
Genesis 19:10 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible VerseGenesis 19:10 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 19:10 (KJV): “But the men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot into the house to them, and shut to the door.”


Genesis 19:10 is a crucial verse within the narrative of Sodom and Gomorrah, particularly in the unfolding events surrounding the rescue of Lot and his family. In this verse, the angelic visitors, whom Lot had been protecting, take decisive action to save him from the violent mob of men that had surrounded his house. The angels intervene by pulling Lot back into the safety of his home and closing the door, signifying divine intervention and protection amidst chaos.


This article will delve into the context of Genesis 19:10, explore its meaning, discuss its application in life, compare it with other biblical texts, examine its modern-day relevance, and provide a concluding commentary on the significance of this verse.


The Context on Genesis 19:10 KJV

The Background of Sodom and Gomorrah’s Wickedness

Genesis 19 narrates one of the Bible’s most vivid examples of human depravity and divine judgment. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah had become infamous for their wickedness, and God decided to destroy them in response to the cries of injustice that reached His ears. Two angels were sent to Sodom to assess the situation and to rescue Lot, who had chosen to live in the city despite its notorious reputation.

When the angels arrived, Lot welcomed them into his home, offering them hospitality and protection. However, the men of Sodom quickly gathered outside Lot’s house, demanding that the angels be handed over to them so that they could sexually assault them. This mob scene reveals the deep moral corruption within the city.

Lot, in an effort to protect his guests, pleaded with the men and even offered his daughters in exchange, but the crowd’s hostility only intensified. They attacked Lot, accusing him of acting as a judge, and moved to break down the door. This leads to Genesis 19:10, where the angels intervene to save Lot.

Divine Intervention and Protection

The angels’ actions in Genesis 19:10 mark the turning point in this confrontation. Despite Lot’s best efforts, it becomes clear that human attempts to resist the wickedness of Sodom are insufficient. At this moment, the angels—representing God’s power—intervene directly, pulling Lot into the house and securing the door, effectively shielding him from harm. This sets the stage for the further divine judgment that will come upon Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Genesis 19:10 Meaning

The Men (Angels) Put Forth Their Hand

The phrase “the men put forth their hand” refers to the angels reaching out to pull Lot back into the house. In this context, “the men” are the two angelic beings who had taken on human form for the purpose of visiting Sodom. Their physical act of putting forth their hands symbolizes divine intervention. Lot had placed himself in danger by attempting to reason with the men of Sodom, but now the angels step in to ensure his safety. The hand of the angels is a metaphor for the hand of God, who actively protects His righteous ones in times of danger.

Pulled Lot into the House

The act of pulling Lot into the house represents God’s deliverance of His people from peril. Lot’s life was in immediate danger, surrounded by a violent mob, but God’s messengers do not allow him to suffer harm. Instead, they pull him into the safety of the home, a symbolic place of refuge from the external chaos. This act highlights God’s power to save and His active role in protecting those who seek to live righteously, even in a corrupt environment.

And Shut the Door

The closing of the door is significant both practically and symbolically. On a practical level, the door being shut prevents the mob from gaining access to Lot and the angels. Symbolically, the shutting of the door represents the boundary between God’s protection and the danger that exists outside. It reflects the idea that God creates a shield around His people, offering them security amidst the threat of evil.

This act of shutting the door also signals the impending judgment upon Sodom. The opportunity for the men of Sodom to repent or turn back has passed, and they are now sealed outside, awaiting God’s wrath.

See Also: What Does Genesis 19:9 Mean?

Genesis 19:10 Application in Life

Trusting in Divine Protection

Genesis 19:10 serves as a reminder of God’s protection over those who live faithfully. Lot, though living in the midst of a corrupt society, experiences God’s protection through the intervention of the angels. In our own lives, we may face situations where it feels like we are surrounded by moral decay, hostility, or danger. However, this verse reminds us that God’s hand is always ready to deliver and protect us, especially when we place our trust in Him.

Human Limitations and God’s Strength

Lot’s attempts to reason with the men of Sodom were futile, reflecting the limitations of human strength and wisdom in the face of overwhelming evil. In contrast, God’s intervention through the angels demonstrates that His power is greater than human efforts. This is a valuable lesson for Christians today: while we are called to stand for righteousness and do what we can, ultimately, we must rely on God’s strength and intervention in the face of evil and danger.

The Refuge of God’s Presence

The house in which Lot is pulled back symbolizes the refuge and safety found in God’s presence. Christians are reminded that when we seek God and dwell in His presence, we are shielded from the dangers and evils of the world. This refuge is not merely physical, but spiritual, as we find peace and security in our relationship with God, even when the world around us is in turmoil.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Psalm 91:4 – Under His Wings

Psalm 91:4 says, “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” This passage offers a comforting image of God’s protection, similar to the way the angels in Genesis 19:10 pull Lot into the safety of the house. Just as Lot was shielded from the violence of Sodom’s mob, believers are shielded under the wings of God’s care and protection.

Isaiah 41:10 – Fear Not, I Am with You

Isaiah 41:10 offers another parallel to Genesis 19:10: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Just as God intervened through the angels to save Lot, He promises to help and uphold His people in times of need. This verse reinforces the message that God’s hand is actively involved in our deliverance.

Exodus 14:13-14 – Stand Still and See the Salvation of the Lord

In Exodus 14:13-14, as the Israelites are trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s approaching army, Moses says, “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” This parallels Lot’s experience, as God intervenes to save His people from seemingly insurmountable danger. The act of pulling Lot into the house is similar to how God parted the Red Sea for the Israelites, demonstrating His power to save.

Modern-Day Relevance

Divine Protection in Perilous Times

In a world where Christians often face moral, spiritual, and even physical dangers, Genesis 19:10 remains relevant. It reminds us that God is always present to intervene and provide protection, even when the world around us seems hostile or chaotic. This is especially comforting in times of persecution or when standing for righteousness in a society that rejects God’s standards.

The Importance of Seeking Refuge in God

The house in which Lot is pulled represents a place of safety and refuge, analogous to the spiritual refuge we find in God. In modern times, many people seek safety in material wealth, power, or relationships. However, Genesis 19:10 teaches us that true security can only be found in God’s presence. Christians are encouraged to seek God as their ultimate source of protection and peace.

God’s Timely Intervention

Genesis 19:10 also speaks to the timely nature of God’s intervention. Lot was pulled back into the house just as the mob was about to overpower him, illustrating that God’s timing is perfect. In our own lives, we may sometimes feel overwhelmed or abandoned, but Genesis 19:10 reassures us that God will intervene at the right moment to deliver us from harm.


Genesis 19:10 is a powerful reminder of God’s protection and intervention in the lives of His people. In the face of overwhelming wickedness and danger, God sent His angels to rescue Lot, demonstrating His care and concern for those who seek righteousness. The verse highlights the limitations of human strength and wisdom in combating evil, while also pointing to the sufficiency of God’s power to save.

For modern Christians, Genesis 19:10 offers a message of hope and encouragement. It assures us that no matter how perilous our circumstances may seem, God is present and willing to intervene on our behalf. The protection offered to Lot is the same protection that God offers to His people today, as we seek refuge in His presence and trust in His power to deliver.

Genesis 19:10 Commentary

Genesis 19:10 encapsulates the theme of divine intervention in the midst of human weakness. Lot’s futile attempts to protect his guests from the wicked men of Sodom reflect the inability of humanity to combat evil on its own. However, the angels’ actions demonstrate God’s willingness to step in and save those who are faithful to Him.

The closing of the door symbolizes a separation between righteousness and wickedness. While Lot is saved and sheltered, the men of Sodom are left outside to face impending judgment. This imagery serves as a reminder that those who trust in God are under His protection, while those who persist in wickedness will ultimately face His righteous judgment.


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