
What Does Genesis 19:31 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible VerseGenesis 19:31 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 19:31 is a verse that appears in the context of the aftermath of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It provides a significant, though often overlooked, insight into the lives of Lot’s daughters and the complex moral and social implications that arise from their actions. This article will explore the context of Genesis 19:31, its meaning, applications, comparisons with other biblical texts, modern-day relevance, and provide a comprehensive commentary.


The Context of Genesis 19:31 KJV

Genesis 19:31 (KJV) reads: “And the firstborn said unto the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in unto us after the manner of all the earth.”


To understand this verse, it’s essential to consider the broader context within the narrative of Genesis 19. This chapter recounts the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah due to their grievous sins and the deliverance of Lot and his family from the city. Lot’s wife famously looked back at the burning cities and was turned into a pillar of salt. Lot and his two daughters fled to a cave in the mountains, as the cities were destroyed and their original home was no longer habitable.


The Genesis 19:31 Meaning

Genesis 19:31 reflects a conversation between Lot’s two daughters. The verse reveals their concern about their future, particularly about their family line continuing, given their father’s advanced age and the lack of available men in their immediate vicinity. The daughters are faced with the fear that their family line might become extinct due to the destruction of their previous home and the absence of suitable husbands.

This verse is crucial in understanding the actions that follow: the daughters’ decision to conceive children with their father. They reasoned that with no other men around, their only option was to ensure the continuation of their family line through their father. This leads to the events in Genesis 19:32-36, where the daughters execute their plan and bear children through incestuous relations with Lot.

See Also: Genesis 19:30 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Genesis 19:31 Application in Life

The application of Genesis 19:31 in life requires a nuanced approach. While the actions of Lot’s daughters are described in the text, it is important to remember that the Bible often records events without necessarily endorsing them. The application here involves reflecting on the ethical and moral dimensions of the story.

Ethical Considerations: The narrative challenges readers to consider the implications of decisions made under duress and the moral boundaries that should guide one’s actions. The daughters’ choice, though driven by desperation, raises questions about the lengths to which individuals might go when faced with seemingly insurmountable problems.

Family and Legacy: The concern of the daughters about preserving their family line highlights the ancient Near Eastern emphasis on lineage and heritage. For modern readers, this can be a reminder of the values of family continuity and the importance of maintaining family legacies in ethical ways.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 19:31 and the subsequent events are not isolated in biblical narrative but can be compared with other biblical texts that deal with similar themes:

Genesis 38: This chapter recounts the story of Tamar and Judah, where Tamar disguises herself as a prostitute to ensure her rights and legacy, reflecting a different but parallel concern about lineage and family continuity.

Leviticus 18:6-18: This passage sets forth laws concerning incest and forbidden relationships. It provides a clear prohibition against the kind of relationships that Lot’s daughters engage in, emphasizing the ethical boundaries that should be observed.

Deuteronomy 25:5-10: This passage discusses the levirate marriage law, where a man is required to marry his deceased brother’s widow to produce offspring in his brother’s name. This law underscores the importance of family lineage but also shows a more structured approach compared to the desperate actions of Lot’s daughters.

Modern-Day Relevance

The story of Lot’s daughters and Genesis 19:31 has several points of relevance in contemporary discussions:

Ethical Decision-Making: The narrative prompts discussions about ethical decision-making under extreme circumstances. It encourages individuals to consider how desperation and fear can influence moral choices and the importance of adhering to ethical principles even in difficult situations.

Family Dynamics and Legacy: The concern for family legacy, though expressed through extreme measures in the story, can be related to modern discussions on family planning, inheritance, and the continuation of family traditions in ways that respect moral and ethical standards.

Legal and Social Boundaries: The story illustrates the need for clear legal and social boundaries to guide behavior and ensure that actions are within acceptable moral limits. It serves as a historical example of why laws and norms are essential for maintaining social order.


Genesis 19:31 provides a complex and multifaceted narrative that serves as a basis for exploring various ethical, social, and familial issues. The verse highlights the desperation and moral dilemmas faced by Lot’s daughters in the aftermath of a catastrophic event. By comparing this narrative with other biblical texts and considering its modern-day relevance, readers can gain deeper insights into the challenges of ethical decision-making and the importance of adhering to moral and legal standards.

Genesis 19:31 Commentary

The commentary on Genesis 19:31 often focuses on the nature of the actions described and the moral implications of the story. Scholars and theologians may interpret the daughters’ actions as a reflection of the desperate circumstances and the perceived absence of other options. However, the emphasis is also on the importance of understanding that while the Bible records these events, it does not necessarily condone them. The story is a reflection of the complexities of human behavior and the ethical challenges individuals may face, offering a basis for reflection and discussion on moral choices in the context of faith and tradition.

In summary, Genesis 19:31, when examined in its full context and alongside other biblical texts, provides valuable lessons on ethics, family, and societal norms. Its relevance extends beyond its immediate narrative, offering insights into the nature of human decision-making and the importance of adhering to ethical principles.


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