What Does Genesis 1:22 Mean?

by Mia

Read the Daily Bible Verse Genesis 1:22 To Strengthen Your Spiritual Journey.

Genesis 1:22 KJV Background

The Bible, with its timeless wisdom and divine inspiration, begins with the Book of Genesis, a narrative that describes the creation of the world. Genesis 1:22 is part of this creation narrative, situated within the broader context of the fifth day of creation. The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible renders this verse as follows:

“And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.”

This verse occurs after God has created the living creatures of the sea and the birds of the air. Genesis 1:20-23 describes how God filled the waters with an abundance of living creatures and the skies with birds. Genesis 1:22 is significant because it is the first time in the Bible that God pronounces a blessing.

This blessing is not merely a statement of goodwill; it is a command that carries the power to bring forth life and abundance. This verse encapsulates God’s intention for creation: to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth with life, reflecting His creative power and the fullness of His provision.


Genesis 1:22 Meaning

Genesis 1:22 is a verse rich in meaning, embodying both God’s blessing and His command. The verse can be broken down into several key components, each of which reveals a profound aspect of God’s relationship with His creation.

1. God’s Blessing

The first part of Genesis 1:22, “And God blessed them,” indicates that God’s creation is not merely functional but is endowed with His favor. In the Hebrew Bible, the concept of blessing (ברך, *barak*) is deeply significant. It denotes a state of well-being and prosperity, often associated with life, fertility, and divine favor.

When God blesses the creatures of the sea and air, He imparts to them the ability to thrive and reproduce. This blessing is a divine act that enables creation to fulfill its intended purpose.

2. Be Fruitful and Multiply

The command to “be fruitful, and multiply” is a divine mandate for proliferation and growth. This phrase is repeated several times in Genesis (e.g., Genesis 1:28, 8:17, 9:1), each time signifying God’s desire for His creation to increase and fill the earth.

The command to multiply goes beyond mere biological reproduction; it reflects God’s creative nature. Just as God brought forth life from nothing, He empowers His creation to generate new life, perpetuating the cycle of creation.

3. Fill the Waters in the Seas and Let Fowl Multiply in the Earth

The specific mention of the creatures filling the waters and the birds multiplying on the earth highlights the order and structure of creation. Each creature is given a domain—fish in the sea and birds in the sky—where they are to thrive and multiply.

This reflects the ordered and purposeful nature of God’s creation, where every living being has a place and a role. The seas, often seen as chaotic and unpredictable, are filled with life, symbolizing God’s sovereignty over all creation. The skies, representing the heavens, are populated by birds, creatures that often symbolize freedom and the divine.

Genesis 1:22 Application in Life

The principles found in Genesis 1:22 extend beyond the ancient context and have profound implications for our lives today.

1. Embracing God’s Blessing

In modern life, the concept of blessing often becomes associated with material prosperity or personal success. However, Genesis 1:22 invites us to reconsider what it means to be blessed. God’s blessing is about being equipped to fulfill His purpose for our lives.

When we recognize that we are blessed by God, we understand that we are endowed with the capacity to thrive and contribute to the flourishing of creation. This perspective can transform how we approach our work, relationships, and responsibilities.

2. The Call to Fruitfulness

Being fruitful and multiplying is not limited to biological reproduction. It can also be understood as a call to be productive and creative in all areas of life. Whether in our personal growth, our work, or our contributions to society, we are called to bear fruit.

This fruitfulness is not just for our benefit but for the benefit of others and for the glory of God. In a world that often values productivity for its own sake, Genesis 1:22 reminds us that our fruitfulness should align with God’s purposes and contribute to the well-being of His creation.

3. Stewardship of Creation

Genesis 1:22 also implies a responsibility to care for and steward the earth. If God’s creatures are to fill the waters and multiply on the earth, we are called to ensure that the environments in which they live are healthy and sustainable.

This has profound implications for how we treat the natural world. Environmental stewardship becomes a spiritual responsibility, rooted in the understanding that all creation is blessed and sustained by God.

Comparison with Other Biblical Texts

Genesis 1:22 resonates with other biblical texts that  emphasize God’s blessing, the command to be fruitful, and the care for creation.

 1. Genesis 1:28 – The Blessing of Humanity

Genesis 1:28 mirrors Genesis 1:22 but applies it specifically to humanity: “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it.” Here, the command to be fruitful and multiply is extended to humans, along with the added responsibility to subdue the earth.

This verse establishes humanity’s unique role in creation as both participants in God’s blessing and as stewards of the earth. The parallel structure of these verses emphasizes the continuity of God’s blessing across all of creation, from the creatures of the sea and sky to human beings.

2. Genesis 9:1-7 – The Covenant with Noah

After the flood, God renews His covenant with Noah and all living creatures. Genesis 9:1 says, “And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” This echoes Genesis 1:22, signifying a new beginning for creation.

The command to be fruitful and multiply is reaffirmed, underscoring its ongoing relevance in the post-flood world. Additionally, in Genesis 9:7, God again emphasizes, “And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.” This repetition reinforces the importance of life and growth in God’s plan for the world.

 3. Psalm 104:24-30 – The Abundance of Creation

Psalm 104 is a hymn of praise to God as the Creator and Sustainer of all life. Verses 24-30 celebrate the abundance and diversity of life in the sea and on land, echoing the themes of Genesis 1:22. The psalmist writes, “O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches” (Psalm 104:24).

The psalm reflects on how God provides for all His creatures, sustaining them with His blessing. This passage reinforces the idea that God’s blessing in Genesis 1:22 is not a one-time event but an ongoing reality that sustains creation.

Modern Relevance

In our modern world, the principles of Genesis 1:22 continue to hold profound relevance.

1. Environmental Stewardship

As the global community becomes increasingly aware of environmental issues, the call to care for creation is more pressing than ever. Genesis 1:22 reminds us that all of creation is blessed by God and that we have a responsibility to ensure that the earth remains a place where life can thrive.

This can inspire efforts in conservation, sustainable living, and policies that protect natural habitats. It challenges us to consider how our actions affect the environment and to take steps to preserve the diversity and abundance of life on earth.

2. The Value of Life

Genesis 1:22 underscores the value of all life forms. In a world where certain species are endangered, and ecosystems are under threat, this verse calls us to recognize the intrinsic worth of every living creature.

This can influence our attitudes toward wildlife protection, humane treatment of animals, and ethical considerations in industries like agriculture and fishing. It reminds us that every creature, no matter how small, is part of God’s good creation and deserves our respect and care.

3. Human Flourishing

The command to be fruitful and multiply can also be interpreted as a call for human flourishing. In today’s context, this can be seen in efforts to improve living conditions, promote education, and support initiatives that enhance the quality of life for all people.

It encourages us to create environments—social, economic, and physical—where individuals and communities can thrive. This can manifest in social justice initiatives, community development, and policies that support family life and social welfare.


Genesis 1:22 is a foundational verse that encapsulates God’s blessing on His creation and His command for it to flourish. Through this verse, we see God’s generosity and care for all living creatures, His desire for life to multiply and fill the earth, and His intentional design for an ordered and thriving world. This verse serves as a reminder of our role as stewards of creation, called to care for the earth and ensure that all life can thrive in accordance with God’s will.

In reflecting on Genesis 1:22, we are invited to embrace the blessing God has placed upon us, to be fruitful in our endeavors, and to take seriously our responsibility to steward the earth. The principles found in this verse are timeless, offering guidance and inspiration for how we live our lives today.

Genesis 1:22 Commentary

Theologically, Genesis 1:22 has been interpreted as a manifestation of God’s creative power and His ongoing providence. The blessing pronounced in this verse is seen as a divine empowerment, enabling creatures to fulfill the purpose for which they were created. The command to multiply is not merely a biological imperative but a spiritual one, reflecting God’s desire for life and abundance.

Early Church Fathers, such as Augustine, viewed this verse as a reflection of God’s order and wisdom in creation. The blessing and command to multiply are seen as part of the divine order that governs the natural world. Augustine also emphasized that this verse, along with the rest of the creation narrative, reveals the goodness of God, who creates and sustains all life.

In more recent theological interpretations, Genesis 1:22 is often discussed in the context of environmental ethics and the Christian responsibility to care for creation. The verse is seen as foundational for understanding the intrinsic value of all life and the importance of preserving the natural world. This has led to a renewed emphasis on ecological stewardship within Christian theology, viewing the care for creation as an essential part of living out the faith.

In summary, Genesis 1:22 is a verse that speaks to the heart of God’s relationship with His creation. It reveals His blessing, His command for life to flourish, and His intention for an ordered and abundant world. It challenges us to reflect on our role in this creation, to embrace the blessing God has given us, and to live in a way that honors and sustains the life He has brought into being.

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