
How Old Was Moses When God Called Him?

by Mia

The life of Moses is one of the most compelling narratives in the Bible, marked by dramatic events and profound encounters with God. From his miraculous survival as an infant to his leadership of the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage, Moses’ story is central to the biblical narrative.

One of the pivotal moments in his life is his call from God at the burning bush, a transformative event that set the course for his mission to liberate his people.


The Early Life of Moses

Moses, a central figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, was born in a tumultuous period for the Israelites. His story begins in the Book of Exodus, where we learn of his birth during a time of severe oppression. The Pharaoh of Egypt had decreed the death of all male Hebrew infants, aiming to curb the growing population of the Israelites (Exodus 1:22). To save him, Moses’ mother placed him in a basket and set him afloat on the Nile River. He was found and adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter, raised in the Egyptian court, and educated in the ways of Egyptian culture and politics.


Moses’ Early Years and Flight to Midian: As an adult, Moses witnessed the harsh treatment of his fellow Hebrews and, in a moment of impulsive justice, killed an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave. Fearing for his life, Moses fled to Midian, where he married Zipporah, the daughter of a Midianite priest, and lived as a shepherd.


The Burning Bush Encounter: The defining moment of Moses’ life came when he was tending sheep on Mount Horeb. There, he encountered a bush that was on fire but not consumed by the flames. From this bush, God called out to Moses and commissioned him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 3:1-10). This divine call marked the beginning of Moses’ role as a prophet and leader, setting the stage for the Exodus and the giving of the Law at Sinai.

Biblical Clues to Moses’ Age

To determine Moses’ age at the time of God’s call, we need to examine various biblical passages and reconcile them with historical and chronological data.

1. The Book of Exodus: The Book of Exodus provides the primary account of Moses’ life and mission. However, it does not explicitly state Moses’ age at the burning bush. The chronological clues come from other parts of the Bible, particularly the ages given for Moses and other key events.

2. The Age of Moses at the Exodus: According to Exodus 7:7, Moses was 80 years old at the time of the Exodus. This verse is critical because it allows us to work backward to estimate his age at the burning bush. The Exodus occurred in the 13th century BC, during the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II, according to many scholars. If we accept that Moses was 80 years old at the Exodus, we can use this information to calculate his age at the time of the burning bush.

3. The Time of the Burning Bush: Scholars generally estimate that the burning bush encounter happened about 40 years before the Exodus. This estimation is based on the 40-year period Moses spent in Midian before returning to Egypt. Therefore, if Moses was 80 years old at the Exodus, he would have been around 40 years old at the time of the burning bush.

Historical and Theological Context

1. The Significance of Moses’ Age: Understanding Moses’ age at the burning bush provides insight into the significance of his calling. At around 40 years old, Moses was in a transitional phase of life. Having lived a life of privilege in Egypt and then a period of relative obscurity in Midian, he was at a point where he could fully embrace his role as God’s messenger. His age also signifies a maturity and readiness for the monumental task of leading the Israelites.

2. The Theological Implications: The age of Moses at his calling reflects the biblical theme of God choosing individuals at various stages of life for significant purposes. It underscores the idea that God can use people at any age and stage of life to fulfill His plans. Moses’ life exemplifies how God prepares and equips individuals over time for their divine missions.

3. The 40-Year Period in Midian: The 40 years Moses spent in Midian is a significant period in biblical tradition. The number 40 is often associated with periods of testing, preparation, and transition. For Moses, this time was crucial for developing the skills and character needed for his leadership role. It also mirrored the 40 years the Israelites would spend in the wilderness, further emphasizing the theme of preparation and endurance.

See also: Was Moses Circumcised? A Full Analysis

Moses’ Age and Its Impact on Leadership

1. Leadership and Maturity: Moses’ age at the time of his calling highlights the importance of life experience in leadership. At 40, Moses had experienced the privileges of Egyptian royalty and the hardships of life as a shepherd. This combination of experiences equipped him with the wisdom, resilience, and empathy needed for his role as a leader.

2. The Calling and Preparation: The burning bush encounter marks a pivotal moment in Moses’ life, where he transitions from a shepherd in Midian to a prophet and leader of the Israelites. His age and life experiences at this point were integral to his preparation for this divine calling. The encounter with God at the burning bush represents a culmination of his preparation and the beginning of his public mission.

The Timelessness of Moses’ Call

Determining Moses’ age at the time of his calling by God to lead the Israelites involves a careful examination of biblical texts, historical context, and scholarly interpretations. Based on the available data, Moses was likely around 40 years old when he encountered God at the burning bush, marking the beginning of his mission to liberate the Israelites from Egyptian bondage.

As we consider Moses’ age and mission, we are invited to recognize and embrace our own callings, trusting that God can use us at any stage of life to make a meaningful impact in His service.

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