
Genesis 6:14 Meaning, Context & Commentary

Read the Daily Bible Verse Genesis 6:14 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

“Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.” (Genesis 6:14 KJV)


Genesis 6:14 KJV Background

Genesis 6:14 is a pivotal verse in the Bible, marking a significant moment in the narrative of Noah and the flood. The context of this verse is rooted in a time of great corruption and wickedness on earth. The Lord, seeing the pervasive evil, decides to cleanse the world with a flood, preserving Noah, a righteous man, and his family to restart humanity.


The term “gopher wood” mentioned in this verse is unique and its exact identification remains a topic of scholarly debate. It is not found elsewhere in the Bible, leading to various interpretations regarding the type of wood referred to. The process of “pitching it within and without” implies a meticulous effort to ensure the vessel’s integrity against water, symbolizing both physical and spiritual protection.


Genesis 6:14 Significance

Genesis 6:14 is rich in symbolism and practical implications. The construction of the ark represents several key themes in biblical theology:

Obedience and Faith: Noah’s compliance with God’s detailed instructions underscores the importance of obedience and faith. Building an ark according to divine specifications required immense trust and perseverance, illustrating a model of faithfulness in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Divine Preservation: The ark serves as a vessel of salvation, preserving Noah, his family, and various animal species. This act of divine preservation underscores God’s mercy and justice, demonstrating how righteousness is rewarded and how divine intervention can provide protection against destruction.

Symbolism of the Ark: The ark is a symbol of refuge and safety. It prefigures other biblical themes of salvation and deliverance, as seen in the New Testament, where Jesus Christ is often depicted as a refuge for believers.

See also: What Does Genesis 6:13 Mean?

Genesis 6:14 Application in Life

Genesis 6:14 offers several applications for modern believers:

Following Divine Instructions: Just as Noah followed God’s detailed plans for the ark, individuals are encouraged to seek and adhere to God’s guidance in their lives. This includes following ethical teachings, moral directives, and spiritual instructions.

Preparation and Faithfulness: The building of the ark represents preparation for the future. In life, this translates to preparing for challenges and trusting in God’s plan. Believers are encouraged to live faithfully and prepare spiritually for trials and tribulations.

Seeking Refuge in Faith: The ark as a place of safety is a metaphor for finding refuge in God. In times of trouble, individuals can turn to their faith as a source of comfort and protection, knowing that divine support is available.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 6:14 can be compared to several other biblical passages that explore themes of divine instruction, preservation, and refuge:

Exodus 2:3: In the story of Moses, his mother places him in a basket made of bulrushes and daubed with bitumen and pitch to save him from Pharaoh’s decree. This story echoes the theme of using divinely inspired methods for protection and preservation.

Matthew 7:24-25: Jesus compares those who hear His words and act on them to a wise man who builds his house on the rock. This parable highlights the importance of building one’s life on a solid foundation of faith, much like Noah’s construction of the ark.

Hebrews 11:7: This verse commends Noah for his faith, noting that by building the ark, he condemned the world and became an heir of righteousness. It reinforces the significance of Noah’s obedience and the role of faith in receiving God’s promises.

Modern Significance

In contemporary contexts, Genesis 6:14 can be interpreted through various lenses:

Environmental Stewardship: The ark symbolizes a responsibility to protect and preserve creation. Modern Christians may see this as a call to environmental stewardship and conservation, reflecting a commitment to caring for the planet.

Crisis Management: The concept of building an ark as preparation for a coming flood can be seen as a metaphor for planning and preparing for personal or communal crises. It underscores the value of foresight and preparedness in various aspects of life.

Spiritual Safety: The ark as a place of refuge resonates with the modern emphasis on finding spiritual safety and support. It highlights the ongoing need for faith-based communities and personal spiritual practices as sources of comfort and security.


Genesis 6:14 offers profound insights into obedience, faith, and divine preservation. The construction of the ark represents a model of faithfulness and preparation that transcends time, providing valuable lessons for contemporary believers. By understanding its significance in the context of the flood narrative and its applications in modern life, individuals can draw inspiration for navigating their spiritual and practical journeys.

Comments on Genesis 6:14

Historical Impact: Genesis 6:14 has profoundly influenced religious thought and art throughout history. Depictions of the ark have appeared in various forms of art and literature, symbolizing divine protection and human faithfulness.

Theological Reflection: The verse invites theological reflection on the nature of God’s instructions and the human response. It challenges believers to consider how they interpret and act upon divine guidance in their own lives.

Practical Lessons: The ark’s construction teaches practical lessons about preparation and adherence to divine directives. It serves as a tangible example of how spiritual principles can be applied to real-world situations.

Symbolic Legacy: The ark’s symbolism extends beyond the flood narrative, influencing various aspects of Christian thought and practice. It represents a broader theme of salvation and refuge that continues to resonate with believers today.


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