What Does Genesis 16:14 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible Verse Genesis 16:14 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 16:14 is a pivotal verse within the narrative of Hagar, a servant of Sarai (later Sarah) and the mother of Ishmael. This verse serves as a crucial point in the story of Hagar’s encounter with the angel of the Lord and the subsequent birth of Ishmael. In the broader context of Genesis 16, this verse encapsulates the divine intervention and promises made to Hagar, highlighting the theme of God’s presence and provision even in seemingly dire circumstances.

The Context on Genesis 16:14 KJV

To fully grasp the meaning of Genesis 16:14, it is essential to understand the preceding events and the cultural backdrop. Genesis 16 details the story of Hagar, Sarai’s Egyptian maidservant, who becomes a central figure when Sarai, unable to conceive, gives Hagar to Abram (later Abraham) to bear a child. This act, intended to fulfill God’s promise of a descendant, leads to tension and conflict within the household.

Hagar, after conceiving, encounters disdain from Sarai, resulting in her fleeing into the wilderness. In this desolate place, Hagar meets the angel of the Lord, who provides her with a promise about her unborn son and instructs her to return to Sarai. The verse in question, Genesis 16:14, follows Hagar’s return and the naming of the well where she encountered the divine messenger.

Genesis 16:14 (KJV) reads:

“Wherefore the well was called Beerlahairoi; behold, it is between Kadesh and Bered.”

This verse is significant as it names the well where Hagar encountered the angel of the Lord, a location that becomes a testament to the divine encounter and the promise made to Hagar.

The Genesis 16:14 Meaning

Genesis 16:14 is more than a geographical reference; it signifies a profound spiritual and theological message. The name “Beerlahairoi,” which means “the well of the Living One who sees me,” reflects Hagar’s encounter with the angel of the Lord and the assurance she received. The well’s name underscores the revelation of God’s omnipresence and His attentiveness to the needs of His people, even those who are marginalized or in distress.

This verse highlights several key themes:

Divine Awareness and Presence: The well’s name signifies that God sees and cares for those who are suffering or in need. Hagar, a servant woman who was in a vulnerable position, experienced God’s care and provision firsthand.

Fulfillment of Promise: The well’s naming also reflects the fulfillment of the promise given to Hagar about her son, Ishmael. God assures her that He has heard her distress and will bless her son, making him a great nation.

Divine Intervention: The naming of the well serves as a memorial to God’s intervention in Hagar’s life, marking the spot where she experienced a divine encounter and received guidance and comfort.

Genesis 16:14 Application in Life

Genesis 16:14 has several applications for contemporary readers, offering lessons on divine providence, faith, and the importance of recognizing God’s presence in our lives.

Trust in Divine Provision: Just as Hagar found solace and provision at the well, individuals today can find comfort in knowing that God is aware of their circumstances and provides for their needs, even in times of distress or uncertainty.

Recognizing God’s Presence: The well’s name serves as a reminder to be aware of God’s presence in our lives. It encourages believers to seek and recognize God’s guidance and care, especially in challenging situations.

Affirmation of God’s Promises: Hagar’s story underscores the importance of trusting in God’s promises. Even when circumstances seem bleak, believers can hold onto the assurance that God is faithful to fulfill His promises.

Compassion for the Marginalized: Hagar’s experience highlights the need for compassion and understanding toward those who may be marginalized or overlooked. It calls believers to extend kindness and support to those in vulnerable positions.

See Also: Genesis 16:13 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 16:14 can be compared with several other biblical texts that deal with God’s care for individuals in difficult situations:

Exodus 3:7: In the story of Moses and the burning bush, God reveals Himself as the one who sees the suffering of His people and promises deliverance. This echoes the theme of divine awareness seen in Genesis 16:14.

Psalm 34:15: “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.” This verse reflects the same assurance of God’s attentiveness and care for His people as seen in Hagar’s encounter.

Matthew 10:29-31: Jesus speaks of God’s care for even the smallest of creatures, affirming that God’s attention to detail extends to every aspect of creation. This parallels the assurance given to Hagar about God’s awareness of her situation.

John 4:6-14: In the story of the woman at the well, Jesus reveals Himself as the source of living water, offering spiritual sustenance and fulfillment. This encounter at a well mirrors the significance of the well in Genesis 16:14 as a place of divine revelation and promise.

Modern-Day Relevance

Genesis 16:14 holds significant relevance for modern readers, particularly in how it addresses themes of divine care, promise, and the recognition of God’s presence in everyday life.

Encouragement in Personal Struggles: The verse provides encouragement for those facing personal struggles, reminding them that God is aware of their situation and is present with them in their difficulties.

Inspiration for Faith and Hope: It inspires faith and hope, reinforcing the belief that God’s promises are reliable and that He is attentive to the needs of His people.

Reminder of God’s Care for All: The story serves as a reminder that God’s care extends to all individuals, including those who may feel overlooked or marginalized. It encourages believers to recognize and affirm the value and dignity of every person.

Call to Compassion and Support: The narrative calls for compassion and support for those in need, reflecting the broader biblical call to care for the vulnerable and marginalized in society.


Genesis 16:14 is a profound verse that encapsulates themes of divine care, promise, and revelation. The naming of the well, “Beerlahairoi,” signifies God’s awareness and provision for Hagar, offering a powerful reminder of His presence and attentiveness. This verse not only highlights the significance of God’s promises but also provides practical applications for contemporary life, encouraging trust in divine provision, recognition of God’s presence, and compassion for those in need. By reflecting on this verse, believers can draw strength and inspiration, finding reassurance in the knowledge that God sees and cares for each individual, regardless of their circumstances.

Genesis 16:14 Commentary

Genesis 16:14 serves as a significant marker in the biblical narrative, capturing a moment of divine intervention and promise. The well’s name, “Beerlahairoi,” translates to “the well of the Living One who sees me,” highlighting the personal and intimate nature of God’s care for Hagar. This commentary underscores the broader theological implications of the verse, emphasizing God’s omnipresence and His ability to address the needs of those who might otherwise be overlooked.

The verse also contributes to the understanding of God’s relationship with His people, revealing a God who is not distant but actively involved in the lives of individuals, especially during times of distress. By acknowledging and commemorating this divine encounter, the verse invites readers to consider their own experiences of God’s presence and provision, encouraging a deeper trust in His promises and a greater awareness of His care.

In conclusion, Genesis 16:14 stands as a testament to the enduring relevance of God’s promises and His attentive care, offering timeless lessons for believers navigating the challenges of their own lives.

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