What Does Genesis 7:15 Mean?

Read the Daily Bible Verse Genesis 7:15 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 7:15 states, “And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.” This verse occurs in the broader narrative of Noah’s Ark, a story that describes how Noah, a righteous man, was instructed by God to build an ark to save his family and pairs of all living creatures from the impending flood that would destroy the earth. Genesis 7:15 specifically details the entry of the animals into the ark, emphasizing the divine orchestration of this event.

The Context of Genesis 7:15 KJV

To fully grasp the meaning of Genesis 7:15, it is essential to understand the context within which it is set. The chapter of Genesis 7 describes the culmination of Noah’s preparations for the flood. Noah had been commanded by God to build the ark, and he faithfully followed God’s instructions. By the time we reach Genesis 7:15, the ark is completed, and the floodwaters are about to cover the earth.

Genesis 7:1-16 provides a comprehensive picture of the events leading up to the flood. God had instructed Noah to bring into the ark two of every kind of animal—male and female—along with his family. The flood represents a divine judgment on a corrupt world, and the ark symbolizes salvation amidst this judgment.

Genesis 7:15 fits into this narrative as the moment when the animals, according to God’s command, enter the ark in pairs. This verse highlights the meticulous nature of God’s plan and the fulfillment of His promises. The focus here is on the systematic and orderly way in which God ensured the preservation of life.

The Genesis 7:15 Meaning

Genesis 7:15 underscores several key theological points. First and foremost, it illustrates the idea of divine preservation and salvation. The “breath of life” in the animals signifies that they are living beings created by God, and their preservation on the ark ensures the continuation of life after the flood.

The phrase “two and two of all flesh” reflects God’s command for the preservation of various species. The repetition of “two and two” emphasizes the systematic and orderly nature of the salvation plan. It highlights God’s care and attention to detail in preserving life.

Additionally, Genesis 7:15 serves to underscore the faithfulness of Noah. Noah’s obedience to God’s commands, as described in the preceding verses, is a key element in this narrative. The successful entry of the animals into the ark stands as a testament to Noah’s role in God’s redemptive plan.

Genesis 7:15 Application in Life

Genesis 7:15 has profound applications for believers today. Firstly, it serves as a reminder of God’s sovereignty and faithfulness. Just as God meticulously planned and executed the preservation of life through Noah’s ark, believers can trust in God’s comprehensive plans for their lives. This verse reassures Christians of God’s control over all aspects of creation and His ability to fulfill His promises.

Furthermore, the orderly process described in Genesis 7:15 highlights the importance of obedience to God. Noah’s compliance with God’s instructions ensured the survival of life on earth. This underscores the significance of living a life aligned with divine guidance and following God’s will with diligence and faithfulness.

Genesis 7:15 also invites reflection on the concept of salvation. The ark is a powerful symbol of salvation, representing refuge and deliverance from judgment. This imagery can be applied to the Christian understanding of Jesus Christ as the ultimate ark of salvation, offering deliverance from sin and eternal life.

See Also: Genesis 7:14 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 7:15 can be compared with several other biblical texts to gain a fuller understanding of its significance:

Genesis 6:19-20: These verses provide the initial instructions for bringing animals into the ark, establishing the context for Genesis 7:15. They emphasize the divine command and the orderly nature of the preservation plan.

Genesis 8:15-17: After the flood, these verses recount God’s command to Noah to leave the ark and release the animals. This post-flood narrative completes the picture of the ark’s role in preserving life and the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Matthew 24:37-39: Jesus refers to the days of Noah when describing the end times. This comparison highlights the importance of being prepared and vigilant, as Noah’s time of judgment and salvation parallels the ultimate judgment and redemption in Christian eschatology.

Hebrews 11:7: This New Testament passage commends Noah for his faith and obedience. It reinforces the significance of Noah’s actions as an example of faithfulness and righteousness.

Modern-Day Relevance

Genesis 7:15 continues to hold relevance in contemporary Christian life. In a world marked by uncertainty and moral decay, the story of Noah and the ark offers a powerful reminder of God’s sovereignty and the importance of living according to His commands. The meticulous nature of God’s plan as illustrated in Genesis 7:15 reassures believers that God’s purposes are carried out with precision and care.

Moreover, the ark’s symbolism of salvation resonates in modern Christian teachings. Just as Noah’s ark provided refuge from the flood, Christians view Jesus Christ as the ultimate refuge from sin and spiritual death. This analogy underscores the continuing importance of seeking salvation and adhering to God’s guidance.

Genesis 7:15 also challenges believers to reflect on their role in God’s plan. It calls for an examination of how individuals contribute to the broader divine narrative and how they can faithfully follow God’s instructions in their own lives.


Genesis 7:15 is a rich verse that encapsulates significant themes in the biblical narrative of Noah’s Ark. Its detailed description of the animals entering the ark underscores the themes of divine preservation, faithfulness, and salvation. By examining its context, meaning, and application, believers gain a deeper appreciation of God’s meticulous care in His plans for creation and redemption.

In comparing Genesis 7:15 with other biblical texts, we see its connection to broader themes of judgment, salvation, and faithfulness. The verse’s modern-day relevance speaks to the ongoing importance of trust in God’s sovereignty and adherence to His commands. Ultimately, Genesis 7:15 serves as a profound reminder of God’s redemptive plan and the faithful response it demands from His people.

Genesis 7:15 Commentary

Genesis 7:15 is a crucial component of the flood narrative, offering insight into the orderly execution of God’s plan. The verse highlights the methodical nature of the divine command, ensuring the preservation of life. This commentary reveals the theological significance of the verse and its implications for understanding God’s faithfulness and the symbolism of salvation.

The orderly entry of animals into the ark underscores the meticulous nature of God’s plan, reflecting His control over creation and His promise of salvation. By faithfully following God’s instructions, Noah plays a pivotal role in the preservation of life, illustrating the importance of obedience and trust in God’s guidance.

In summary, Genesis 7:15 serves as a testament to the divine orchestration of salvation and judgment. Its lessons continue to resonate in the lives of believers, offering a profound understanding of God’s promises and the importance of living in accordance with His will.

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