Genesis 6:16 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible Verse Genesis 6:16 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

“A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.” — Genesis 6:16 KJV

Genesis 6:16, a verse nestled within the early chapters of the Bible, holds a crucial place in the narrative of Noah’s Ark and the Flood. This passage, though seemingly straightforward, offers profound insights into God’s instructions to Noah and the broader implications for faith and practice.

Genesis 6:16 Background

Genesis 6:16 falls within the larger context of the narrative of Noah and the Flood, a pivotal event in the early chapters of the Book of Genesis. The context of this verse is critical to understanding its full meaning. In the preceding verses, God reveals His intention to flood the earth due to the pervasive wickedness of humanity. Noah, who is described as a righteous man, is chosen by God to build an ark to preserve his family and pairs of every kind of living creature.

In this specific verse, God provides detailed instructions for the construction of the ark, which Noah is to follow meticulously. The verse outlines the dimensions and features of the ark, including a window, a door, and three stories. Each element of this design is significant, reflecting both practical and symbolic dimensions.

The Window: The “window” or “light” is an essential feature of the ark. It is to be made in a cubit and positioned above. This design not only allows light to enter the ark but also serves as a means of ventilation and observation.

The Door: The door, placed in the side of the ark, is the entry point for Noah, his family, and the animals. It symbolizes access and entry into a place of safety.

The Stories: The ark is to have three stories, which provides both structural integrity and space for the different species of animals and provisions.

These instructions reflect God’s attention to detail and His provision for Noah and the creatures he is tasked with preserving. The ark is a symbol of salvation and divine protection amidst impending judgment.

Genesis 6:16 Significance

The significance of Genesis 6:16 extends beyond the mere architectural instructions for the ark. It encompasses theological, symbolic, and practical aspects:

Divine Provision and Protection: The detailed instructions given by God underscore His provision and protection. The ark represents a physical and spiritual refuge, illustrating God’s care for His creation even in times of judgment.

Obedience to God’s Commands: Noah’s adherence to these instructions is a testament to his faith and obedience. The meticulous nature of the commands highlights the importance of following God’s directions with precision.

Symbolism of Light and Access: The window in the ark symbolizes divine light and guidance. It serves as a reminder that even in times of darkness and impending doom, God provides light and clarity. The door represents access to salvation and the importance of choosing to enter the safety provided by God.

Structural Integrity and Order: The ark’s design, with its three stories, reflects a sense of order and organization. This design ensures the survival of various species and the continuation of life post-flood, demonstrating God’s orderly approach to creation and preservation.

See also: What Does Genesis 6:15 Mean?

Genesis 6:16 Application in Life

The lessons from Genesis 6:16 have practical applications for believers today:

Trust in Divine Guidance: Just as Noah followed God’s detailed instructions for building the ark, believers are called to trust and follow God’s guidance in their own lives. This trust is essential in navigating challenges and uncertainties.

Preparation and Obedience: Noah’s diligent preparation for the flood serves as a model for believers. Being prepared and obedient to God’s commands, even when the purpose may not be immediately clear, is crucial in living out one’s faith.

Symbol of Hope and Salvation: The ark represents hope and salvation. In times of difficulty or crisis, believers can find solace in the promise of God’s protection and deliverance.

Living with Purpose and Order: The structured design of the ark encourages believers to live with purpose and order. This includes being responsible stewards of God’s creation and maintaining a sense of order in personal and communal life.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 6:16 can be compared with other biblical texts to highlight its broader theological implications:

Exodus 25:9: The instructions for building the Tabernacle in Exodus also emphasize detailed design and obedience. Like the ark, the Tabernacle represents God’s dwelling place among His people, showcasing the importance of following divine instructions for worship and fellowship.

Matthew 7:7-8: In the New Testament, Jesus speaks about asking, seeking, and knocking. This passage emphasizes the importance of pursuing God’s guidance and the assurance that God will respond, paralleling the trust Noah had in God’s instructions.

Hebrews 11:7: The New Testament reflects on Noah’s faith and obedience in building the ark. This passage highlights Noah’s faith as a key component of his obedience, drawing a direct line to the significance of Genesis 6:16 in understanding faith and righteousness.

Revelation 3:20: The imagery of a door in Revelation, where Jesus says He stands at the door and knocks, can be seen as a symbolic parallel to the door of the ark. It represents access to salvation and fellowship with God.

Modern Significance

In contemporary times, Genesis 6:16 holds relevance for various reasons:

Architectural and Engineering Insights: The ark’s design has been studied for its architectural and engineering principles. It provides insights into creating structures that withstand challenges, symbolizing God’s wisdom in creation.

Environmental Stewardship: The ark represents a commitment to preserving life. This has modern implications for environmental stewardship and the ethical treatment of animals, reflecting the responsibility of humanity to care for creation.

Spiritual Resilience: The narrative of Noah’s Ark resonates with individuals facing personal crises or societal upheavals. It serves as a reminder of God’s provision and the importance of maintaining faith amidst adversity.

Community and Safety: The ark’s design underscores the importance of community and safety. In today’s context, it can inspire efforts to create supportive and protective environments for individuals and families.


Genesis 6:16, while often overshadowed by the grand narrative of the Flood, holds significant theological and practical insights. Its detailed instructions reflect God’s provision, the importance of obedience, and the symbolism of light and access. By comparing it with other biblical texts and exploring its modern relevance, we gain a deeper understanding of its enduring significance.

In reflecting on Genesis 6:16, we are reminded of the importance of following divine guidance, preparing diligently, and finding hope and salvation in God’s promises. The ark’s design serves as a powerful symbol of God’s care and protection, encouraging believers to trust in His plans and live with purpose and order.

Comments on Genesis 6:16

“Genesis 6:16 shows how even in the midst of judgment, God’s instructions are filled with wisdom and care. The detailed design of the ark reflects His concern for both practical and symbolic aspects of salvation.”

“The window in the ark serves as a powerful metaphor for divine light and clarity. It reminds us that God’s guidance is available even in the darkest times.”

“Noah’s obedience to the instructions in Genesis 6:16 highlights the importance of following God’s commands with precision. It serves as a model for living out one’s faith diligently.”

“The three stories of the ark represent order and organization. This design not only ensured the survival of various species but also symbolizes the importance of living with purpose and responsibility.”

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