore it from several angles, including its context, theological interpretation, relevance in modern times, and how it compares to other biblical texts.


The Context on Genesis 19:36 KJV

Genesis 19 is one of the most dramatic and controversial chapters in the Bible. This chapter tells the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities notorious for their wickedness. Lot, Abraham’s nephew, was living in Sodom at the time, and he, along with his family, was rescued by two angels sent by God.


Before the destruction of these cities, Lot’s family was given a warning to flee to safety. Tragically, Lot’s wife looked back at the city as it was being destroyed and turned into a pillar of salt (Genesis 19:26). Lot and his two daughters escaped to a cave in the mountains where they sought refuge.


It is in this cave where the events leading up to Genesis 19:36 unfold. Lot’s daughters, believing they were the last people on earth, plotted to preserve their family line. They made their father drunk on successive nights and had sexual relations with him to conceive children. Genesis 19:36 (KJV) states:

“Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.”

This verse reflects the outcome of the incestuous relationships between Lot and his daughters. Each daughter conceived a child, with the elder giving birth to Moab, the father of the Moabites, and the younger to Ben-Ammi, the father of the Ammonites (Genesis 19:37-38).

The Genesis 19:36 Meaning

Genesis 19:36 is significant because it demonstrates how far humanity can fall when driven by fear, desperation, and misguided reasoning. Lot’s daughters, assuming that the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah meant the end of humanity, took matters into their own hands. Rather than seeking God’s guidance, they relied on their own flawed understanding and committed incest with their father. Their decision was influenced by their environment and cultural assumptions, reflecting how easily humans can be swayed into moral compromise when detached from divine wisdom.

From a theological perspective, this verse shows the consequences of acting without trust in God. The daughters’ actions resulted in the birth of two nations—the Moabites and Ammonites—who later became frequent enemies of Israel. This serves as a reminder that decisions made outside of God’s will can have long-lasting repercussions, not only for individuals but also for nations.

See Also: What Does Genesis 19:35 Mean?

Genesis 19:36 Application in Life

While the events of Genesis 19:36 are specific to Lot and his daughters, the broader message of this passage can be applied to modern life in several ways:

The Danger of Acting Out of Fear and Desperation: Lot’s daughters acted impulsively because of their fear that their family line would end. They did not wait on God or seek His guidance, but instead took drastic actions based on faulty assumptions. This serves as a lesson for individuals today to avoid making rash decisions in moments of panic. When we act out of fear without trusting God’s plan, we risk making choices that can lead to unintended consequences.

Moral Compromise: The daughters’ decision to seduce their father highlights how easily one can rationalize sin in difficult situations. They justified their actions by the urgency of preserving their lineage, but in doing so, they violated moral and divine law. This is a reminder that moral compromise is often subtle and rationalized, but it can lead to significant spiritual and relational damage.

Generational Consequences: The Moabites and Ammonites, born from this incident, later played key roles in Israel’s history as adversaries. This shows how our actions can have lasting effects on future generations. What may seem like a small decision today can ripple through time, impacting not only our lives but also the lives of those who come after us.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

When comparing Genesis 19:36 with other biblical texts, a few significant parallels and contrasts emerge:

Genesis 9:20-25 – Noah and His Sons: After the flood, Noah becomes drunk and uncovers himself inside his tent. Ham, his son, sees his father’s nakedness and tells his brothers, leading to Noah cursing Ham’s descendants. Like Lot’s daughters, Ham’s actions brought about a curse that affected future generations. Both stories reveal how alcohol played a role in exposing human vulnerabilities and leading to shameful acts.

2 Samuel 11David and Bathsheba: David, like Lot’s daughters, took matters into his own hands in a moment of weakness. His desire to cover up his sin led to a series of actions that spiraled out of control, ultimately resulting in significant consequences for his family and kingdom. Both accounts demonstrate the destructive power of unchecked desires.

Judges 19 – The Levite’s Concubine: In another story of moral corruption, the people of Gibeah act wickedly, leading to the brutal assault of a concubine. This event, like Genesis 19, showcases the depths of human depravity when society turns away from God’s laws. Both stories involve sexual sin and the breakdown of moral order, highlighting the consequences of a society that does not follow divine standards.

Modern-Day Relevance

Genesis 19:36 remains relevant today because it speaks to the timeless struggles of human nature. In a world filled with uncertainty, fear, and moral ambiguity, the story of Lot’s daughters serves as a warning about the consequences of turning away from God’s wisdom and trying to control our own fate.

Decision-Making in Crisis: In our personal lives, we often face crises that challenge our faith and decision-making. Just like Lot’s daughters, we may be tempted to make hasty decisions out of fear. In such times, Genesis 19:36 encourages us to pause and seek God’s guidance rather than acting on impulse.

Moral Integrity: The story reminds us of the importance of upholding moral integrity, even when circumstances are difficult. In a world where moral compromise is often justified, we are called to remain steadfast in our commitment to God’s standards.

Generational Responsibility: The verse also speaks to the importance of considering the impact of our actions on future generations. Whether in parenting, leadership, or daily life, the decisions we make today can shape the future for those who come after us.


Genesis 19:36 is a verse that presents deep moral, theological, and practical insights. The actions of Lot’s daughters reveal the consequences of acting out of fear and desperation without trusting in God’s plan. Their story, though rooted in an ancient context, continues to offer valuable lessons for today’s believers about decision-making, moral integrity, and the long-term effects of our choices.

This passage, while challenging, ultimately points us toward a greater understanding of human nature and the need for reliance on God. As we navigate the complexities of life, Genesis 19:36 calls us to trust in God’s guidance, resist the temptation to take control of situations outside of His will, and remain faithful to His moral law.

Genesis 19:36 Commentary

The commentary on Genesis 19:36 highlights the moral failure of Lot’s daughters in taking control of their future without seeking divine guidance. Their incestuous actions, while done in ignorance and desperation, had significant consequences that shaped the history of the Moabites and Ammonites. Scholars often point out that this passage serves as a critique of human frailty, illustrating how fear can drive people to moral compromise.

From a broader biblical perspective, the story underscores the theme of generational responsibility, showing how individual actions can have far-reaching consequences. The key lesson for believers is to avoid impulsive decisions made out of fear and instead place trust in God’s provision and timing.

In conclusion, Genesis 19:36 is a reminder of the importance of faith, moral integrity, and the consequences of our actions, both in the immediate and for future generations.


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